Now he wants to shoot four missiles in the waters near Guam around mid August.
Wtf? Why? To give Trump a reason to attack without hurting any US soldiers?!
Now he wants to shoot four missiles in the waters near Guam around mid August.
Wtf? Why? To give Trump a reason to attack without hurting any US soldiers?!
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sauce for poofs
If he does that he'll lose the little support he still has from Russia and china.
I hope he does it
Unified Korea will be the true best Korea
He won't. 4 missiles will use up all his inventory.
I'm waiting for his NutraSystem for Men commercial.
Maybe he is dying and wants to go out big.
Then it would still make no sense to announce it.
Going for Guam and announcing it two weeks in advance is pants on head retarded.
What's a bluff?
Maybe hes not going to do it. Or hes not going for Guam.
Nice b8. Bluff getting called, could end in war, could not. That was essentially the status quo, Helmut.
Hes a Crypto-nigger flexing on Social Media, doing the typical BLM dindu move waving a unloaded/Fake gun in front of the Police thinking they're shekels in this for me when whitey oversteps
Because it's fake news. Who is translating the shit he says?
He's a corrupt, power-hungry, and more than anything, weak leader. What exactly don't you get? There's been countless people like this throughout history. He overdoses on hubris on a daily basis because his idiotic followers worship him (or at least pretend to. I assume any Nork with half a brain just keeps quiet about how much they hate him) and he thinks he can do and say whatever he wants.
Gee, kinda reminds me of Drumpfy.
It really jogs my nog too user.
I once herd that he does this as a way to make people be more willing of peace talks, but if he never says these and it's all propaganda it would be beyond Orwellian tier.
>give Trump a reason to attack without hurting any US soldiers
.. that spells false flag.
He's not going for Guam, he's aiming them at the continental U.S. and he has more of missiles capable of hitting it than we've been led to believe.
Why would he aim them at Guam if he knew an attack on a U.S. territory would result in his regime getting rekt? He doesn't have enough to stop a second strike by a long shot, so he has to make his first strike as costly as possible against the U.S. and Guam won't delay U.S. response the way a mainland strike would. He doesn't have any regional enemies capable of hurting him aside from SK and they'd be overrun or bogged down in a hellish stalemate if U.S. forces were too preoccupied with the chaos at home (as well as our other commitments) to reinforce.
These missiles weren't developed within the past 6 months, they've been tested incrementally over years and I fear the danger is far greater than we've been led to believe.
It's just talk. Nothing will happen.
Hes toying with trump. He wants Trump to make the first kill move.
No a false flag would have an actual death toll like 9/11.
So he can laugh from his grave. Good one. Great plan.
This, hes trying to bait China into war with the US with this so he can unify korea
ill laugh if N korea is smashed on my birthday
I don't understand why people think a nuclear strike means the country is completely annhiliated and no longer an issue.
Japan seems to be doing fine despite getting BTFO'd twice in a matter of weeks
Also interesting that all this rhetoric comes on the anniversary of Nagasaki
Here the video it mentions it's a grandpa Kim policy:
Fat boy won't don't anything. How many times has this same scenario happened. A bunch of distractions.
Its intentional. Kim is flying rockets over where the bombs landed. Hes such a cock.
lol like those bombs are comparable to today's arsenal
Then he'd make Pearl Harbour look like child's play.
You do realise nuclear weapons are now 1,000 to 10,000 times more powerful than the nuclear weapons used on Japan, right?
The US will drop hundreds of nuclear warheads on North Korea, each individual warhead on it's own being 1000 to 10000 times the strength of the two nukes used on Japan.
North Korea will literally not exist, like, literally, not meme-not exist, like actual-not exist.
>tfw the theatrics are being bought
>tfw all according to keikaku
>tfw one step closer to The War
>tfw soon
Yeah I'm pretty sure even the glorious United States wouldn't be able to live in the geopolitical world of completing annihilating 25 million innocent people dumbass
controlled opposition?!
This would happen in the event that North Korea actually launches a nuke (for reals) at SK, Japan or anywhere else.
Do you honestly think the world is going to give a shit if the US does this after NK just attacked a city with one of their shitty nukes?
Yeah I do and I don't think you know anything about politics
Your id literally says "Fag"
It's like they know
They're stronger but they're not that much stronger user, they're more in the order of individual warheads being 6-30 times more powerful and missiles packing ungodly numbers of individual reentry vehicles into them.
anyone who believes this guam meme is retarded]
theyre going straight for california
hes dead as shit and he knows it
half his generals want to kill him and take his place and most of the norks have known that its all a sham since the il days
its just one last "fuck you" to the world before it all comes crashing down
If I had to guess, NK elites are getting tired of him. Imagine having to deal with a spoiled child 24/7. Military does a launch like that without his permission, he gets blamed for it anyway, he gets removed, NK elites will get saved because there needs to be some power structure in the country post-Juche but you can't just remove him because the people have been brainwashed.
digits confirm
skyking skyking do not answer
*answers you*
to btfo fish of course
>get nuked twice
>immediately surrender
leafs, not even once
Because I am the icbm
Hirohito was a cuck
Stop leafing for just one day please
>4 missiles that will explode mid-air
Kim was given his education in Switzerland. He is somekind of puppet and someone is pulling his strings.
I have a feeling (((they))) want to force Trump's hand into a Bush-tier debacle (while in the process enriching the military industial complex), so that he can be held up as an example anytime anyone steps into the political arena as an outsider.
he's not dying, (((we'd))) know if he was
he's just diabetic
Nobody's really getting rich off masses of worthless fiat dollars, the point of war is to bankrupt the nation and use the debt as the bank's control mechanism.
He has adopted Canadian military doctrine.
The most transparent attempt at misdirection perhaps?
So what if mainstream media does not tell the truth?
In reality NK is years away from that technology.
What if Kim wants to be invaded?
lol kinky
>Unified Korea will be the true best Korea
This. Can't wait to travel across the whole country, eat North Korean food and see some of their cuties.
round fella is just posturing. nothing is going to happen.
Maybe these mongoloid animals just want to commit a nationwide harakiri, because the alternative would be a huge humiliation in the demise of their whole "juche" slant-eyed order. Azns would rather die that suffer a "shamefur dispray".
Man the Mongoloid race is fucked up, just like all other nonwhite races. Let's NUKE THE GOOKS!