>chin sao bao lan
>shin szen:
>chin sao bao lan
>shin szen:
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arex jones sempai
I can't believe these faggots only allowed this incredibly invention to exist for 12 hours.
I know, I just found out because of the time difference when it was canceled.
This sucks, I want to see how I would look if I were a nigger.
>harro freek bishes
What are you guys talking about? A software that changed your race?
The globalists fear the Samurai.
Can't someone that has it just upload the apk somewhere?
Absolute gold.
Faceapp launched filters to turn yourself into asian, indian, black or white but it was quickly taken down this afternoon when faggots starting whining about racism or something.
>thinking the actual convolutional neural network to do the transformation lives on the phone
"I got sources inside the KGB telling me Kim Jong Il's death was an inside job"
Chinese Joe Rogan looks like this guy I used to work with and it's freaking me out
did anyone make black hitler? we could call him shitler it would be great
That actually sounds really cool and funny
Why the fuck do the libs ban all the cool shit?
Donnie Chung
>muh digital blackface!!11!1!
Is that like a positronic network
Seriously? Why do crybabies ruin everything
are mirrors haram?
>not already a nigger
Because blacks are by far the ugliest race when you don't factor in skin color and this app would expose that. Just look at Trump here.
lol Cho Rogan-san
they're neural networks made just for doing advanced image processing like what FaceApp does. you've probably seen images like attached...also made with CNNs
Hol up, Faceapp does this now?
It did but no longer
not anymore it got shoah'd after whiny faggots ruined our fun
That's right, it's fairly recent.
They despise fun.
Here, have another glimpse into what could have been...
Asian Colbert is kinda sexy.
Thanks user that made me feel better
this is so good jesus fuck
Damn, this would have been a powerful tool to stress the reality of mixed race relationships
One more just because
White kim jong un is a fat richard spencer
lol not black enough
How do you get the race change option? I updated FaceApp but its still not there. Help pls.
White Kim looks like Dicky Spencer
it got removed because Liberals
Its an old eddy murphy
and here is white mlk
Hitler looks surprisingly good black.
Top right Kim Johnnah-Hill
Now is the time boys, Hitler was black.
Its not even logical for them to ban it desu. I mean if you could see the versions of yourself of other races more likely then not you'd be slightly more empathetic towards other races.
Is the .apk still available somewhere?
>tfw someone could have made an Alternate Timeline with this App but joykills ruined that from happening
Well would you look at that
He is black you know?
the app is "Alt-right"!
This was such wholesome, harmless fun. Why is the Left the way that they are?
On the day of the rope, SJW tech writers will be first in line.
we aren't living in the futu-
no because all the app did was send the pics to their servers for processing
Why do """liberals""" hate fun?
its a good thing
there are too many legit cool applications for the excuse of racists using it to be good enough to satiate the internet
they're shooting themselves in the foot
Kek'd on this one
I fucking hate liberals so much
RIP dank neural network application, best I have seen yet.
He looks like the Asian from the walking dead.
This is important. This is major shit
Tfw Eddie Bravo is already the combination of these images
There needs to be a non-Netflix Korean scifi-horror-mafia movie starring these two
nig bannon looks like morgan freeman
It would be incredible
Is there really no other software that changes your race?
If there are any programmer fags here you could make some money doing this.
holy shit
I don't see how this is racist. It's not discriminatory in any way, it doesn't imply racial superiority in any way, it just changed your external aesthetics.
Why do first worlders in peaceful countries constantly feel the need to cook up drama where drama doesn't exist, is life really so fucking boring with no jihadis slaughtering you?
If you're so inclined, you might leave a negative review on the app requsting its return.
Other than that its not gonna be back I guess, someone said something earlier about faceapp update files not being stored on your phone so pretty much no chance anyone else can save it.
Last one
Resembles Jewish pedo, makes u (and ADL) thinks
I think it's because it's too accurate.
how do we get this back into our lives
Might be fun to try and come up with a name for the different version.
>Stephen Colbert
>Esteban Colbert-Gonzalez
>王冠 黑暗
>Steve Dequan Coltbert
Barron is a black girl
wheres the gatdang apk