Wakes up

>Wakes up
>See this on the News as the only place Kim Nuked
>Post YFW

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Fuck you, Fastrak!



kek at the thought of all the faggots and muds that died
then cry at the loss of such amazing architecture that city has that was built by white men

Just San Francisco? I would hope L.A. too. I live just far enough away from L.A. that I would be able to see the fireworks without dying in the blast.

It was made my Spics, forget it user

What movie, boyo?



can you still get this version of the apk?



> live 40 miles north of San Fran
> spent the 1980's as a child terrified of nuclear war
> over it, dgaf now

Fucking bring it. Nobody lives forever anyway. It would be fucking epic.

Is it just me or does it look like the shockwave moves faster than it should have? Not sure if I'm wrong or if it's sloppy filmmaking

I don't really want it to happen anywhere in this country because radiation travels


start stocking up on iodine before there's a panic


I think there was supposed to be another blast that happened right next to the bridge.

Not accurate

>kim nukes SF
>my face
I don't want to die Sup Forums, please nuke LA instead.

If you can see a jewish figure in the clouds of radiation, you've been here too long.
Bye guys!

Can it just be a conventional bomb instead? I live close enough that I would die in the fallout from a nuke, but a conventional bomb would be awesome.

I might join the North Korean Army if they did this.

Fallout: San Francisco

>I live close enough that I would die in the fallout from a nuke,
So take cover you dumb fuck, only idiots die from fallout.


Shit wish we could do a two for one. Or hit the coast and a massive earthquake destroys all major cities and somehow leads to a tsunami to take out Seattle and Portland too.
Shit. Dude would be a hero


I was hoping to jump off that bridge.

>Tfw no more calicucks shitposting


Nukes are more effective when detonated above the ground

I suppose we're dead. We all didn't completely suck.

Don't look at it or you'll go blind.

>being happy they nuked muds/fags

Nigger, if anybody is gonna kill those muds/fags it's gonna be ME. It's my right as an American. Fuck all foreign ching-chongs doing American boys jobs.

stay classy not australia


>Mexican Bridge

>faggots and liberals invade your state
>eventually they outnumber the people actually from the state
>they open up the border, ensuring that you'll never get your state back
>everybody else kicks you while you're down and hopes you get nuked
You flyover fucks shouldn't be so smug. At the rate things are going you are going to end up just like us.

du bs if op is right

ok we're safe, honey

>built by white men

You mean chinks?


Who were under order from whom?

I'd be disappointed it wasn't NYC getting cratered instead.

>Live in Santa Clara

I guess I barricade myself against the sudden surge of refugees, assuming I'm outside the fallout range.

If I'm not, I get the hell out.





Red pill me about the Venezuelan refugees.

Lament the choice of target.



RIP I Peace

Holy shit, Jew York

Nevada get the worst of the radiation from wind. nbd



>take out LA
>economy is crippled due to shipping loss
>other ports swamped for years
>too much increased traffic in panama canal

Yeah, nah.

sloppy filkmaking

I mean, the 1 out of a 10000 autists who would point out all the things wrong with that don't mean anything to the success of the film

literally the best case scenario

>NK wiped out

>liberals all dead

You are encouraging treason

I mad. SF sucks ass politically, but is a world treasure. It's gorgeous.

>(((Hollywood))) destroyed
It's for the best, sorry m8.

I swear black drumth has skin for hair

They've got to go bucko