Genuinely on the fence with which way ill place my vote, should gay marriage be legalized in Australia?
Genuinely on the fence with which way ill place my vote, should gay marriage be legalized in Australia?
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There has never been a good argument against muh slippery slope. It is just an ingrained part of the human condition, not really that controversial that if we don't maintain some standards then others will fall. Just look at how society has degraded since the 60's, a few of our core institutions and traditions were knocked out and its been a gradual decline ever since.
I suppose its a simple to say 'if we allow fag marriage then people will want to marry their cousins', even tho that's just correctly pointing out that the exact same arguments can be used to justify both. But really the slippery slope is on a larger resolution, everything and everyone is declining in morals.
Fag marriage does not exist in a vacuum, they ask you to give up a bit of our history and tradition here, but they forget the day before they were asking us to give up this other part of our history/culture/tradition and tomorrow it will be something different again. Every day they chip away at Western Civilisaton, bit by bit the walls are crumbling. On its own, fag marriage probably isn't that big of an issue, but its not on its own, its just the latest in a long line of subversive political causes.
Absolutely not. Divorce shouldn't be legal either. Marriage is a bond sacred to many religions, and it shouldn't be lowered to status of a non-binding contract. If you're non-religious and get married, you're only doing it to stick it to the tax man and I hate you.
Very well said aussbro
You already can marry your cousin, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew in mainland Australia, but not in Tasmania where it's second cousins or further only.
You're fukken welcome.
This, don't do it. After they legalize the fag marriage then the tranny bathroom nonsense will start, after that well it's anyones guess what these sick fucks will promote.
No because they dont want equality they want the masses to submit to their social engineering in schools . Then comes transkids, more liberals, social experiments and now theyre trying to blur age of consent laws and having pedophile activists. Dont do it user. Biggest mistake ever
>There has never been a good argument against muh slippery slope.
That it is logically fallacious and there have been no legalizations of incest or pedophilia anywhere that has adopted gay marriage.
In 2005 they told us gay marriage would be the end of the conversation. They told us all this talk about trannies, pedophilia, bestiality, etc. was just paranoia and slippery slope fallacies.
Look at us a decade later. Don't fall for their lies. No country has stopped at gay marriage. They just keep pushing for more disgusting things. They will never stop.
Homosexuals deserve an equal opportunity to be happy.
Sup Forums will proceed to eviscerate me now, but look into your heart user. You know it to be true.
Name a country that legalized gay marriage and subsequently reduced the age of consent.
>Homosexuals deserve an equal opportunity to be happy.
Okay, how about we put all homosexuals into therapy so that they can get over the molestation and rape that 90% of them suffered as children?
Nobody is talking about pedophilia or bestiality though except you.
My heart believes that disease spreading perverts and child molesters are wicked beasts who need to be executed.
But that has been proven not to work.
>marriage is an opportunity to be happy.
the legal marriage process it is a financial transaction and nothing to do with love or happiness at all. What's to stop you holding a wedding and wearing a ring without doing all the paperwork? Just money. Just. Money.
Shut your filthy cock sucking mouth you perverted faggot.
>I'm voting no
>unless you vote no then your vote will be wasted as mine will counter it
Don't throw away your vote!
Don't use your own anecdotal evidence to generalise for all gays.
Not bullshit. Most gays are "introduced" as children.
>It is not unscientific to make a guess, although many people who are not in science think it is. Some years ago I had a conversation with a layman about flying saucers — because I am scientific I know all about flying saucers! I said “I don’t think there are flying saucers”. So my antagonist said, “Is it impossible that there are flying saucers? Can you prove that it’s impossible?” “No”, I said, “I can’t prove it’s impossible. It’s just very unlikely”. At that he said, “You are very unscientific. If you can’t prove it impossible then how can you say that it’s unlikely?” But that is the way that is scientific.
>It is scientific only to say what is more likely and what less likely, and not to be proving all the time the possible and impossible. To define what I mean, I might have said to him, "Listen, I mean that from my knowledge of the world that I see around me, I think that it is much more likely that the reports of flying saucers are the results of the known irrational characteristics of terrestrial intelligence than of the unknown rational efforts of extra-terrestrial intelligence." It is just more likely. That is all.
t. Richard Feynman
From my own experiences, and the experiences of all around me, I can say with high confidence that most gays are mentally unstable.
Do you want science?
Gays are twice as likely to drink at dangerous levels. Gays are multiple times more likely to divorce than Heterosexuals. Gays have a higher mental illness rate than Heterosexuals. Gays have a higher suicide rate than Heterosexuals.
whay kind of degenerate cares about whom consenting adults marry? get a life
Name one country where gay marriage didn't escalate into more perverted shit like tranny bathrooms, pedo rights, fag adoption, etc. Name just one country where the fags meant it when they said "all we want is to get married".
Hard Mode: Don't try using countries that legalized marriage a year ago like that faggot from the other thread. Even though he was still proven wrong.
We're all familiar with these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Stop the gay parades here in this great southern land.
You have no evidence that abuse or molestation cause homosexuality. Meanwhile, I have a ton that it is a mixture of genetic + epigenetic causes.
>Live in a society that is overwhelmingly hostile to your way of life
>Be mentally unstable
Hmmmmm, really made me think...
is this faggot serious? they are trying to normalize pedophilia and all the other shit you fuckface. virped? pizzagate? fuck off
Where did it ever escalate into pedo rights?
Gay adoption is generally considered a part of gay marriage.
You'll get the schizopoofta from the other thread back m8.
Vote no. Growing up in Iran I was sheltered from brainwashing from the gay ideology so I didn't even know that sick people existed in the world who sexually got involved with the same gender until I moved here and was appalled by them and by the illogical cult-like support they received from other people. This is an unhealthy mentality and immoral to propagate to people to think this is normal.
Homophiles out
>I have a ton
Ok, let's see it mate
no, fuck the people who decided organized religion should be entwined with the state. i agree with you guys, marriage should be a religious experience. it shouldnt have any baring on secular life at all, including all the tax breaks and free shit married couples get.
I honestly couldn't give a shit if fags can get married or not, what I'm god damned sick and tired of is faggotry being politicised and shoved in my face 24/7.
I'm just sick and tired of hearing about these basket cases.
That's not an argument.
Ah, the old leftist "evidence" trick. Every time I provide a piece of evidence, you move the goal posts until I give up, and then you claim victory.
No, I'm not playing. If you can't see that most gays are mentally ill, and that most gays are molested as children, you can't be helped. Enjoy your STDs. I'll enjoy my mental stability.
You shouldn't be allowed near children.
Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:
Out of all the women you know, how many said being a woman was the reason they needed special treatment?
Now think again, if you a straight man, are being told by someone they are gay, they're clearly out for something. There are so many more of them than you care to consider, but the fact is they live normal lives regardless of your opinions.
So we're only gonna trust your (((peer))) reviewed 'evidence'.
Gay and lesbian kids are often socially excluded and vulnerable to abuse.
Where is that stat about Lesbian couples abusing children and each other at alarming rates guys?
That you haven't sourced?
Yesterday we had a thread where some faggot said "All I want is to get married. That's it." So we challenged him to name a country that legalized gay marriage and that was it. No escalation in degeneracy. The gays got their marriage and stopped whining. Just name one country where this happened.
He tried naming countries that legalized fag marriage recently ("hey nothing has happened since they legalized it last week") but he was still repeatedly proven wrong. Every country that legalized gay marriage continued down the same path of trannies, pedos, dog fuckers, etc. Every single one.
Then the faggot shifted the goalposts and said those escalations weren't even bad and we shouldn't be bigots to trannies and pedos. Thus removing his mask and exposing the agenda he and other faggots had all along.
>not an argument
nice refutation, fucking got me bro, did you do debating in high school?
That was interesting thank you
>genuinely on the fence
>even a small part of him believes socially destructive degenerate behaviour should be legalised
Kids arent gay you fucking pedo
kids dont have reeally ANY attraction when they are 4 or 5 you sick fuck, you are the one that wants to normalize tranny bathroom s and tanny kids
you dont even understand basic high school shit like the difference between correlation and causation. why do you think youre qualified to comment on the mental state of others? you sound fkn retarded
I don't give a fuck about gay marriage, gonna vote no so as to piss off SJWs.
Most of Australia isn't even christian.
You guys will pass that shit quickly and suffer god's wrath in the end times.
Ya don't vote yes or you will be trying to fix everything like us Americans Aussi bro.
Absolutely not. All this tranny shit was only mainstreamed in america (and by extension the world) after fag marriage was legalized. I was actually for gay marriage at the time, thinking it's not big deal and saying "the slippery slope fallacy is ridiculous!" It isn't, it shouldn't even be considered a fallacy. The slippery slope is just liberalism + time, they will never stop pushing for worse degeneracy, they will never stop hating you, they will never stop wanting to make your life worse, they will never stop wanting you and your family dead. Don't give them an inch, even if the inch seems trivial. Enabling crazies even a little just makes them more crazy.
Tax breaks and free shit for married couples are the primary reasons people get married these days (and expense is the primary reason they don't - how interesting that it costs money to save money). Pre-nups, divorces, it's all proof of a modern-day rort.
No, I did Lacrosse. I'm really regretting that I didn't get together with the rugby players and bash some poofs, though.
So being gay doesn't cause high drinking rates? Being gay doesn't cause high suicide rates?
So it's all correlated then? What's the cause of the high suicide rates? What's the cause of the high drinking rates?
Could it be that, gasp, generally mentally unstable people gravitate to fucking the same sex, and that most gays aren't seriously romantically interested in men, instead they have a fetish for fucking men?
The first citation, “Tomeo, Templer, Anderson and Kotler”5 indicates a study that is presented as concluding there is a correlation between being abused as a child and being gay; the citation fails to note several highly relevant factors: it was a non-clinical study and the data concerning homosexuals was gathered by setting up an interview booth at a “Gay Pride” parade6 while the data for heterosexuals was gathered at a college. Did the signage attracting participants at the Gay Pride parade booth ask specifically for victims of abuse who were willing to tell their story? The study does not say anything on this point – we do not know how participants were attracted.
Another interesting aspect of this study is the use of the word “molestation.” In the questionnaire given to participants, the word “molestation” is never used; “sexual contact” is used. What does this phrase mean to the various participants? Does it mean one thing to those participating in a festive Gay Pride Parade and something quite different to a student at a perhaps more subdued or introspective University setting? Since 84% of gay men and 95% of women considered themselves gay before the “sexual contact” according to the study, could it be something less nefarious than, for example, forcible rape they were recounting?
Also cited in the Tomeo, et al report are studies conducted by Paul Cameron that supported the contention that gays are more likely to have been molested and to molest others. Wikipedia7 reports that The American Sociological Association has criticized Dr. Cameron, stating that "Cameron has consistently misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism" and that he was kicked out of the American Psychological Association8.
Yeah, anyone who says the slippery slope isn't real is a fucking liar.
Nobody gives a shit about your vote or your country. Just make a choice and leave us alone.
I knew I was gay by age 6. I didn't know the word or what it meant but I knew I preferred looking at male bodies to female ones.
>since March 2017
Way to prove that guys point
You are a messed up individual and need help. Homosexuality is a mental illness
>mental illness
How can an illness be mental? what is the vector?
Allow gay marriage only if they adopt a single mother and become liable for child support.
Marriage is a word; seek the same benefits and i'm fine with it, but seeking to have people call what you're doing a marriage is delusional.
Just made this, thoughts, aus/pol/?
>Wanted to get together with the rugby players
Come on man, surely even you can see through the thin 'self-hating gay' facade you've been putting up.
I'll vote for you, learn to accept yourself.
All we want is to not be sentenced to death.
All we want is to not be chemically castrated.
All we want is to not be beaten up.
All we want is to be allowed behind closed doors.
All we want is don't ask don't tell.
All we want is to be allowed in public.
All we want is legal rights in inheritance.
All we want is recognized civil unions.
All we want is secular marriages.
All we want is to adopt children.
All we want is marriage in churches.
All we want is trannies to not be beaten up.
All we want is tax-funded tranny surgery.
All we want is to use the bathroom of our preferred gender.
All we want is to outlaw not calling us by our preferred pronoun.
All we want is to have sex with animals.
All we want is to force Christians to participate in our faggotry.
All we want is to teach pedophilia to children.
All we want is to have sex with children.
"But it's okay if we just stop here". But it never just stops here. This was always their intent. And this was always the end result of permitting faggotry.
In b4 typical fag argument "OMG ARE YOU SAYING IT'S OKAY TO KILL THE GAYS?!?!?!"
Way to assume my sexuality :^)
I thought they've had it for longer. So you've got Canada with that one ruling on bestiality, which I do not support, but where has the age of consent been lowered subsequent to gay marriage's adoption?
events are not necessarily related. Burden of proof is on you to prove that gay marriage's adoption *directly* led to that court ruling in Canada or any other social changes.
Do you understand what the word correlation means? Blindly saying "MUH CORRELATION ISN'T CAUSATION" is not the same as proving that two measurements are totally unrelated. There's a relationship there which is further invitation to scientific investigation, were it not so science would have stalled right after the apple hit newton's head
>All we want is to not be sentenced to death.
>All we want is to not be chemically castrated.
in all honesty, just these two. the rest for for society to decide. if someone beats you up for being gay it's more often about your fashion sense.
There are people who have turned back from the dark side. Also, it's pretty interesting to read how it might actually be a learned behaviour.
This. Fuck Australia.
Vote no, you need to combat these cancerous idea of progress more than anything acc to do with gays
Think how shocked the leftys will be when it gets voted down
Marriage between consenting adults should be legal everywhere.
It's literally silly to think otherwise. Childish, even.
Ah, the genetic disorder hypothesis
My fave
Very well put
I'm voting no, they can't further erode marriage.
I wanna see them cry on television like after the Trump vote.
oh pls.
That sounds like complete pseudoscience to me, people who don't want to be responsible for themselves.
Being gay doesn't cause me subjective distress. I read a whole big long anti-gay blogpost of some radio show where people active in the APA in the 1970s were on and talking about how it was largely gay psychiatrists who had it stricken from the list.
That said mental illness means that you should be able to be held against your will for having such a condition, and I don't think most people agree that being attracted to the same sex merits involuntary commitment.
Hooker administered three projective tests (the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test [TAT], and Make-A-Picture-Story [MAPS] Test) to 30 homosexual males and 30 heterosexual males recruited through community organizations. The two groups were matched for age, IQ, and education. None of the men were in therapy at the time of the study.
Unaware of each subject's sexual orientation, two independent Rorschach experts evaluated the men's overall adjustment using a 5-point scale. They classified two-thirds of the heterosexuals and two-thirds of the homosexuals in the three highest categories of adjustment. When asked to identify which Rorschach protocols were obtained from homosexuals, the experts could not distinguish respondents' sexual orientation at a level better than chance.
A third expert used the TAT and MAPS protocols to evaluate the psychological adjustment of the men. As with the Rorschach responses, the adjustment ratings of the homosexuals and heterosexuals did not differ significantly.
Hooker concluded from her data that homosexuality is not a clinical entity and that homosexuality is not inherently associated with psychopathology.
It shouldn't because marriage is between a man and a woman and legalizing gay marriage would neuter the Australian government's ability to police morality.
Name a country that didn't have a massive tranny lobby spring out of nowhere almost immediately after legalising homo marriage
Also guys, don't use their words that's how they influence you. Gay means happy and carefree, they are homosexuals
Go away kiwi
Gib pavlova recipe
Lol, that's pretty good. Mind if I save and share?
Doesn't matter 2bh.
If people vote yes libs will just go 'lmao non-binding' and if people vote no, Libs are so cucked by internal politics they put the days of rudd-gillard-rudd to shame and are going to lose the next election so Shorten will just legalize it anyway.
Quite literally does not matter outside of your own personal headspace where you think democracy isn't a literal dog and pony show to keep the braying masses from revolting.
It's mayoclinic ya fuck
>voting to take away the rights of others
you shouldn't need a reason other than pissing off lefties
I'm very jealous, sir
Go ahead m8