Army wife fucks nigger

>army wife fucks nigger
>tells army husband on camera she fucked nigger

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nigs gonna nig

that picture triggers the fuck out of me.

That's because you're a faggot.

>expect daily dose of rage from cheating roastie and a nigger
>get daily dose of fucking confusion after a long ass day
>daily dose of rage finally kicks in as this disrespectful nigger spoits Ebonics and goes on a mini-rant about white people

niggers gonna nig

black man was right
white people are not

Stop making fun of my teenage acne

yeah military wives are trash. never get married while in the military, only once you get out.

this is why we need minorities, to show us our women are disobedient

I was in the army. Women are ruthless in there. No morals. No responsibility. They just want the BAH and free health care.

where the youtube comments

I don't get it. Why is he even with her anymore? WTF is that niggers problem? Then they wonder why so many people hate them?

I don't get it anons. I really don't.

You white people take black people's clown culture too seriously. You have to throw it back at them but be funny at the same time. Black dude was right though. That's some false rape accusation shit.

whites let niggers nig

>MuH DiK in the first minute

>having a wife in the military
>get deployed for 7-8 months
>wife looses only dick in her life
>joining the military while married EVER
This guy deserved to get cucked.

What kind of gay as low IQ retarded nigger shit is this?

The battle of who can emulate the offensive rude nigger mentality better. Don't you know? No one can be more sub human than niggers wigger! Why even try to Bix Hood Cracker and act like a dishonorable nog who fucks other men's wives. Wy8 boys can't even compete!

>Be American
>get cucked by niggers while you are out there fighting for Israel
Truly the greatest of goys


Army guy should have beat the fuck out of him with a baseball bat.

>y-you did fuck my wife
I stopped right there, that was pathetic.

What was his plan?

What a fuckin pussy. He probably posts here


He better save this video and show it to the divorce judge. That nigger saved him in a way.

>t. triggered fag


He should have just accepted the black man's superiority and let historia wife fuck him whenever she likes

he puts the bucket on her head and then starts pounding it, hehe, brutal af

white boi ready to die for his roastie whore

the only thing that explains this clip is that the nigger raped her..

can anyone find the rape charges on this nigger?

That's why you marry a woman who physically can't have sex because of a disorder, has a very low libido, and suffers from drepression. Just take out life insurance and you're golden.

found the nigger's kikebook

Thanks, I'll ask him if he wants to fuck my wife too

Did he fuck the wife or not? At the end he says something about not fucking her(?). I can't make much sense of him

OP is probably the nigger, actually


ok finally get it.

If 1 army dude fucks with another's wife then army dude #1 is out of the army

That's the motivation of the white girl

So no, the nigger didn't fuck her (like the nigger said at the end of the video)

No, this is why you have to remove your kike culture.

>being this much triggered


I found out what really happened, dune coon faggot

much like yourself

Perhaps the laws should be changed...
If your wife cheats or cucks you, you have the legal right to challenge the male to single combat to the death, no penalties.

Holy fucking shit user you just made my day. I had only see the version that cut before that happened before

>whats mac tonight

Where da awans at?

In the state of Washington, if 2 adult males are in an altercation, as long as no one else's personal property is being destroyed, it's actually illegal for cops to intervene and stop it.

That's ok I guess. I was thinking more medieval though.

United States of BLACKED

The absolute state of whitebois

except most if not all these people look black from the shitty camera. not like blacks didnt live in detroit back then anyways. but i get the point

That soldier was such a pussy, i would've gone to my car and beat the shit out of him with a bat. Then grab the wife by the hair and have her lay with her bleeding nigger.

White men were meant to conquer strange pussy anyway. Nobody cares if a few white women choose to burn coal.

This made me laugh so fucking hard. These people are ridiculous.

The denial is so eregious that this comment almost made me vomit. How is Sup Forums unironically defending this roastie? The nigger was right in this instance.

Oh shit the black dudes in the army too. Haha fukn pogs

so the negro in question posted the whole twitter story before posting this video. apparently the wife was at a party and wanted to fuck the negro in question but he had/has a girlfriend and remained faithful but she was acting psychotic and threatening him. negro in question tells a friend and he sort of shifts her horniness to him and his friend gets sexual favors from her but then she is demanding the negro in question now and at that time the flee the scene. cuck confronts negro in the parking lot and this ensues.

of course OP caught a lot of fish being on Sup Forums and posting cuck garbage without the full story so all of these cucks got baited into cucketry when they really would be on the negroes side. him being faithful to his same-race woman.

Sup Forums really is garbage now. cucks and shills and general underaged/kekistani faggotry has flooded the board.

Everyone on this board (barring a few or of the group I'm about to mention) hate anything that isn't white unironically. Its basically the whole staple of being politically "incorrect" as they deem it.

>posts pic of Horst (((Simco))), stage name: Riff Raff
>Simco claims to be descended from holocaust victims

This guy is a piece of shit. Apparently he's "popular" on Twitter (aka there's a shitload of 12-year olds who retweet him). It's Tabarius da Feminist. He jokes about raping white women, too. I have no doubt he probably coerced that dude's wife.


That white boy is a fucking pussy he couldn't hold his fist up. Pussies.


Wtf I want to enlist now.

>legally allowing soldiers to marry

Rome fell for the same reason

This black dude is trying to act all tough but he's a manlet

It's because it wont happen again. Not without a lot of people dying.

>oh not this cidoeag---
>its new
>niggers are literally flying through the air and landing on a black female whale and dry-humnping her
>s-shes smiling
oh fugg user you made my day ty


Have another guys

he really showed that nigger

Nigger was filming, probably life-streaming, had he have no witness he'd be dead and forgotten, no one would even look for his remains

that was so pathetic that I bet he browses Sup Forums

>not immediately killing him and your wife

Once you've accepted that ethnic cleansing is necessary it really only takes a few months to get over the pain of that realization.

The problem here isn't really the black dude or the midget. The girl is inciting drama on them both.

pol btfo

obviously the soldier wasn't "alpha" enough to defend his nordick shieldmaiden

get married to defeat israel!


Why would you confront the guy if you're not going to take his jaw off?

i always think this is some BBC skit

disgusting response from the whires in this. Those people are fucking trash and pathetic. And fuck that nigger

Eh i'd hang out with that grampa and talk shit about the Jews, you know he hates them too.

Seriously that man is just a manlet. First he lets a black dude talk shit about him, then he lets his wife say that she fucked the dude and he does nothing.

I don't have a gf but i know if i find out she as much as kissed some other motherfucker i'm breaking up with that slut

oh and i'm definitely never dating a girl who fucks blacks

two of three people in this video should be publicly executed by the state

What happens when a femitard "girl who cries rape" meets a nigger

>be a beta cuck
>marry the first girl that is not revolted by your person
>keep being a beta cuck
>holly fuck, why did she cheated on me?

no one to blaim but him

He actually raped her. That's why he's getting all defensive and trying to insult her and her husband. The police are charging him with rape, too.

OP is a fucking moron and didn't do any research before making the post.

Thanks to Jews, whites are KEKED beyond repair LOL. If a negro talked like that in front of a Mexican, that negro will get smoked. This is why I support open-carry

This reminds me of something, I can't put my finger on it though.

not very surprising news from the most blacked country in the world

I got that one, I called it "mating_ritual."
Here have another one.

>Being in the army
>Having a wife
Make sure the army teaches you usefull shit you can build a life around (Technician or medic or some shit) so you can support yourself and start looking for a wife when youre done

Video is down? Why? I always miss out on stuff, fuck youtube


One of these days that nigger is going to run into the soldier that's seen some shit. The soldier will just kill him, the wife and just not give a fuck what happens next. Fucking POGs. This would of never happened to a real man, niggers fear nothing more than a crazy white boy.

You're late nigger, it was up a few minutes ago. They just dropped it as soon as people came over and started calling him a nigger, I suppose.

Who gives a rats arse what happens to the cucks that join the armed forces to fight Jew wars?
Their girls cheat on them all the time. Everybody know it. Army 'men' are cucks not alphas.

I read about US navy boats getting into home port a couple of days early on occasion but they can't let the sailors of the ship because all the wives need 'time to get their houses ready'.

did anyone save it?

>tfw yet again deprived of a promising rightwing telenovela about the fall of western civilisation
I didn't even get a good look at the cast, fuck this I'm going back to sleep

This one was a repeat.
Dipshit good-goy muh patriotism army fag gets treated like shit by his society he risks his life to protect'.
Wonders where his life went wrong.