What is your argument against women in the workplace?
What is your argument against women in the workplace?
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they belong in the kitchen instead
Labor prices.
People used to be able to live off one income.
They turn everything into high school.
If you'd ever worked, you wouldn't be asking this question. Women destroy workplaces.
Your odds of incurring a lawsuit as a business owner are increased by more female workers.
It only works with 2D grills.
I'll get too violent around one.
Double the workforce/labor means half the wage, as said. This result in the couple having to get a job to (perhaps) sustain a child or two - that is, if the mother isn't too busy pursuing a career to have children at all. Add to that that both parents are busy at work and you have children raised by (((media))) and socialist teachers, even at school level. Naturally, some groups don't care about the living standards of their children or their careers, so they keep popping children out.
Making women join the workforce en masse sure was a clever trick.
None, they have an advantage as homemakers, but are perfectly fine at working in the work force. Infact them joining the work force caused a huge economic boom.
Men are more able, doubling the amount of workers halves the cost of labor. Feminism and women working was a ploy by the jews to get cheaper labor out of their cattle.
You can look all this up, but you're a shill starting a shill thread so sage.
Parents are supposed to educate the kids. Now, it's the government.
That is dangerous as fuck and it is apparent. All the little girls I talked to hate Trump and loves Hillary, hate freedoms just because their teacher says so. Not to mention all the bullshit common core homework they do that completely butchers the Constitution. If I say something contradicts their brain washing, they go tell the teacher like some sort of Literally Shaking Youths (Hitler Youth) and report on their own family for wrong think. No wonder women growing up in America is all fucked up.
>Video related
It also means more productivity, so it ends up sorting its self.
Seriously how many fucking nazis are this stupid when it comes to economics.
They already have their own workplace.
And if they don't stop complaining I can always outsource their job to Subway.
Eat fresh bitch.
fucking joos m9
Doubling of labor, halving of wages.
Forces the destruction of nuclear family by making being a stay at home mom difficult to impossible.
Also, massively increased sexual tension in the workplace, which not only is a problem for a business, but it greatly increases the chance of adultery, another problem plaguing modern families.
Any leftist saying it is a personal choice should be shot. Even Christ himself was tempted by the Devil, and to suggest that mere humans could resist vice 24/7 when it is a lapse away all the time, is ridiculous.
Female healthcare costs way more than males, their brains are 10% smaller, generally way lower iqs, weaker, smaller, metally weaker. Should I go on?
like 85% of my coworkers are female, my only problem with them is they waste too much time chatting
>More """productivity."""
What good are shiny trinkets and smartphones when society is collapsing at the seams?
The market is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The second it starts harming society, rather than working for it, it should be shut down.
I suppose it's not that women are working it's that almost all of them are.
I am pretty sure women could always work outside the home just environmental, technological and biological reality made it so most of the work they did was inside the home.
With our safer, automated world there is really no way to stop women from working in larger numbers.
I hear people say "we should make it illegal for women to work" but that is entirely untenable and was never the case in the past, at least not in a blanket way.
"Yeah because everything in relation to capitalism always involves shitty trinkets."
As I said in a pervious post. Women have an advantage as a homemaker, but they also could work just as fine too. It is something they need to decide how to balance out. Clearly it will take time for us to get there.
>It also means more productivity
Which means what? It sure doesn't mean more affordability in taking care of a family.
I guess it helps in that you can change your retarded smartphone whenever a next gen one comes out after a few months, but that's all the "good" it does. I guess that's a good thing when you're a retarded AnCap and all you care about is getting money to buy some shiny gadgets.
Not even necessarily the Jews, desu. The shift from housewives-to-laborers in WW2 to help the war effort had a large hand in it.
That is playing with fire in an ammo dump.
>Women have an advantage as a homemaker, but they also could work just as fine too.
They could, but who will be the homemaker then? Society and production worked just fine when men were the vast majority of the workforce. Automation is making it worse yet, as now men and women have to strive to be ever more qualified to battle for the same job position.
As long as they have to adhere same rules as men and are paid by perfomance then nothing, but that's what we call 'sexism' and 'bigotry' today.
>but you're a shill starting a shill thread so sage.
Fucks up the economy (double the workers but the number of jobs stays the same = unemployment and lower wages).
Fucks up the family (women marry and have chuldren much later, if at all, and have to cope with the stressful life they're not built for with drugs and shit.)
>so it ends up sorting its self.
Yeah, this is why we don't have unemployment and the wages are as high as they were before women workers, and our fertility rates are perfectly healthy.
They're a bunch of cunts.
they misuse breakroom for sex acts
anyone got anime with cute blondie girls?
I know you're baiting, but this is the opposite of MGTOW.
Unless they're blue collar they're almost universally killjoys.
>so it ends up sorting its self
This is only considering women as a labor force. However, economic output is not the final measure of a healthy society, nor is it the only effect of putting women in the workplace. As governments have perverted social selective pressures, an increase of women in the workforce was met with increased calls for social programs, childcare, socialized healthcare, and a flood of economic regulation. In an ancap society, the market would find an acceptable balance between women working, and women staying at home to create stable households and families. In a statist society, it wreaks havoc on domestic life in order to boost economic productivity, and results in even more statism and poisonous social systems.
Women in the workplace.
they belong at home raising children
you cannot do both. and most women still have children, so they're going to neglect them
that's happened more often, more kids with adhd - look up the connection between neglect and adhd and other disorders
also see the millions of kids on mind drugs
it's an abomination
meanwhile, tens of millions of men out of the workforce. we don't need this many career workers, but we do need mothers
QED and /thread
>Unless they're blue collar
Plenty of blue collar women do it to be surrounded by cock. A woman in the trades gets an automatic 3 points added to her score, gets surrounded by white knights, and has the power to get anyone fired if she cries sexual harassment. Some are ok, most are useless, but all come with risk that male co-workers don't.
What about single women, or women whose children are already grown and have left the house?
Nothing. I'm only against liberals in the workplace. Or at home. Or anywhere else.
1) When banks and businesses realized people had more people to toss around with dual incomes, the prices of everything rose, now it's at the point where you need dual incomes to sustain living in a cracker box studio apartment. This wouldn't be a problem but women aren't wanting to settle down with any man, they want the best man, and if that isn't bad enough, the court system is completely in favor of women, hence why shit like MGTOW is a thing.
2) Men enjoy working with other men, women do not enjoy working women, and men being perverts, will be distracting when working with women.
3) I'm friends with a manager of 15+ years at a call center with 200 employees and he said that he had some issues with men, but was bombarded with stupid problems with women everyday. Using the bathroom too much, destroying the bathroom, being late, quitting without putting in 2 weeks notice, women not getting along, the list goes on.
There's 3. Name 1 good reason for women in the workplace and don't say "cuz m not sexsis n u guis r fags XD"
I sincerely enjoy shifts with my female co-worker. I work in a jewelry store, and vastly prefer bench work (repairs & custom jobs) to dealing with customers. She's better dealing with people than I am, so she handles the bulk of sales while I work on projects. It's a good balance
>women literally want to be slaves
I don't mind it. If that's what they want.
Nothing wrong with cute lesbians developing their game (see hyperdimension neptunia)
I can't concentrate if I have a boner all day.
1 Timothy 2:11-15King James Version (KJV)
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
>it drives down wages
>diversity hiring and boomer males thinking with dicks costs jobs that should have gone to men.
> it makes women even more hypergamous
> it ruins a child development
>higher wages are good and and won`t result in staglation
>thinking that work is a right when its a privilege
>Women cannot be controlled in market economy where they exert same political- and economic rights
>Working mothers used to have longer hours for long time things are actually better now
Every single blue collar girl is guaranteed to be a single mother degenerate. I know from experience.
I work in a bakery. Its like a big kitchen.
>I work in a bakery
I went to a top 20 school and could not for the life of me understand why it was so fucking easy. Then I saw how many women were in my classes and wept that I had fallen for the college Jew. Highschool 2.0.
They make my peepee hard
none, I'm all for having someone there to fetch me coffee.
>What is your argument against women in the workplace?
Instead of creating a labor surplus, they could focus on their genders historic and biological roles of maintaining a replacement level birth rate. That should be their priority. We are animals, and bearing children and perpetuating the family is just as important as protecting it. Jesus Christ. Why am I even trying to explain this.
I have nothing against women in the workplace if they are genuinely able to do the job as well, if not better than the average man.
I have issues with diversity quotas and shit that make it so women get hired over more qualified men just because they have a Vagina.
this guy single-handedly destroyed MGTOW movement for eternity
The thing is that the 1% of women who can function like men would have done just as well as mothers, while the rest would have been far better staying with kids. The truly talented women would still rise through the ranks, even in a restrictive environment--see Marie Curie, Florence Nightingale, etc.
Society should encourage women to do what they are best at, which isn't fucking up a workplace because of some bullshit notion of equality.
Noting wrong if gender discrimination is allowed. Free market will solve this.
As long as they are under age 25 they are fine.
(((Christcuck))) detected. Have fun worshipping your jew on a stick.
I want to marry Gabriel
Removing them from the workforce opens up more jobs for hard-working men. We'd also be able to finally not have to work out in the sun and be able to work desk or cashier jobs with the AC on.
You have no idea how much I envy women for having piss-easy jobs that pay enough such as a receptionist, cashier, or whatever, while the guys are told to do all the dirty work and either get paid the same or less.
aoba makes me think impure thoughts
Titus 2:5
It's not like the old days when productivity meant the infrastructure improved. Now it means Walmart getting more sales.
>working at a factory
>all men in the production line
>only women are in the offices
>in the middle of the economic crysis
>the bosses open a new production line with a new product
>they open the line with our help
>put some (3) women in the shifts for the equality and shit
>the line works and we are no more needed
>the demand rises, they add 2 more shifts to the initial one
>2 week later the women need to be moved to another shift because they are always causing troubles
>people enter, people goes
>more women added
>more problems
>one got pregnant from a guy from our line
>one of them must be fired due company politics
>the girl goes away
>the shift lacks a person for a week
>a month passes
>two of them start a fight for a stupid thing
>both fired
>two weeks to fill the shift
I can go on...
new game is hardly an accurate representation of how women perform in the workplace
When will it start sorting itself out?
Well aside from depressed wages and declining educated class birthrates I don't have one.
In all honesty the additional brain power that women provide has helped us speed technological progress.
While the bell curve for women being actually useful in the workforce might be a bit on the weak side; the smart ones really are a huge benefit. Since smart people are rare enough as it is.
As evidenced by you faggots.