Reminder; this is what America used to look like during the 80's

I know most of the people on here are younger than me. I was born in the early 80's, and when I grew up I heard music like this playing everywhere, but more importantly, America used to look like this:

Let's be real, our country has really gone to crap, and looks like crap right now. I really hate it, and truthfully I don't want to see the future. I miss the 80's. The only advantage this time period has over the 80's is better video games. I don't see how we can have any kind of future becoming Brazil 2.0. That's not a country anyone can be proud of. There's no way there can be any sense of community or good will between the government and the governed in such cases.

I would be all for going (back) to Europe except the same thing is happening there.

Other urls found in this thread:

idk man. Tiffany music videos don't exactly make your point but I'm older than you. it's far worse than you know

not where i live

My grandmother (born int he 20s) used to always talk about how bad things were getting. I didn't used to take it seriously until a few years ago. I drive through miles of Mexicans on the way back home from work, and on the way into work I hear stories on the radio about them stabbing70 year old women to death. I'm sick of it. I hate the way things are today. I also hate seeing hijabs and burkas.

Where do you live?

The good ole days

Yea I remember those commercials. I was in middle and high school during the 90's. Things have really gone to hell since then. I miss those days also.

I actually prefer many nes games to most of the garbage that passes as a game now. At least there wasn't forced diversity and were actually challenging.

It all happened so quick.

Superior cover coming through:

>reminder that was a cover version

>all those white faces
>no """diversity""" in sight

>we covered this cover
stupid monkey kid

Yea Obama did a lot of this shit. 10 years ago I would see maybe one hijab a year, and now I see about 3 or 4 a day depending on how much I get out. Also, the flood of Mexicans.

I love them so much! They are like the perfect 80's band.

Yea, it's almost like, IDK, an actual nation of people instead of a hodge podge.


Not that it was the height of cultural significance when record companies would troll local malls to find little girls to turn into so-called "music stars". Ironically that's exactly where Tiffany played most of her shows - in malls. Today it's just a lot easier for (((them))) because they find new meat, er people like Justin Bieber by watching them on YouTube which is exactly how Justin Bieber was found. In other words, not much has changed. Same shit different year.

Here. Take this from someone who actually lived during that era and had decent taste in music. This is an example of a good band from the 80s.

Except that now our country looks a hell of a lot like America and much more like Brazil. Also there's more socialism and open degeneracy. I hate all this shit.

I mainly chose this one for the visuals, although this song was playing in all the stores.

I met a Brit living on Venice Beach in 1983 named Nick who said he played with Killing Joke ..he was a keyboard player... I never saw him listed in any of the lists of members do you know anything about this band ? Maybe by played he meant he sat in with them..

I know right? A Debbie Gibson video would have illustrated the point so much better.

Might've toured with them. I'm pretty sure Jaz played all the keyboards for their studio albums

Watching this makes me feel physical pain, it's impossible to express how amazing the 80s were, it was like living in an actual paradise. Every day was excitement and optimism and fun, even if you were just doing something simple like killing time at the mall or walking along the train tracks to smoke a cigarette or drink a beer and watch the sunset. Beach parties, camping, Metallica shows and hanging out in the parking lot for hours afterward. Girls in white high top sneakers and acid washed jeans. No internet, no smartphone, no identity politics, no 24-hour cable news cycle dominating the public consciousness with puppetstrings of fear, no looming spectres of terrorism beyond goofy depictions of arabs in comedy movies, no leftist rampage and cultural replacement, college campuses havens of free thought and finding yourself, the only thing anyone had to worry about was the commies, and democracy and capitalism were blowing them the fuck out at every turn.

I wish people could understand. I wish newkids could know what it was like. They'll never know that the only reality they've ever known is for us a hellish wasteland of the spirit compared to the heaven we fell from.

i miss the 80s too user. it really hurts thinking how we can't stop this ride and it's just falling apart. Everyone's become so apathetic towards everything it's almost like they secretly want to see it all destroyed in the hopes they'll get phat lewt from society's corpse. i used to make fun of any good 'ol days talk when i heard it, yet now the 50s seem even comfier than the 80s but they're also alien to me and i love technology so i don't think i could go back and stay sane even if it was possible. Really the 80s were perfect, i wish i could be reborn again and do it all again minus a bunch of mistakes and wish i held onto people i left behind. Nothing's going the way i imagined as a kid. I used to wonder the mall with family visiting electronics stores inside and imagined the technological future we were heading towards, it all seemed like a utopia was just beyond the horizon instead everything has gone so horrible it's like a nightmare. Just disaster after disaster and mismanagement and apathy. Even our little town is fucking retarded. We've got black-top asphalt paved sidewalks and telephone poles in the middle of the road. Giant abandoned gov buildings so they could build new buildings, a good percentage of the town is abandoned rotting buildings, the mill left town that used to burn toxic waste in the smokestacks they left behind toxic waste ash in the ground and they dunno how to clean it up properly, turned it into a park. A train that doesn't leave town anymore because the tunnel collapse and they dunno how to fix it and a homeless shelter in the middle of downtown, hobos and meth-heads roaming the streets. There's been quite a few murders last few years when they never used to happen, never feel safe out alone anymore. I used to love walking alone even before sunrise now i'm terrified to go out alone. I just work every day and relax when off by watching movies with family and reading your crazy chatter here to make me not feel so crazy or alone.

I know that feel, bro.

Not 80's music, but vaporwave that reminds me of that time for some reason.

Being born in the late 70's early 80's may be the worse. Not quite Gen X, not really millenial. We literally watched it all degrade into absolute degeneracy. Over run schools. Not that there wasn't degeneracy in that era, but there was a choice, there was Madonna (which seems downright vanilla now) or Tiffany etc.
Now the only choice in the mainstream is degeneracy.

Well put. I agree entirely.

Also, when we were kids my mom used to just turn us loose into the neighborhood for hours. We used to play street hockey and Nintendo. There were never any worries. Now, I'm afraid to let my son go outside alone for feat that he might get molested by some faggot or killed by a random Mexican.

Damn, I hate this time period. I think i'm going to spent the rest of my like "good old dayzing" rather than enjoying the present. At least you guys still have a country.


This is the 80s I grew up in, dipshit.

Your IQ is in the 80s, hence your automatic idiotic disposition to generalize.

EXACTLY. People ask me why I'm so angry, and I say because seeing what the left has done to my country is like watching a Muslim pour acid over a beautiful woman. Obviously our country is a ravaged husk of what it used to be and was supposed to be. It's a damn shame.

(same guy, different browser) she's absolutely right. The division of wealth caused this. The America that everyone in this country enjoyed was taken away by the wealthy elite beginning in the late sixties and peaked after the nineties. Beautiful America exists only in gated communities now while the rest of us suffer the effects of open borders. I was a child in the 70s, in a major metro area that was multicultural and it was great. What goes on today is garbage, the effects of social engineering by the Plutocracy in this country

>80's music thread

So you grew up in a megacity that was a preview for the multicultural hellhole to come. Doesn't negate the fact that our country was much better just 30 years ago. I lived in Chicago back in the 90s, and it was a shithole full of niggers and spics, but I could drive 20 minutes north and be in beautiful white Illinois, or South for 30 minutes and be in beautiful white Indiana.

I never saw a woman in a full burka until about five years ago, another a few days later. I am in my 40s, this isn't "get off my lawn" bullshit. America has changed radically in the last decade

I grew up in a place that was almost entirely white, save for one Indian family. Now I wish I was never born.

I don't mind a few peaceful minorities that are either apolitical or conservative, but the current hodgepodge is an unforgivable nightmare. Almost every day on the way to work I hear about some crazy Mexican murder, except for that one time I heard about a Mexican going to jail for humping a sheep. Also there's this Muslim problem now. Some groups I don't mind, but this is too much. Yes, it's garbage. I wish there was some other planet we could go too, and just watch from a distance while this place descends into a broke down multicultural hellhole of unending violence.

The 80s were so full of innocence snd happiness. It was a comfy time. It was cringey at times but in s good way. I truely miss the 80s. Simpler times when one parent could still work while the other stsyed home with kids. Days were slower, nobody was in a huge hurry, families did things together, ahh the days

Chicago has been a Midwestern containment area for ghetto nignogs since WW2, it isn't a good measure for anything. Everywhere else has been like a paradise for native born Americans. I lived for years in MN, no problem blacks, jews or gays- it was heaven, people of every kind who knew how to act decently to each other. That was ten years ago and it's almost gone already. Chicago is the same or worse but everywhere else is turning to shit by refugee resettlements

Lol at all these racist tears

Minorities are taking over and there's not a damn thing you cucks can do about it.

Yes, and it's all for the worse. Not only have they taken our sense of community, but also our hope, and our personal safety.

Trump is favoring our white brothers for immigration and white birth rates are a majority again.

High real estate prices and property taxes will keep most of the dark races away... there will always be a White America.


Yes there is. It's just a matter of weighing the costs.

you sound like a wishy washy fair weather friend

>you will never experience 80s
>America will never be America again

I was born in 98 so probably can't say much, but I remember even just the early 2000's being so much more hopeful then it is now despite 9/11. Most of it is probably just because I was a little kid then, but I remember thinking how lucky I was to be born in this time period on the greatest nation in the world, how unlikely it was. I grew up in a suburb outside of NYC too so area wasn't even conservative. I obviously don't think that way anymore and it makes me sad. A combination of things has broken us, and unless radical change is made, beyond what Trump was saying on the campaign trail, America is a bloated walking corpse.

>I also hate seeing hijabs and burkas.
Those are absolutely disgusting,
it should be legal to shoot anyone who wears them

Yeah, I said that on purpose. Society can be multicultural and multireligious and still be good. What goes on today is different and multiculturalism is just a Trojan horse to engineer America from middle class into an easily controlled and exploited poverty. The 80s was no dreamworld but IMHO as someone who's touched every decade since the 60s, the 90s was the beginning of the end. That's the nostalgic feeling people from 80s retro stuff even if u weren't there. Its American instinct that knows things have changed. Just keep in mind, it was by design - and this is what radicalizes so many on this board. We are a resistance movement

Poor white people have to live with the 3rd worlders. Now lower middle class has to live with them, which is why Trump won. But with section 8 housing and other shit it's only a matter of time before the rich white neighborhoods are invaded. Really we have to all come together regardless of class and recognize that we have a common interest. The alternative is to just die or be enslaved.

Probably the worst thing you could say the 80s had going for it is rampant consumerism, but even the commercials were way comfier back then and weren't trying to beat an agenda into you.


They shouldn't be allowed to come here. If MENA is going to be allowed in they ought to be made to renounce Pisslam first, AT LEAST.

will that thing get rid of my pelican gullet?

>commies, and democracy and capitalism were blowing them the fuck out at every turn
what the fuck happened that democracy turned into communism? what the fuck happened?

I was born 98 too bro, I feel the same way. The 90s seemed amazing. That's probably why I like vaporwave so much

Trump is a huge step in the right direction, but if it's going to do any good the momentum has to remain. That means that cuckservatives need to be replaced with populists in Congress, and whoever succeeds Trump needs to be in the same vein. Otherwise it's back to the cuckoldry, and Brazil 2.0. Also there is some serious damage which will take a long time to reverse, even if we can keep putting populists into power. Trump is only going to deport illegals. I'll still have to drive through miles of esse vatos on the way to and from work.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

No, it hasn't. I'm in my 50's - us frogs have been on slow boil for a long time. We're just seeing the outcome of unrestrained liberalism for a couple decades.

The only ones worth playing without the diversity quota are nipgames

Even the tv shows and commercials then were cringey. I miss it terribly. Used to go on bike rides and be gone all day and no worries. Now your kid can get snatched while they sleep in their beds. Elementery age kids get sued or arrested for nonsense and their education is dumbed down for illegals, the food is crap (no more taco boats, pizza, or chocolate milk in school) what in the hell happened to America. Obama ruined us

You have no clue what you're talking about. Tiffany was discovered by Hoyt Axton, and she moved to Nashville to get polished as a singer, and was touring all over, the whole mall thing was marketing by her management for her first album - she was already established as a singer by that point. Nobody was trolling malls for singers, lol.

See, I grew up in a Middle Class typical American family in a white neighborhood. We had a good sense of identity and community, and thought of ourselves as just American. In high school I went to a hodge podge place that preached white guilt. College was even more extreme.

I've spend most of my adult life living in black or Mexican neighborhoods because I'm poor. I find black Americans more tolerable than Mexicans, but the only time I've lived in comfortable places as an adult were the times I moved back in with my parents. Really this country has taken a serious dive.

Yesterday on the way to work I heard how a Mexican broke into 70 year old woman's house, wrapped her up in a rug, and stabbed her so many times that he nearly cut her head off. I hear this kind of news on the radio almost every day, while driving through miles of Mexcan enclaves. When I can't take it, I turn to the pop culture music radio station and this is what I get sometimes:

Growing up in the 80's I never imagined this kind of shit. I hate it. I think it's possible to make things better. But I doubt we will ever go back to the good old days.

They never got cucked by cultural Marxism, and I hope they never do.

>would be all for going (back) to Europe
fuck off. we don't need you worthless american sandniggers. there's a reason why we exported you criminal scum.

He did a lot of damage. I was shocked at how fast things moved under his regime. On the other hand, the degeneracy was slowly creeping before he got elected, so he's both a symptom and a cause.

youngfag here born in 97
can you guys tell me what it was like to watch society die
when did families become oprional
when did faggots become accepted
when did minorities become majorities
when did atheism become religion
when did Christianity become weak
when did women become "liberated"
when did divorce become the norm

i can't look for these question in the media because i've seen too much misrepresentation of my own generation and blatant lies from news and almost all forms of media
my grandad born in the 30s was a anglican priest and redpilled me on the corruption of (((them))) into the church from a young age
i'd really like to hear what you anons can tell me about the decay as i never got to experience the full pie of america

You are confusing us with Australia, and anyways why would I want to go to Cuckway? It would have to be somewhere in Eastern Europe or Russia.

>when you knew the holiday special was gonna be lit

this guy know. The 80's where the terrordome, Cold War nuclear scares, acid rain, absurd crime and murder rates and poverty... look up the statistics.

the nostalgic fucks waxin' poetic here just remember a sheltered childhood, that is all. I was born '75, in Copenhagen Danmark, and that shit was rough. But thank God it wasn't New York.

Joanne Catherall is the only reason I fall for British women.

The 80s was when global capitalism provided the most benefit to the first world middle class. Relatively high real wages + uncontrolled exploitation of 3rd world + abundant tech for mass consumers + abundant media. Now we in the slow descent to every single country on the planet looking like late soviet russia

shut the fuck up OP Tiffany was a fucking whore

This video encapsulates the 80s the best.

Youre correct there. Ever notice the trans/gay agenda was in play far before it was accepted with people like boy george and ru paul doing cameos in movies? There was actually more teen sex in movies then as well. The past 10 years have doubled down on degeneracy, mass immigration, and our institutions going to shit

To be fair cuckianity was designed to be weak. White race has been fucked up a bit ever since we lost our original white religion

>sheltered childhood, that is all
No, it's not just that. Back then people hated commies and nazis, because they knew how fucked up those two are.
Now people are "in love" with those two degenerate ideologies, and it's absolutely disgusting. I guess we need to start killing each other again to find true virtue.

Agreed, ejecto seato cuz

-My family has no history of divorce. We used to talk about the decay of family in the 90's in church a lot.
-In the 90's we used to call people we didn't like "faggots" in order to insult them. In the 80's I was a kid and we didn't have any concept of homosexuality. It wasn't pushed in any way. Ellen Degenerate was mocked in common parlance when she "came out." The gays started demanding "civil unions" when Bush was president. When Obozo ran for president he couldn't come out and say he was in support of "gay marriage." The gay movement really exploded when Obozo was in charge. Curses be on that man.
--A lot of Mexicans immigrated in under Bush, but things moved alarmingly fast under Obozo. To be fair, Clinton tried to alter the Demographics of some states in order to make it easier for Al Gore to win, but Al Gore still lost. I recommend reading "Adios America" by Ann Coulter for more.
--Atheism gained a lot of ground in the 90's through law suites. The ACLU had a lot to do with that.
--Christianity became weak under Obozo, or maybe it was weak before that which was why he got elected.
--Women's lib started in the 60's. In the 80's there were jokes about feminism, but in the 90's they started suing for all sorts of crap claiming it was sexual harrasment.
--I think divorce became the norm in the 90's, but I'm not sure. A lot of people in my generation come from broken families. It's much more common for younger people.

The worst thing you can say about the 80's is the deregulation of banks, which led to the rise of the stock market, the death of interest rates, outsourcing and gutting companies to boost the stock price, and the death of the American Joe Six Pack worker, along with the rise of the H1-B.
Gordon Gekko was a product of the 80's, never forget that. And it was from Reagan's policies. He forged the roots of what we have now.

>The 80s was when global capitalism provided the most benefit to the first world middle class
unions did that, sorry. Starting in the 50's.

larpagan = atheist

>when did families become oprional
>when did faggots become accepted
The last stand against was the CA vote for gay marriage which failed, i think 06.
>when did atheism become religion
Mid 00's, I think it was a cultural shift away from Bush with the unpopularity of the war. Bush was a "Christian Conservative" and intentionally dumbs down the way he speaks to sound more "texan". The church was equated with dumb warmongers.
>when did women become "liberated"
I'm not sure what level of liberated, the insanity really kicked up in late 00's
>when did divorce become the norm
See above around 94.

you have a valid point, polebro -people are again seeking shelter in extreme ideologies.

Weimar Republic 2.0 is a-go.

.. you guys have good dolmers btw.

>Yea Obama did a lot of this shit. 10 years ago I would see maybe one hijab a year, and now I see about 3 or 4 a day depending on how much I get out
Same here. About five years ago a mosque suddenly went up in my area. It was weird because I've only encountered maybe a handful of Muslims at most irl so I didn't understand why one was built. Now I see Muslims daily.

I don't think we can underestimate enough the effect music can have on a society. It is a powerful tool that shapes emotions, values, behavior, etc.

The 80's were very good in the US. Also, you're Islamic and African immigration is wrecking your country much more than any of the things you listed there.

Nothing is going to change, unless Trump drains the deep state swamp - and he's losing that battle.
Congress is a failure, on both sides, the Judiciary is on the verge of open rebellion, and Obama and Clinton put enough ticking time bombs into the establishment with hires that I don't know if anyone can stop them. Trump may just be a bump in the road. It's gonna take some serious changes in politics, journalism and society to stop them. Like, civil war level change.
I hate to be pessimistic, but I'm older. Playing by the rules hasn't made sense for decades. The wheels are starting to come off, like they want, and they're ready to usher in a one-world socialist nightmare to replace it all.

just convert to Islam already, you may miss your bacon and your Budweiser but you'll love the rest f the package.

The 80's was absolute trash because all whites were sleepwalking towards the edge of a cliff which is where we are now.

Absolute garbage.
60's were when everyone got brainwashed,
70's were when the first strikes against culture occurred,
80's were when whites gave up and tuned out,
90's were when people knew things were wrong and felt depressed but didn't do anything about it,
2000's were when people started to wake up very slowly,
and 2010's were when we started to strike back.

we allowed marxists to take over our education systems in the 60's after a long "red scare" which ... in retrospect... was fucking correct. These ideas are like a fucking virus and they will never go away but they are garbage and people desperate for identity cling to it

Go to youtube and search this:
high school video yearbook 198X

Replace the X with a another number from 1 through 0.

Your heart will break when you see what America used to be like.

t. 45 year old.