Is he a good stepping stone for major redpills?
Joe Rogan /ourguy/?
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i'd take that dick
i fucking love newsradio
>pull up that article jamie
homo nigga
>"No fucking way! Pull that up Jaime... Jesus Christ that's insane how can people do that? Man that's fucking crazy anyways why don't you smoke weed?"
He's entertaining but he denies a lot of basic facts. In my opinion there is no /ourguy/ or /ourgirl/. They're all e-celebs trying to gain a new fan base. I admit he isnt as bad as the others but he is still one of them.
I honestly have no idea
Joe is Joe
I was in that thread Jesus that shit made me laugh so hard.
He's smart, but he is an open border cuck. But he is right about alot of shit and he doesn't ignore (most) facts. But he kills me with the open border rhetoric even though his perspective on it is very different than most open border sjw types.
He doesn't shill it anymore I think it's his ideal society where everyone has an equal chance. He's an Idealist and got some traditional meathead values.
Joe Rogans a bro but he's fucking retarded on a lot of things. Dude wants open borders and a bunch of other dumb shit.
more like major roidpills
He wasn't roiding then, now he's on TRT.
no hes a fucking faggot.
No, he discovered weed late in life and now thinks everything he has to say is interesting. He's worshiped by UFC fanboys and potheads.
I love the UFC and MMA and I smoke weed a bit :) so you're right.
He got of the freeway 5 or 6 exits too early...he's a cul-de-sac...a dead end.
he's only enjoyable when he has a guest that is smarter than him. otherwise, it's just two retards talking for 3 hours like his interview with Sargon
No that shit was funny, Sargon is such a crybaby beta, Joe was bullying him calling him a fag for crying about the Jewess.
One of his most recent guests was a Jew that was talking about how he directed porn.
/ourguy/ needs to be a bannable offense
Yesterday he questioned whether carbohydrates really are a quicker source of energy than fats. tl;dr don't smoke weed