Maybe 1968 maybe 1956 probably sealed the deal in 2012 though. I've got one eye open and want to hear more of what yous guys think of my theory
World ended 2012 debate me
Well my life was over on 12/31/11, so in a way you are correct
Personally mine was over in 2015 but the seeds were sowed in 2014, which at my level; was probably caused by events that took place 2 years prior. I feel like it was global or something. Waiting for more objective anons to clear the air for me. What happened? Is it happened?
2 years of remaking it is going well though. Don't worry, I'm not a gag or anything. Just observant.
Weeee phone post... Index me
Seriously though. What happened?
I had a similar thing occur where my life was shifting in 2010 but I solidified my life by saying no which was 12/31/11
Why wasn't that file destroyed when the world ended?
Nothing is destroyed
Shut it down
Males are not females, females are not males
All your private CA root certificates are belong to U.S.
You're just a number waiting to be checked
It's cool and all but the only problem is that I'm still alive, and the world is still rotating, so apparently not.
Existing and living are 2 different things
It's a more sociological type of ending
The samefagging is real
Is it though? Or, are other anonymous like-minded through conditioning of the true true??
And the true true is being shut down by the non goyim through massive surveillance
probably a shit thread died for this shit thread
so I have no objection to this thread
but the current state of Sup Forums is very miserable. I hope gookmoot will delete this board.
>am i supposed to say (((rare)))
am i supposed to say butthurt leftard reddit shitposter shitposting on Sup Forums
What's a reddit? Never been there, how would I go back?
>what yous guys think of my theory
what theory? you haven't said anything
Democrats take control of all three branches in 2012.
> what happens next?
God damn I thought they were intellectuals on this board.
I believe you reddit shitposter. ;)
>one eye open
Nice depth perception froggerbitch
Is this what purgatory feels like?
>ITT: kids post when they went through puberty
The first world countries we inhabit have been on a downward spiral since World War 1
Wars are no longer fought with combat ability of individual soldiers, powerful guns have destroyed the natural result of war of creating strong men and killing weak man
After 3 brutal wars in less than 100 years our society is crippled
A democracy requires its people to be strong for it to thrive but the people aren't strong. Democracy is destroying the world we have.
No. It's when you lie and push misunderstandings about your own lies and can never say things like "maybe it was a broad commencement of some kind of build up of an era". And then you go arguing using generalities 24/7 saying nothing but all OP are fags and then smelling your ass
Now those readers make me want to sign up with like a email address or something. Give em a password. I say bully to that. Keep the internet the way it should be, but since orc is too much effort theses days with my arthritis, dose pol with black pills instead.
>Individualism is dying
>Everything is a hive mind
>All your posts belong to us
I read that on an internal Google memo
Thanks net neutrality guy. Did that jewy guy write that document?
Like the snake eating its own tail. Well spoken. Err.... written
>gripping your pillow tight
You made me do this
Wrong. Grand conjunction of Aquarius happened in '62.
A grand conjunction happens every 2000 years. 'Last was in Pisces, hence the "jesus fish" symbol (it's pisces).
Following a grand conjunction, there is a rush of energy for 100 years, split into two halves, like everything, male and female.
The first half was 1962-2012, and was female/passive. Look at the changes.
2012 the male/active side began. 5 years in and look around, it's the 60's again, but for the masculine principal.
But we won't make the entire 50 years. That activity coincides with the end of this crop of humanity, which failed horribly. The end is 2043. Then 1000 years in hell for all of us, even if you're a good person or believer or whatever, you didn't do what it took to get off the wheel of life, which takes heroic efforts and sacrifice, and the motivation acquired from many many cycles through hell. See u!
I like this post
Makes me feel hope for the future honestly
Fuck this gay earth
Preferably messugah
Where are all my Swede fags at with their bants?
Alright god dammit thread abort
Y'all don't know how to party like the world has already ended
I expect nothing but cold hard indexing of This brilliant fucking post