Redpill me on the jews

I'm not going to be a faggot that just hates on them because it's a popular meme and I want to fit in and be edgy. What's the reasoning behind global hatred for the kike

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genital mutilation and charging more for a loan then you actually lend, those aren't enough!? let alone all the wars.

They invented/created/own everything necessary and enjoyable in life, according to Sup Forums.


they didn't invent or create shit except enslavement of the human race, nobody says that.

Think of pretty much any industry that is morally questionable; Banking, unhealthy foods, degenerate entertainment, you name it. Pretty much all of them are run by Jews


Actually providing proper information

EVERBODY here says that. You just aren't paying attention or are really really new.

No only Jewish trolls (redundant) say things like that Jew boy.

There is no reason. People say:

>1. Oh Jews and Israel are behind funding white genocide.

Newsflash: it's white cucks pushing White Genocide, not Jews. Jews simply take advantage of the situation which white cucks create for themselves.

>2. Muh poor Palestine

Who gives a fuck about some Paleshitian sandniggers. Next.

>Muh Israel helped ISIS

Yeah so? If Sup Forums stopped being retarded then they would realize ISIS would help save Europe by stopping Muslims from emigrating to Europe and forcing them to live in their caliphate. They would also help get Muslims expelled from the West and get the far-right into power. This is literally their goal. Plus at least ISIS is conservative and kills all the fags so they're not all bad. Thus indirectly Israel is trying to save Europe but Sup Forums is just too fucking stupid.

i will answer your questions with questions. red-pill yourself
>who has been kicked out of countries 109 times
>who is pushing mass immigration into europe
>who were the oppressors of the weimar republic
>who owns the us media who is working against our president
>who funds almost every aspect of the left
>who owns the social media thats curbing access to right wing media and information
>who owns the group funding the movement above
>who is pushing gender neutrality

Jewish kabbalah is behind the West's cultural decline. The Frankfurt School were highly influenced by the Lurianic kabbalah.

Bullshit. You blame movies, books, TV, food, banks, porn, the internet, literally everything enjoyable and important on jews. You don't even see how ridiculous you have become.

>Who gives a fuck about some Paleshitian sandniggers.

I do. Israel belongs on the moon, without glass dome.

This is not a very well supported and entirely unbelievable position. It doesn't even address Jews. Just Israel. And it addresses Israel very shallowly.

Go away shillblue

Cue picks of rabbis sucking baby dick after they circumcise the child.

>who is pushing multi-culturalism

you want the real redpill? because whites feel inferior

That's all sounds like a coincidence to me.

>who invented usury
>who runs the banks around the world profiting from usury


do i need to look for more coincidences?

Read it and know

No one says this. first day here?


EVERYONES says this retard. You've become a parody.

Inferior to inbreeding hooknosed likes who are obsessed with fucking their own mothers? What's your logic there nigger?

invented/own? You are confused. They invented nothing. the whole point is they are parasites who infiltrate host countries and gut them out like termites while leaving nothing of value behind.

They are very nice people.
My totally unbiased opinion.

Very informative. I always thought the kikes weren't the main cause of what is happening just part of the issue because of the fact Rothschild, Rockefeller ect share different cultural backgrounds yet are the root cause of the problems happening in the world. Soros was a no-brainer but I always thought he was simply a corrupt figure just pushing everyone's agenda not solely Israel's.

We'd still be living in caves if it wasn't for the jew according to Sup Forums

The (((Iraq War))) you fucktards.

Invented? What exactly has a Jew invented? They certainly aren't know for inventions.

Necessary? Was there no life before contact with Jews?

Enjoyable? Like what? Propaganda films and propaganda music aimed at the lowest intellect? What kind of degenerate finds that "enjoyable"? Is "enjoyable" the proper word to use for a heroine addict desire for his drug? In the production of fois gras in the finition d'engraissement would you call the duck "enjoying" itself?

>smarter than you
>richer than you
>more successful than you
>more powerful than you

you envy them for their superiority. that's why. there's a reason ivanka married a rich successful jew, and not meth addicted trailer trash like yourself

>What exactly has a Jew invented?

nuclear weapons for one. the very ones we use to defend this country fucktard

What's that supposed to mean faggot.

Jews are social parasites. They don't really seem to have any control over it. Jews have acted in the same predictable manner throughout different time periods and different geographic locations.

American Lives for Jewish interests.

Dual Loyalties

What if we archive it

>counterpunch org/2004/09/06/the-bush-neocons-and-israel

you're losing the game of social darwinism

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Nigger, NOW you see how ridiculous Sup Forums is??
lol it took awhile, but you finally got it!
That's what happens when you blame everyfuckingthingonearth on jews. You become a parody of yourself.


If you use "fucktard" as an insult you probably are whatever it is it's trying to describe through your Negroid grunting.

The context was "necessary and enjoyable in life". Now can you hold more than 3 words in you mind at a time? I believe you can. Try and let's see.

That's what it's all about. We could beat the Jews easily if we just got our shit together. Jews don't do well on their own they seek to latch on to the best host possible. Unfortunately, that host happens to be white people.

Palestinian Christians treated like shit. Israeli ambassador tries to bully 60
Minutes host before it airs

Netanyahu uses CNN as his personal propaganda network

Netanyahu guarantees (((Iraq War))) will be a good thing

Netanyahu publishes op-ed in American newspaper soon after 9/11

"No grievance, real or imagined, can ever justify terror . . . American power topples the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, and the al-Qaida network there crumbles on its own. The United States must now act similarly against the other terror regimes—Iran, Iraq, Yasser Arafat's dictatorship, Syria, and a few others."

Not Negroid. And you were calling me a "parody of myself"? Whatever that's suppose to mean.

Who are you trying to convince and what are you trying to convince them of? Your inability to communicate?

You'd all be fucking your own sisters and farm animals and murdering one another if the Jews didn't deliver the framework of Western morality via the Bible. And the goyim will never forgive them for ruining the party.

except for nukes aren't real faggot.

Hezbollah is spooky

No.Jews are cool

If we want to be intellectually honest we would come at this from the perspective of what is corroding our society: prescription drugs, feminism, LGBTQ, 1965 immigration act, race-mixing, stupid wars, extreme usury such as the 2007 financial crisis, etc. and seeing what the common denominator is.

>necessary and enjoyable in life

try living one without a nuclear umbrella

Jews were pretty much behind nuclear science, especially when it became applied to the military in the form of Nukes.

Remember Nukes are the thing Americans should have and North Koreans and Arabians shouldn't.


Read Culture of Critique:

Then read 200 Years Together:

While doing so, become versed in Jewish names (not that hard to notice) and note every time you see a Jew in the media, law or government.

oh, i guess japan didn't get the message

Thats because they own it all, dipshit.


>we just got our shit together.

you can't. you're too selfish. at least the whites here anyway

I want to see this for all entertainment studios too... WB, Paramount, CBS, ABC... Lets label it "Liberal Diversity"

Think of all detriments to society: it's the Jews.
Jews are also Satanists. Their Messiah will be the anti-Christ.

GOD gave us the bible. As if your foreskin eating volcano demon could provide any sense of morality.

I prefer a rainshade made from nylon and I certainly don't consider it "necessary and enjoyable in life". Would jew try a little harder please.

You're alright Yank

Now why should (((Americans))) the most genocidal and malevolent race of people on the planet have nuclear weapons? To squeeze the goyim more?

Firebombs weren't ending the war. Mega-explosions from nukes made them.


Oh. I'm sorry. I really can't compete against such an eloquent argument. I guess Jews are cool.

sure they did faggot.

What % of pol actually lives around or knows Jewish people? If you did, you know that only the top brackets of IQ can deal with them and get Naomi to swallow your balls.

>I prefer a rainshade made from nylon and I certainly don't consider it "necessary and enjoyable in life".

then gtfo out of canada

Because Canadians are limpwrists and not on the security council.

>I'm Sup Forums
>not Kevin




>charging more for a loan than you actually lend
Are you retarded, why would anyone run a bank if there was no interest? If interest was outlawed no one would be able to get loans.

Commie shill red alert.

Poor people hate the rich, that's about it. Hitler attached a race to it, commies didn't and straight up killed all the rich, but there's really no difference.The way SJWs hate white men in US is just a different side of the same class war that makes Sup Forums hate Jews.


Almost all my friends are part Jewish or part Asian in downtown SF.

I like them, but Jewish political movements, particularly neoconservatism, are horribly destructive.


Says the guy whose country sports a flag covered in glitter?

Says the guy from the country that lost the only war between the "limpwrists" and them?

So if you lost a war against "limpwrists" and sport a gay glitter flag what does that make you?

You know living in a Negro weathered part of the world you realize through generations you just get softer and softer till you become a good little Jewish slave.

>16 million
Even the famine that holodomor is but a part of was a bit smaller than 16 million. Also, Stalin was a Georgian, how long will those guys keep getting away.

Nietzsche wouldn't approve. He would just see it as the weak being whiners.


Says the country cucked by Socialists.

two branches of jews

descendants of Cain/Abel
descendants of Cain = jews outside of holy land, followers of Satan
descendants of Abel = jews in holy land prior to WWII and establishment of Israel as a country by the UN, eradicated via Holocaust through Hitler (Cain jew, hired as opposition by the Rothschilds)


>communication is hard
>not the good kind of autism



Some Jews are bad people, good job!

Spotted the Mudslime.

Well if you're born in a poor family and some other guy inherits millions you can't really do anything other than hate him. You'll never have his life. All you can do is work very hard most of your life and maybe live 10 or 20 years at the end of your life being almost as rich as him.

Why? Because your American Negro mind hurted? Because that's some low IQ stuff going on in your post.
