The awkward moment when your the only communist Catholic on a forum
The awkward moment when your the only communist Catholic on a forum
I'm a Hasidic Jew and a communist. You're not alone.
are you the type of Jew that all the other Jews hate?
a protestant heretic holds heretical political views how surprising
A palestinian?
I will purge both of you PERSONALLY once the revolution comes, reactionary throwbacks.
That awkward moment when you're the only atheist on the planet that sees through everyone's bs, and you are intellectually superior and understand that nothing in life matters and that I'm more smarter then everyone else.
You have failed God. Report to the nearest ditch and die in it.
cake for our thread cumrades
>Religion is the opiate of the masses
>t jewish neet
>That awkward moment when you're a communist
What do you mean by "that all the other Jews hate"?
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".-Karl Marx
I'm not anti-Zionist personally so the Bund means nothing to me. I'm more of a Maoist anyway.
Yes, I live in Canada.
...I'm joking btw, don't lose sleep over this
Hasidus doesn't have a church, which is what Marx and his contemporaries were really against. Yes, there are some Hasidic sects which have dynastic succession, but this is no different than the DPRK.
You can't be a Communist and a Catholic at the same time in any meaningful sense. They're mutually exclusive. You're nothing but a foolish kid.
What is Liberation Theology?
Marx didn't oppose religion, only the clergy.
absolutely da
commies were atheist and genocided the religious
unless you're some kind of esoteric socialist who is doubly brainwashed by theology
in which case flying the hammer and sickle makes you a fake wannabe commie
not sure what is worse, a real deal sex appeal genocidal delusional evil commie maniac, or someone who is only trying to be that way
Stupid uneducated American. Communists only opposed the church when it was the part of reactionary power structure, and, certainly, never genocided religious. (Unless some fringe cases like Cambodia)
Pol Pot was a devout Buddhist, actually. The Khmer Rouge ideology, like Maoism, was heavily influenced by Buddhism.
Nice try, Nazi LARPer. I am an atheist, and I certanly welcome our comrades, especially the Greatest Ally (I have Ashkenazi lineage too btw)
Who are you to say that? Are you a pope? A bishop? A renowned communist philosopher or politician? Thought so.
fuck you, you social reject nobody
I'm from Russia and have escaped communism, because its an evil anti human ideology and it does not work, otherwise I wouldn't leave
I know all about it, it's nefarious intentions, and genocidal ends
and you shit eating piss drinking cocksucker have no right to fly the hammer and sickle
you know nothing of the motherland
we'll put your tiny virgin dick into a meat grinder, you crusty ass literal retard
Oh, my, a patriot from afar. People like you are lowest of the low. I can respect the white guard who stood and fight for what they believed in, but people like you are just pathetic.
I have every right to fly Hammer and Sickle. My grandfather fought in WWII. I am a member of a left wing radical party. And we will win again.
tvoya ubogoye ideologia, govno
razarvem k chertam sabachim
free the holy motherland of jewish filth like you once and for all
fuck off commie scum
No, I lived there and churches were converted to entertainment venues all the time, the clergy was oppressed, religious purged.
>all of his religious leaders tell him communism is bad, one pope holds a communist idoll
>all communist leaders denounce religion
>"who are you to say that?"
FFS kid, it's obvious you're looking for purpose and belonging. The two don't coincide. Just stick with the catholicism. It has value and tradition. Who are you to go against all of the institutions,leaders, and philosophers on both sides of your identity?
You and what army?
>When researchers asked the public if they would like the Soviet Union to be restored, 58 percent replied in the affirmative, with 14 percent saying they considered such project quite realistic at the moment. Forty-four percent view the restoration of the USSR as unfeasible, even though preferable. Thirty-one percent said they would not be happy if events took such a turn, while 10 percent could not give a simple answer to the question.
There was a church at every town. Excessive religious offices were closed.
Yeah, allz I gotta do is tweak this thing a little...bit... more and make it like, my own quirky, personal, communism and then it'll really work and my group won't even get murdered this time or anything...
Right? These kids don't get it. It's not a game. In Russia, they went to Gulag processing for owning or distributing Bibles. Many never made it out of the early system until the newer constitutions reformed it over time.
shut your mouth you worthless sack of piss
Sup Forums has a lot of Marxists, we sure don't hang out around Sup Forums though. /lit/ and /his/ is more our stomping ground.
>all of his religious leaders tell him communism is bad, one pope holds a communist idoll
Marxism was embraced by a lot of Christian denomenations and other faiths, long before catholicism.
And Catholic Church is not a constant thing. There was a time when all of its religious leaders told that sale of indulgences was a OK. Should it be done today?
I am an atheist BTW, but I do believe that Christian teaching is anticapitalist and procommunist at its core, and it certainly isn't mutually exclusive with Marxism.
>Marxism was embraced by a lot of Christian denomenations and other faiths, long before catholicism.
>long before catholicism
Are you... Are you retarded?
>Should it be done today?
It never should have been done. We should still burn people at the stake, that's my stance.
>I do believe that Christian teaching is anticapitalist and procommunist at its core
You have that backwards kid, if it's agreeable, which it isn't.
Marx was anti-religion. Reconcile this.
That explains a lot user, any mentally healthy individual would call themselves a christian.
In my country there's plenty of you shits. Catto-comunisti di merda
>jewish statistics
I mean, what do you expect after a thorough genocide of everything white and christian during the civil war, with all survivors either exiled or brainwashed
you're pure fucking evil and couldn't possibly be any more anti russian
we'll bury alive and shit on your grave child
you have not chosen wisely
>communist Catholic
So you're a heretic to the Catholic Church then?
>Erect super state
>worship it
Am I commie now?