SWEDEN YES /SY/ Destroying Archeological Findings Edition


>Sweden's cultural heritage is destroyed systematically - objects from the Iron Age are sent for metal recycling

>It is Johan Runer, archaeologist at Stockholm County Museum, who has been alarmed about how the county boards in Sweden disregard our cultural heritage. The reason is that (((they))) do not consider themselves having the resources to take care of and conserve all metallic objects found in connection with archaeological excavations.

>But the archaeologists did not have the resources to take care of everything and were forced to "grind" a large number of objects, that is, send them to the shots. Among other things, a variety of coins and buttons, a knife and a ring. Other items thrown out are amulet rings that were ritual objects of the Forensic Swede during the Vendel and Viking times.

>((((((((According to SvD's cultural writer Ola Wong, it is about "getting cheap and cheap away from the cultural heritage" in order to get started with planned road or house construction. Runes also say that archaeologists do not give away or sell the find to collectors, something that could save them to the aftermath. The reason is that you do not want to create a market for antiques, thus encouraging robbers to go out with metal detectors to search for their own findings.))))))))

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Another puzzle in the destruction of the white race.


I don't even know what to say. Literal destruction of the history of the Swedish people. This is evil.


Don't let kike shills bury this.

The Jews fear the Viking swedes


It doesn't surprise me one bit.

Everything in Sweden must pass this filter:

>Will it be good for black cock?

Is finding coins, knives, and other antiques from ancient Sweden good for black cock?

It is not. All it will do is make Swedes proud of their heritage or make someone care about the countries history. That is not good for black cock.

It's amazing how pol is just kikes, niggers, and lefty retards shilling each other.

Yeah, it would be so terrible for a tiny part of the population to try and make their own archaeological discoveries

I say this in all honesty:
The purge will be satisfying to watch.

except for you you mean?

Seeing shit like this makes me a little scared for western civilization, sweden is literally just a fucking ghost of itself at this point in a matter of years of cuckoldry. We can already see what's happening in the EU and how that's next on (((their))) agenda, really makes me wonder how much time america has left until we too get cucked to oblivion

Destroying archeological findings is basically nigger tier.

I'm legitimately sorry to hear this, Swedebro. Shit's fucked. Cunts should hang for this.

Yes, Sweden truly is a shining beacon of inspiration and bravery

And what are you gonna eat when the stores run dry smartass

Our grandchildren are probably gonna have it the worst

This should be punishable by death. They do exactly the same shit here, even (((revising))) our history books every so often.
>The latest claim is that the blacks built the castle of good hope before wipe people even came to the cape.

What the fuck?
If they really can't keep it themselves, just fucking auction it. It would make a killing, and what is the concern with creating market if you grind up everything regardless? But who am I kidding? (((They))) would just spend the extra cash on nigger gibs.

>implying niggers have any archeology to destroy in the first place


Fuuaark, I'm sorry bro. Shits fucked up down there. I don't get it how shitkins can even compare their supposed 'colonization' with what's happening now. They had nothing to lose, while we have everything to lose.


I never said niggers destroyed their own findings.

They need all the money for destroying their own country, not preserving it.

Hahah what?They couldnt even invent a wheel or an alphabet but somehow they built a castle

Fucking Sweden

White* sorry.


Well their "people" have done absolutely nothing of value through the ages, thats why they are getting so butthurt in the current age.

>when you realize Mel Gibson was right all along

Most of that stuff was made and belonged to ancient Finns anyway. Scandis are a social construct, basically just Germans that mixed with Finns.

Sweden is truly shameful

Seriously it started a few years back
>White man came and found the castle
>Declared it theirs, killed the tribesman and established Cape Town

If the government couldn't take care of it why not sell the artifacts instead of destroying them? I would have gladly paid higher than scrap price for any of those artifacts.

Are they claiming blacks or khoisan built it?

The KANGS built it!

How about you read the whole post you fucking american.

Khoisan. The coloureds of the cape started it and the blacks kind of chimed in. How about I bet you R100 that they will eventually turn the story around and say its a holy burial ground and that the castle must be destroyed?
>LATEST science have found ancient holy mecca khoisan burial ground.

In anthropology circles German researchers don't even mention the word Germanic anymore, they just talk about "people".

Wtf.Fuck this retarded shithole


Can we stop with Sweden as this last stand? They chose homogeneity, Fabian socialism, and lack of dynamism. Give visas to the women who emigrate, otherwise fuck them.

>forced to grind a large number of objects
Do they know there are people who pay hard cash for that shit?

They are isis sympathizers, what do you expect?

Kek I remember that.

Obviously the buntu did have need for a modern fort with angled walls and cannon slits, in order to break musketeers masscharging the thing.

sauce me up fampai

When will ne next viking hero rise? We had nordic youth attack some sit striking shitskins yesterday, who of you will be the next Swedish viking hero?

This is too much fucked even for a swedecucks.

Sweden yes.

I could go the
route, but I won't. Because this is too big to joke. You re literally destroying your history. What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you allow this to happen?

Jamal needs a new prayer mat and he sure as shit aint payin for it. Who cares if some silly white mans war weapon is repurposed?!

We need to look to the future.

Stop with the VIKANGZ shit please. The history is great and melting down historical objects should be punishable with death, but we aren't vikings any longer and haven't been for nearly a thousand years.

Is there some kind of anti-white reason for doing this or perhaps just insane apathy towards history? I don't understand.

A man ignorant of his past has no future to look forward to. Without a connection to your culture you are just drifting, without identity or purpose other than self satisfaction and hedonism.

Lel.I don't love niggers.I just want chauvinism to disappear

The kangz meme is based on delusional niggers that alter history. There is no "Vikangz" meme because it's not based on delusion. You don't seem to understand nationalism works. Do you honestly believe that Germany won't forever be Hitler's Germany? It will. Swedes/Nordics will always have dormant viking tendencies that can be triggered by anything.

Vi var kingar brosh!

Anyway,pay debts

I've long suspected something like this was going on... It's disturbing and sickening.

The jews and the jew-loyal anti-nationalist politicians who are controlling Sweden, they aren't ONLY destroying the Swedish people, and our culture and further destroying our society, in the present, BUT ALSO they're trying to prevent the people from learning about their past. They want to erase our history.

For example, why do we have so few announcements of findings from the Viking period? In comparison with Norway and Denmark. Why don't we have any viking ships discovered?

Sweden was just as much of a "viking" society. No less so than Norway or Denmark. The only difference was most of our trade routes and raids were towards the East.

It wouldn't surprise me that IF something significant and big like a whole ship was discovered, then they would either not talk about it in the mainstream media AT ALL, or they may even stop the archeologists and prevent the ship from being excavated... or perhaps even destroy it and keep it secret.

They clearly want us to not know about our past, and to not feel any connection with our ancestors, and to not feel any pride and unity as a historical people.

For fellow Scandinavians, and other people who can read swedish, please check out these pages:




That website contains important information related to this topic.

> Om och om igen har vi från de styrande i landet fått lära oss att ”Sveriges historia saknar betydelse”

>Runes also say that archaeologists do not give away or sell the find to collectors, something that could save them to the aftermath. The reason is that you do not want to create a market for antiques, thus encouraging robbers to go out with metal detectors to search for their own findings.
Is this satire? Fuck if I lived in Europe that would be my number 1 hobby. All I ever find is fucking rocks and maybe once in a blue moon a stone arrow head from some primitive cannibal tribe of savages.

holy shit. why

lmao I member this.

Lies. Swedish stupidity is to blame for the violence of migrants over women

they think they lost their chance at a future cuz of muh whites.

what I mean is they believge that anywhere white people colonized is bad cause we didn't leave them alone to develop into places like India

>It wouldn't surprise me that IF something significant and big like a whole ship was discovered, then they would either not talk about it in the mainstream media AT ALL, or they may even stop the archeologists and prevent the ship from being excavated... or perhaps even destroy it and keep it secret.
It is a bit odd that a lot of the discoveries happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s and then it just all stopped. Makes one pause to ponder.

No, it's not satire. Swedes are retarded, haven't you been paying attention?

Why not just store them in a government vault or something, if you really don't have the money to take care of them now?

>dig up objects that endured for a thousand years the hazards of wild nature
>"We cannot possibly preserve them, so better destroy them quickly."

cuck logic

WE (real swedes) aren't doing it. We aren't committing suicide. We're being murdered. We've been in in the process of being murdered for a long time.

We've been under attacked by Jews from since at least the 1930s. What's been happening in Sweden is Cultural Marxism taken to an extreme level. And they are doing the same to other countries. They began their "work" on destroying Sweden earlier, that's why Sweden (and the people in many ways) is so fucked up now.


I didn't think even Sweden was cucked enough to literally destroy their history.


uploading these for fellow swedes...

It shows how already in the 30s we were infected by the Jewish disease, and we were going downhill...

Also shows how at that time we had a chance of stopping it. If those nationalist movements had succeeded better, or rather gained popularity earlier.


Sweden yes! I came!

You need to turn your land into a nuclear wasteland where no one can live ever again if you want to preserve your culture.



Wontonly destroying pieces of history should be a crime in every country.

lite svårt att läsa men värt det


I get disposing the ammunition, but why the hell destroy the rest?



Lel, what a total bullshit excuse for destroying it. Just auction it off and you'll easily get the money to finance the rest for quite a while.

Guard it with your lives. Kick in the doors and steal the objects if you have to.



Fuck this one still gets me. Easily worth hundreds of thousands of dollars if not over a million. Could've been sold off, could've even gone to a museum, but they fucking destroy it.

I hope someday people will look back on this period like we look back in shame on the puritans destroying ancient churches and stained glass artwork.

This is hilarious. Whites just took the castle. Do they realize that the whole reason why castles are built is to be defensible? So evil whitey just took it from the rightful black skinned castle building people of Africa - a continent that is just lousy with castles. I'll be damned if you can let a nigger be for 5 minutes without him building a god damned castle!

Thank you, based Sven

a poem (picture):

Bättre är kämpens
ädla armod,
än drakens dolska
ro på guldet;
bättre är hånad
död för det goda,
än namnfrejd vunnen
i självisk ävlan

Till ariskt blod,
det renaste och äldsta,
till Svensk jag vigdes
av en vänlig norna

> probably the closest possible translation (the text contains some old and unusual swedish words):

Better is the warriors
noble misery,
than the dragons leery
peace upon the gold;
better is ridiculed
death for what's right,
than fame won
in selfish strive

To Aryan blood,
the purest and noblest,
to Swede I was hallowed,
by a gracious Norn

Absolutely disgusting. I don't even have words.

All knowledge has several "layers" of protection

1) Second Hand Source - The first layer, which are references to original research done by researchers on a particular subject. These come in the form of websites, articles, videos and just about everything you see online.

2) First Hand Source - The second layer. This IS the original discovery and research performed by researchers on a particular subject. In order to have a first hand source available the researcher has to be alive, and able to discuss their work. If they are not alive, then a first hand source is no longer available.

3) Evidence - The third and final layer of the existence of truth. Evidence are the original documents, artifacts and phenomena the indicated that something existed in the first place. If the evidence is destroyed, the knowledge will eventually expire from within.

Thus no knowledge is beyond permanent destruction. The Jews know this and now with full control of the government, they have been destroying evidence directly.

I don't know what makes my blood boil more. Watching women get raped by migrants, or seeing Jews destroy thousands of years old legacies. They get away with it because your average bluepilled person can't even believe that they would do such a thing, assuming that nobody would do anything in this world without "adequate financial incentive." Nope. They are just hateful spiteful people, who decide to spend their time on this very task, destroying the legacy and existence of their enemy, of whom they are irreparably jealous of.

Essentially now Swedebro you have to be willing to die to defend your culture. Knowing the consequences of what they are doing there is nothing left to lose and I would advocate military action against them.

not a newsworthy
OP is fishing for free (you)'s as many of swede shitposters on Sup Forums do

piss off faggot

Perfect. That union could dominate the world.

God damn, and I thought 56% was horrific in its own right.

Future Russian-slavic colony right there.

My son will hear tales about the brave swedish people who doesn't exists anymore, it's kinda sad.