That feel when successfully recruited into the KKK

>that feel when successfully recruited into the KKK

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That fucking sucks dude. Have fun being on an FBI watchlist for the rest of your life.

That's still a thing? I thought they died out to too much inbreeding

never go full fucking retard like OP

i lost 3 IQ points just reading your post

Are you ready to be raped in the laundry room whiteboi?

The boys seem pretty alright, I don't think any of them are up to anything sneaky like that. We mostly get together to talk shit about niggers and drink.
>not joining the KKK

the KKK hasn't done shit since forever, why are they still a boogeyman

What state? Are they more traditional or modern?

Y no Arian beotherhood

yea yea sure, its not like your trying to lure innocent polacks to your fbi run entrapment scheme

did you meet harry potter?

That seems shitty and not helpful to anyone.

Bunch of losers sitting around instead of cracking skulls.

Georgia. They seem to stick to tradition as far as their titles. They burn crosses out in the woods on private land about every month, but it is more of a get together than anything else. I'm still getting to know everyone, but its been nice finding a "fraternity" like this to get in with.

I shaved my head and got Doc Marten boots am I skinhead now oi oi.

Where's your swastika tattoo?

>thinking anyone takes the KKK seriously

There are only a few thousand Klan members, and the most they do is hold like one pitiful rally per year. Its nothing but a group of average Southern folk. Most meetings are just going to someone's house to watch a game with some beers, or going out to a BBQ place with the guys. They might as well be entirely fictional since they function in no real capacity as an organization.

>implying i'm white
I just like skinhead music and the working class but you have some good white power music that I listen to.

>never go full fucking retard

So you hang out with a bunch of retarded old dudes?

>basic bitch skin music
Try some VJ

>Where's your swastika tattoo?
white powa

Not to reveal too much but our grand cyclops controls a lot of property in my area and has gotten me gainful employment managing it. There is something to be said about having old people on your side.

hi fbi
hows the water

Jesus Christ that fucking band name and those growls, I don't know about but I laughed my ass when he said "NIGGGGGGERRRR"
This is a good song.

Another thing is which boots do you prefer?

RIP your anus

fucking fag

Thats good to hear at least. I genuinely hope you make good use of the chance you've been given and do good things for our people in life.

Anyone else remember when the fucking Dropkick Murphys were a skinhead band?

have fun being on the FBI watch list cause you are now half your new buddies are informers or actually FBI themselves . how fuckin stupid are you everyone knows its a honey pot.

Really good actually what the fuck damn.

Skinheads aren't even inherently racist you do have subset racist skinheads though. You even have SHARP's who are anti racist and the regular fucking hooligan working class.

>Oh fuck my life is an impressive Sup Forums meme
>Oh fuck
>Oh fuck
>What am I doing on this Earth

I generally just wear timberlakes when I'm working. I have a pair of polar foxes that I bought impulsively but I rarely wear them. If you like skinhead/RAC music check out Ethnic cleansing, Kill baby kill, and Projekt vandal.

>He actually joined an FBI honeypot

>forgot to post best VJ song
Check this shit out. Its about rodney king

funny post
nice dog

>implying OP isn't the honey pot, enticing the rest of pol

>tfw successfully recruited into the KKK as an FBI agent provocateur

I honestly haven't seen the Klan in my life and I live in Tennessee where it all started. Fairly it hasn't been around in this county since the first Klan. I know quite a bit about it though but don't particularly have interest in joining.

such shitpost.
many buthurt.
no knoelege of doge.

>should we do something?
Fuck me the two on the right crack me up

I wear some black running shoes to the gym a lot my old boots are a bit worn out and kinda set for winter.

I like that Polar Fox band will have to look into that.
>37 minutes
I have to watch some JRE with Alex Jones my man.

i'm very sorry, mama
i promise that i wont shitpost again
first i gotta poop
It's a little black boy!

The link is for the full album because I can't find the song isolated. "Beat rodney down" starts at 18:25 and ends at 21:30. Its worth a listen IMO, its a very good white power song.

Romper Stomper and my skinhead white friend actually got me to shave my fucking head, got some scrutiny on social media and thots don't like it but I don't give a fuck.

>mfw I'm listening to white power songs while swarthy as fuck

As for the song I think it's way too racist for me or aggressive whatever you want too call it I just wanna stomp in kikes,fags and antifa's heads.

tfw successfully recruited into the FBI as a KKK sleeper agent

>not wanting to beat niggers into a pulp
Why even post here?

Robert Byrd
Hillary Clinton
The Dixie Mob aka KKK Inc.
share the same bed

Because they're not the ones directly destroying my country.

Well that's actually the interesting thing about how the second Klan operated. HQ would produce literature for every type of problem and they'd allow each individual group across the various states to decide which problem they need to tackle most. So for example southerners might've been more worried about blacks but northerners feared the Catholics while those out west needed to deal with Mormons. They could order the appropriate literature and work accordingly to their own needs.

KKK are a bunch of inbred hicks who would be better off in a gas chamber

also /leftypol/ please go

Did you just get out of the academy?

>better off in a gas chamber
make room schlomo

kill yourself dude
or back to r*ddit