Why do blacks dominate sports?
Why do blacks dominate sports?
They don't. Only American blacks dominate sports.
Literally eugenics.
The joos let them
I dunno a lot of football players in Europe seem to be black too.
they don't
blacks are fantastic in certain sports, particularly ones where their twitch muscle fibers give them a strong advantage - particularly basketball, but any sport that requires short sprinting and jumping. Pretty good in boxing too
Please do not continue propagating this bullshit that blacks are just "physically better" than any other racial group, since there are all kinds of physical activities, from weightlifting to swimming
That has a lot to do with long distance running, which Africans excel at.
affirmative action, most nba/nfl teams have a diversity aka non white quota
It's a cultural thing, probably. A lot of black kids are marketed sports and sports apparel. To a lot of them it's the only way to get into school. It's probably one of the few things they take seriously in schools, they wont be stigmatized as a white negro reading books.
They have relatively few career paths to aspire too, other races can be anything, and are portrayed as everything, but a lot of black culture marketed to black people are athletes and rappers.
They were bred to be farm equipment. Unintended consequences.
Because of the viewers. For some reason the boomer all the way down to gen X have a cucked mentality that associates peak aestheticism with blacks.
Boxing has been dead for years, why? Because a Lilly white slav is dominating it. The viewers just want their Mike Tyson, they all believe blacks are superior at all sports and lose interest when that notion is utterly killed.
What's point of this thread? If you're looking for an answer you can a. Look it up yourself or b. go into the archive and find a thread nearly identical to this one.
You're asking the retarded "why is x better than y" question with direct intent to imply x is better. Hence the picture you craftily selected to subtly hint at your pre-conclusion. I don't even understand why anyone answers these threads.
What kind of sport? Swimming is in the olympics but blacks don't excel there.
They don't?
Or are we only talking american football?
Blacks don't really dominate sports, they're just the help.
they dont
Because Europe is where all the world's best footballers go and there are a fuckton of people in Africa.
Most aren't black.
Because they got nothing else.
Literally everything else about their lives, sucks huge white cock. If being good at sports was the only way to not suck white cock, you would be awesome at it too.
Why do you make false claims? Sage
a hundred years of selective breeding ring a bell?
go anywhere else in the world, theyre tallish, and malnourished looking, everywhere.
ours should be in zoos.
Stop making fun of my teenage acne
Twitch muscles.
I wouldn't say they dominate sports - they dominate sports that require explosive speed/ leaping ability.
They have certain advantages in certain sports. Like the Olympic sprints...they've been won by west Africans and their descendants for decades.
There are other sports where they aren't necessarily dominant.. and other sports where they are terrible.
They don't, they'er only good at certain ones. They certainly don't dominate every single sport user.
The baddest man on the planet is a white 6'4 Slav Croat.
Though there are really great black athletes the only sports they REALLY dominate in is track and sprinting shit like that. i think for Football and Soccer the average black is better than a white but all the top stars are white and hispanic.
Not true. Look at Olympic runners. Even European Olympic runners are black now. Africans can run and jump higher than other races. But they are also less intelligent. Gorilla's and chimpanzees are 3x stronger than humans, but that has no application in the modern world outside of entertainment (the zoo, basketball).
Slavery lasted only a couple hundred years and if anything they were bred for strength and resilience in farming. Breeding slaves to be faster runners and higher jumpers is counterproductive.
superior BBC genes. white boys have no competition when it comes to any physical activity, sex with white women included.
They don't. They dominate basketball and sprinting, and that's it.
I don't know? Why do blacks need a grading curve for the SAT when Asians in the same bracket get penalized 100 points for being Asians when applying to "top" tier colleges?
Really joggle dem noggins
Why do faggots put a waffy faggot next to a lift nigger?
Not the good ones. Blacks tend to suck when it comes to driving the ball
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.
Finnish boys simply have no sexual activity whatsoever
All blacks know the only route to success is sports or music/entertainment so they devote all their energy to that. The entire population works towards those goals and most fail but the few who succeed excel.
Whites on the other hand only have a very small part of their population devoted to trying to achieve success in sports/entertainment as most whites have many options for success beyond these.
Strongest niggers survived on the boats out, so slave-descendant African-Americans are more physically adept as a basic rule.
2: Niggers are dumb. There are large amount of physically capable white men, only they don't play sports because many of them actually have brains and want to contribute to society rather than throwing around a piece of leather for "amusement".
I guess you're a nigger lover or a funny guy.
This explains why your women are running to Sweden
In the south football is just as important to whites as it is to blacks. And whites still end up being quarter backs and linebackers only. Blacks are running backs and wide receivers but few can throw a ball or run a play.
Blacks are genetically better at running and jumping. The reason they all go into sports is because their culture is shit and only glorifies athletes and rappers, so they have LeBron James and drake as their role models and both of those are one in ten million chance (so zero unless you are born 6'8 or Jewish).
Since their culture has no value for intelligence, and actively antagonizes gifted blacks as "acting white", the vast majority stay ignorant and poor by choice.
You mean why are they absent from sports right? I don't see a single Negro is highland games, fencing, strongman, pistol dueling or any of the manly arts known as "sports".
I do suspect it has something to do with their inferior genetic makeup. Too much monkey buggery.
Only thing faster than a Nigger is a cotton gin.
honestly, whites just have different priorities. I'm a chad who probably could've gone pro but I decided to study and get a job instead of hoopin' with my negros all day every day. They win out by shear numbers. Unfortunately our culture rewards them for it.
Weird. My father (a boomer) has stood by that exact argument for years. Though I think Golovkin has more star power than the Klitschko brothers.
None of the things you listed are sports, they're autistic hobbies
Cherry picking, cotton picking, blacks sure are best!
That's about it.
Whites and Latinos dominate in soccer.
White dominate baseball.
Whites dominate hockey.
Whites dominate strength/strongman competitions.
Blacks do shit at swimming.
Nope, otherwise Black people would have dominated history for the past 700 years.
In fact, never has an african nation dominated in any way shape or form.
Pick up a book, you can be the biggest and most masculine person on the planet and take a bullet to the chest and go down screaming.
I can cherry pick gay pictures of muscular men too.
why do horses dominate racing?
why do birds dominate flying?
why does OP dominate at taking it up the ass?
it is just the nature of the beast.
the truth test of a man is his intelligence and what he does with it.
The same reason Kenyans are great at running.
Because while whites were busy building civilization and tools to deal with problems the niggers, who are too stupid to do that same, had to adapt physically.
Essentially they became physically stronger because they're mentally inadequate.
Sir Oswald Mosley autistic?
Please enlighten me as to what you consider a "sport"?
>whites are quarter backs and linebackers only
Oh noooo
Enforcement of diversity quotas, exploitation of impoverished Africans by slimy agents, far too much none white immigration, that's football in Europe now.
because they were bred to be dumb and strong to work the fields.
Anyone not catch on to this yet?
all nigs run fast and jump high you fucking retard
Why does your country even exist?
They aren't busy with jobs or school.
racial bonus to athletics
they are good at sports that dont require intelligence. Just think about it
There are many different kinds of sports
lol tyson wasn't even in his prime anymore. just being honest.
> plantation owners knowing shit about eugenics
It was mostly mama Africa. You don't need brain to survive there, only strength and speed.
Humans have known about "eugenics" (husbandry) for millennia you central Asian eunuch.
>muh prime
every single time..
>good runner
>shitty bicyle runner
This is the future of the wh*Te race. The head of the family for every wh*Te family will be a BLACK man. His word is final and he will complete authority and control over every one in the wh*Te family. All the wh*Te family members have to obey what he says. He fuck the wh*Te wife in front of the wh*Te husband while the three are watching TV, he will kiss the wh*Te woman while they are together in the living room and if he desires that whife wife suck his cock in front of the wh*Te husband she will have to do. In every wh*Te family marriages involving a wh*Te man and a wh*Te woman, the BLACK has the right to impregnate her first, that is the first child born in the white family after the marriage has to be a BLACK child. It should be naturnal and compulsory for any wh*Te daughters when they come to the age to submit to the mother's BLACK man and it is for him to train her to serve the BLACKS.
Better muscle memory
I said "plantation owners", not humans in general.
They produced crops. They could do basic farmer-level eugenics such as disposing of the weak and letting the strong pass down their genes, but it wouldn't get them so far if the niggers didn't have any superior physical characteristics in the beginning. Which they did have, because Africa.
Blacks are week as fuck, they can't even get qualified for the worlds strongest man tournament because there are to many strong white men and niggers cant even win an arm wrestling match against white men
Did you not see Karsten "Niggerslayer" Warholm yesterday?
because they're genetically superior body-wise but have the set back of generally being stupid niggers because of their genes too
Niggers truly are delusional.
finally sum1 beat that fucking nigger
>when you try to start a shitthread but forget you're already in one
lol niggerturckroach everytime
Then why do niggers suck at QBing and marksmanship type sports? You must not be to smart yourself to have stated what you did. Are you a nigger or part nigger by chance?
>Which they did have, because Africa
yes because starving all the time leads to huge gains
Plantation owners are people who would have known about husbandry, eunuch. As everybody did 100 years ago and everybody with an IQ above Kazakhstan does today.
I hate to break it to you, eunuch. but its not going to grow back.
Show me all the sports they dominate.
But the greatest players in their respective sports are all White???
The Asian man will save boxing.
Why do whites dominate the world
Nigga they can't even swim
Call the plantation owners what they were. Masonic KIKE Jews and their Masonic pets Zio honorary Crackers. Like Wilkes Booth.
Because these sports don't require nearly as much muscle memory.
Those who brought the Negro across the beautiful ocean barrier that otherwise keeps Africa far far away.
Niggers are the best entertainers because white people need something to watch when they come back from work.
Why do you keep calling me a eunuch?
Have you been castrated or something?
> Cucknadian flag
Oops, ok if that's actually the case, I'm really sorry I didn't want to bring back painful memories.
What is even more funny are the reasons niggers, commies, kikes and the entire anti white/anti white male left in general come up with for why niggers are so lacking in the strength department.
They really know how to grab at straws on that one since even niggers like the racist white coaches at high-schools and up. Think niggers are supposed to be the end all be all to physical anything. The Kikes truly MEME a nation of dumb fucking racist cucks and niggers. The Kikes were always racist. I've known to many of them in my personal life to know its true.
Not all sports, what about hockey?
>listened to JRE today
It was good though.
Blacks aren't better at soccer, because mental attributes are huge: vision, positioning, anticipation, concentration, determination, decision making, composure, flair, off-the-ball movement, work rate all add up to being more valuable than a little extra pace on average.
Whites also turn in to better technical players, since technique takes years to master and a white is more likely to approach the game seriously, and actually put in the work to improve technique.
Its bait man. I just like responding to it because I'm a white guy that makes 40something year old bitches bleed with my big fat white cock! Bitches who even shat a couple of babies out their snatch. I'm still gonna blow that shit the fuck out! Most niggers can't compete.
Low iq
High muscle density
>cringing low IQ response
I called you a eunuch because you have no sexual understanding and think that what you call "eugenics" (selective breeding) is some modern mystery just discovered. Don't you goat herders know how babies are made?
I drank with a Kazakh boxer once. He won the police and fire games boxing match here. He gave me the weirdest hat with your flag on it.
Is that why Germans won the world FIFI Cup a couple of years back? They were pretty young to weren't they? And pretty white aye?
You ready for some 1936?
Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael Phelps, Connor Mcgregor, Federer arent black
Add low opportunity for equivalent pay grade to the list because of low IQ
which sports? only atheltism
>I dunno a lot of football players in Europe seem to be black too.
Most of them are on side positions where running fast is the key feature to have. Most strategists playing center positions are actually white. A combination of those features is what works best for that sport.