Who speaks more truth: CNN or Info Wars?
Who speaks more truth: CNN or Info Wars?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
No fucking way.
White girls redeemed?
Most White women voted Trump. They don't need to redeem themselves from anything.
Huh. You're right. From what I read, younger white women (18-44) voted for Trump at even higher rates than young white men. This is surprising desu. Older than that and white men supported Trump more, but white women still supported him more than Hillary and the rate just keeps going up.
>asian boys vs asian girls
holy shit asian lads explain this to me
They didn't come from China to America to have American jobs outsourced to China.
>They don't need to redeem themselves from anything.
Urban means nigger.
im talking about the difference between the asian girls and men
does white dick make people democratic?
more like asian males have it even worse than white males when it comes to job quotas and affirmative action.
they didn't come to america for it to be run by shitskin subhumans with 80 iq. if they wanted niggers, spics, or women to control everything they would've went to south america, africa, or europe.
Boys lean more Republican than girls with every race. Look at the blacks. 4 times more boys than girls for Trump.
Suburbs are the huWhite elite.
Asian girls are nigger-tier. They are bred that way in most asian cultures. Don't race mix. They just hide their degeneracy better.
I've been a White Nationalist for 8 years.
>supports isreal 100%
This isn't a cuckservative website.
Open border for isreal
Easier to spread propaganda and homogenise opinion in crowded areas. The herd instinct is much stronger in the inner city.
There is none. Men lean more Republican within every race, age group, social class, etc.
I live right smack dab in the middle of Chicago you fucking leaf
I've heard an interesting explanation for this kind of voting phenomenon, it kind of comes down to selfish and biased reasoning.
Basically people in rural, expansive, areas that are relatively isolated from other humans care more about their ability to express their personal freedoms because, hey, it's not like their ability to shoot a gun or call someone a nigger is going to really impact anyone in their immediate vicinity. They're isolated with a lot of elbow room.
In urban centers the dynamics change, instead of being isolated you're surrounded by teeming masses of humans all of which have their own agendas. Gun control and impeding people's ability to persecute or harm you take center stage. Humans are animals, and at close quarters you're vulnerable. You need the weight of law to back social norms so you can live comfortably in such close proximity.
The rural mindset juxtaposed on urbanites makes urbanites feel threatened and exposed. The urban mindset juxtaposed on ruralites makes ruralites feel oppressed and stifled.
What it comes down to, at the end of the day, is basically how each person has to navigate humanity. People in close proximity to other people have to constantly consider the limitations of personal rights and freedoms versus safety and wellbeing. People isolated from other people generally don't give a shit about other people beyond their ability to express and enjoy themselves.