Why is West Virginia such a shit hole?

Why is West Virginia such a shit hole?

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southern people are very traditional and don't want for much besides their pickups, church, and family

culture of short heda

All the jobs left

White people.

rural and suburban retards desu

Looks comfy

I'm 82% convinced that he may truly be Bill Hicks at this point.

A down trodden people, worked by the coal mines, then freed into more capitalist oppression. Then they got back into the mines; the miners got hurt, and were prescribed opiods. When they took away the pain killers(due to an epidemic), the meth took over.

I left last September and will never look back. The people I grew up with have never even been out of state for the most part, some haven't left the county, ever.

if I visited WV could I find a young womb to use

It's poor but it is super comfy. Even has less of a drug problem than many other poor areas. Beautiful landscape, winter isn't too bad usually, and long-standing family ties are good for the soul. And it isn't being invaded by Muslims and Aztecs like Virginia.

cute doggos

rural and suburban retards

What a load of bullshit

I dream of West Virginia being the perfect American Jewish ethnostate. Give Iowa to the stormcucks, and let us have WV all to ourself. Nothing as peaceful as hiking there.

I love visiting the area near Spruce Knob, such amazing natural beauty. Sinks of Gandy, Seneca Creek, Dolly Sods. I understand that the weather is such that there are huge periodic floods that make more populated settlement impossible in some parts but the tourist infrastructure has so much potential given how close it is to the 12+ million people in the D.C. and Baltimore areas.

If they legalized recreational marijuana it could mean a huge influx of new visitors.

What part of WV?

No offense, but in my experience, WV is currently overrun with meth, and was painkillers prior. 7/10 people you see in central WV are on meth, or have been on meth at one time. WV used to be my home, John Denver's Country Roads doesn't even effect me anymore.

Floods only in southern WV(the coal fields-stay out). Mountains don't flood.

Around here shaking a pill bottle is called a West Virginia mating call.

No gibs.

Every major city is uglier than that photo

That's right! Gilmer county man, previous Glenville resident.

show your real flag yankee/other country faggot. youre no southerner,

They certainly do:


A state with minimal job opportunities and now as high of infrastructure as many of their neighboring states. That said West Virginia is a beautiful state and I imagine if your goal is to get away from it all it'd be a good destination.

>tfw no racist white trash gf

what is appalachia like? I live central upstate ny and never really been south into appalachia. Would seem like comfy place to hike

I have a granduncle that lives in the same house his parents built. It's a nice log cabin he's done the up keep and everything for it, even though it has electrical wiring he prefers not to use his generator unless it's absolutely necessary he also gets his water from a well and cuts his own fire wood for cooking and winter to keep warm. It's not that he's poor but he actually prefers that style of living, he's actually got a ton of money saved from what the common folk would spend on like power, cable, phone, etc

Kill yourself kike faggot

Oh its great. WV has the highest average elevation east of the Mississippi river. It is pretty remote and not too crowded, even in summer, the last time I was there.

Lots of caves too.

You're not Southern.

very comfy. Western NC here. Outside of college towns, it is sparsely populated with mostly whites.
I have family in WV and went there recently. Parts are not great. Some parts are okay. What you are missing is a MAJOR economic center. There aren't ports because they aren't on the ocean. They don't have a strong economy because it was heavily based in coal which is a dying industry. The mountains make it hard to build an urban civilization.

I bet if you show up in a shiny truck and take her out to Carl's Jr, she'd ride your dick all night. I'm going to find some poor chicks now.

I'm from Tennessee nigger

>if I visited WV could I find a young womb to use

What do you think about legalizing recreational marijuana in Appalachia?

You've all been warned

Yeah, it does. I'd rather be among poor whites than poor blacks.

Mountain River do flood.
Just last June 24 people died in WV floods. Thousands were left homeless.

fucking manlet

Let me guess -- you're 6'10"?

Maybe if you have a bottle of oxy and can of mountain dew.

>less of a drug problem
Are you fucking retarded?? Highest opioid death rates per capita than any other state.

Oh don't be a cheapskate and at least go to Chic Fil A.



Any. Fucking. Day.

Low jobs, high poverty, rampant meth

>tfw no arranged marriage to a malnourished skinny 16 year old WV girl with mental problems and ingrained dirt

you poor soul...

>Why is West Virginia such a shit hole?
Because it's not Virginia, which is like the Garden of Eden.

That's a pretty comfy house. It's nice living in an area with no fucking zoning regulations and other Yankee bullshit.

>green eyes


>mffw their child has a dirt bike and you never did

>That's a pretty comfy house.
it's a run down shithole dude

>The people I grew up with have never even been out of state for the most part, some haven't left the county, ever.

Why is this a bad thing? This is how most people throughout history lived there lives until the dumbfuck boomers pushed the travel meme.

Is Stacy a more complete and wordly person than me because she "studied" abroad in Milan for 3 months?

So I have smoked a LOT of marijuana over the last few years, I've done shrooms and I've dabbled with cocaine. I understand the difference and am totally pro marijuana because it is so much tamer and just generally safer than hard drugs.

I think it would be great for these rural economies. Plenty of room for farming, decent alternative to opioids for pain relief thereby circumventing the pill abuse that can lead to addiction.

I am totally pro-legalization but would it be well received by most of the population? I'm not sure. I think most people would be open to the idea, but local leaders not so much. It needs to be a large grassroots effort...no pun intended.

I wish Sup Forums would help organize that. Would be an actual useful way to spend time on here.

I live in Virginia. Maybe VA has just gotten so bad that it seems like WV isn't the worst anymore when I go there. I'm so sick of Muslims and Quetzocoatl worshippers that a bunch of hillbillies seem nice by comparison.


No, it's comfy. I used to live in such a place. Nobody will fucking break in there to rob shit because they think you ain't got shit.

Ask an Australian who went to Charleston West Virginia anything

Rural and suburban retards

Too many white people with no minorities to steal from.

fuck you you little shit. THat young girl looks happy there playing with her little dogs. You sound like a fucking shithead man. GO FUCKING HANG YOURSELF YOU LITTLE NIGGER

>Yeah, it does. I'd rather be among poor whites than poor blacks.
absolutely right. being poor and white doesn't make someone a criminal. being poor and black does.

You're all manlets to me.

Yeah the spic and mudslime problem is getting worse and worse here, they don't even bother to learn fucking english

>under 21 until...

You can cheery pick photos from anywhere and ask that question. Personally i would love to move to WV.

Girl in the pic is Emalee Short. Here is what she looks like now. Wood plow.

Here is her twitter


They rely on the Jew for their disability check.

I'd fill her with babies.

its shitty. In normal parts of the country you go to the rural places to get away from it all and relax. Going to Appalachia is like being in a strange alternate reality version of rural America. The place is like a white trash biosphere that time forgot

Because it's inhabited by Scots-Irish Celtic nigger subhumans

Living in Fairfax is basically like purgatory.

looks nice t b h senpai, but i'm confused as to what they eat? land looks bad, as in you can't grow your own food and they seem to live outside of any town

do they drive 20 miles to the nearest store once a week or something?

two words: scotch-irish.

The same reason why Detroit and every ghetto in America is a shithole. NAFTA. Who wanted NAFTA? Clinton.

What West Virginia is today is what America used to be like before 1965.

Just be thankful most of us don't have to live in these shit conditions today, around traitors who turned their back on the party which supported them for decades

Go look at a map of world. Ask yourself "Why is the netherlands richer the Bosnia. Why is St. Petersburg richer than the cities near the Ural mountains. Why is "mountainous area of dense forest/jungle/other shitty terrain that makes building expensive" not as rich as "flat fertile coastal plain next to major river" over and over and over again. Then realize West Virginia is the same thing.

The only reason anyone moved to West Virginia was for the coal. And now the coal is both gone and rapidly becoming uneconomical thanks to natural gas. And the economic development necessitated by coal mining didn't do enough to create a self-sustaining state. So now it has no natural job market, no skills, and a high cost of bringing in goods and building things. It's a miracle it isn't worse than it already is.

There will always be a market for political bribery thanks to their two senators though.

They mined the coal

The American South has always been better when it was Democrat controlled.

What you see in West Virginia is the result when Republish*ts take control.

As you can no doubt see, West Virginia isn't the only part of ths South that is sh*t nowadays. Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama...all Republican and sh*t

Deserters burn in hell

Hicks would have been 55 today. Alex is only 43

Country Roads take me home

Alex Jones could easily be 55 tbqh fampire

WV makes PR look 1st world, jesus what a shithole.

Could it be that SUPER MALE VITALITY is making him appear younger ?

What's the murder rate like?
I bet white junkies overdose at higher rate than black ones because black ones tend to get murdered before their drug habit can kill them directly

You some kinda urbanite faggot?

He is clearly not bill. It's so fucking obvious.

White outside of college downs and some neighborhoods in the like 3 decent sized citys we have. Like 92% white. All we need is sustainable jobs not coal. When coal got crippled by an overly strict epa we all hurt. We need manufacturing, selective cut lumber, and agriculture. self sustaining and we actually have rare plants that can grow here like black walnut and ginseng. But then again being poorer has kept the nig noggers out so meh. Rather broke than 'enriched'

I don't know man, looks comfy to me.

Because it's poor there there's no reason for people to immigrate to there.

looks comfy af desu, having a big house is not necessary if your backyard is sparsely populated forest. All you really need is a place to sleep, cook, clean clothes and shower.

>tfw no HOA to bitch about your lawn or that rusty piece of shit pickup you use to go fishing and haul wood.

It's called "Disability Culture"

It's a thing.

Hey, how do you know the tooth brush was invented in West Virginia?

If it was invented anywhere else they'd have called it the "teeth brush"

T. Virginian.

The wild and wonderful whites is a 10/10.

Sure, it needs an overhaul, but looks cozy. I'd take it any day of the week if it's paid off.

They were cast from Eden 36 years ago when they ate from the tree of autism.


Still better than any nigger gettho.

Fuck me, this song has been stuck in my head all week for some reason. First thing I thought when I saw the thread lol.