This is what White Sharia looks like
This is what White Sharia looks like
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The only good Sunnis are the ones who are under shia control.
Why don't Sup Forums pretend to be muslim in mass for the shits and giggles?
It's fucking incredible, you can downtalk on women, faggots, other muslims, atheists and everything else.
It's the perfect facade!
Hahaha, are you actually from Jordan? Do you get people like this guy on the streets preaching ISIS?
>the absolute state of modern Britain
His king is half 'INNIT BRUV'
But seriously, what is it with British gingers and Islam?
Gingers feel ridiculed in the UK (which they are) so they think islam will accept them. something to do with being outcasts i assume
Muslims will take anyone. Rapists, retards, whoever (not Homo's). Gingers have to find a home somewhere.
This actually proves that if Europe will go the Islam route we will totally dominate it like we did with Christianity.
Just look at the size of that White dude and all the meek manlets around him.
If white sharia ever launch I will totally be all over it. It's actually a good system, keeps women in their place.
I'm against the proliferation of Islam, but damn, it would be funny to see white people do Islam better than the middle easterners who've been practicing it for over a thousand years.
You know, I'm starting to think that White men going full Islamic is the only way we're going to deal with the Marxists, fags, trannies, feminists, traps, Jews, and all other detritus infesting our societies. If anyone can get the full benefits of Islamic culture without going full retard on the science front it's us.
And this.
lets just go the way of henry the VIII and make our own version
>Jews implement degeneracy
>week minded fucks covert to the sandnigger religion to combat it
>Jews can now take over large parts of the world in the name of fighting anti-semitism.
it's fucking obvious you intellectual manlets.
>look at me
>I'm the Prophet now
t. Prince Harry the Ginger
I guess we have wiggers and you have wuslims
Why is it that only ginger people convert to Islam?
It's like looking into the future of Britain.
It is pretty hilarious sounds like he has an african intonation in his voice
>Marxists, fags, trannies, feminists, traps, Jews
Gee, I wonder who pushes all that degeneracy, race mixing, trannies etc. in the media and popular culture? It's all the Jews.. Most social ills stem from jews.
>Tranny fags = pushed by Jewish media
>Marxism/ Bolshevism= invented by jews
>Feminism = invented by Jews.
>Fraction banking (debt slavery) = invented by jews
>controlling the government through lobbying + blackmail = AIPAC/ Mossad jews
On And on
Classical Western culture THRIVED (and kept women and degenerates in line) before Islam even EXISTED. If you think submitting to a horde of shit skin head choppers who worship a man who raped little kids; YOU are a fucking traitor!
How many Jews are there in the Middle East (apart from Israel)? Not many. There used to be hundreds of thousands before the rise of Islam. People associate the holocaust with the Nazis but the original holocaust was actually perpetrated by the Muslims; they completely wiped out the Jews. Mohammed specifically mentions The Jewish question many times in the Koran and says their will never be peace while they exist. Islam is the natural predator of Jews, the world seems to have forgotten this.
Here's the synopsis of a book which grapples with this idea. It's by French right-wing author Michel Houellebecq:
>In 2022, François, a middle-aged literature professor at Paris III and specialist in Huysmans, feels he is at the end of his sentimental and sexual lives – composed largely of year-long liaisons with his students. It has been years since the last time he created any valuable university work. France is in the grip of political crisis – in order to stave off a National Front victory, the Socialists ally with the newly formed Muslim Brotherhood Party, with additional support of the Union for a Popular Movement, formerly the main right-wing party. They propose the charming and physically imposing Islamic candidate Mohammed Ben-Abbes for the presidency against the National Front leader Marine Le Pen. In despair at the emerging political situation, and the inevitability of antisemitism becoming a major force in French politics, François' young and attractive Jewish girlfriend, Myriam, emigrates to Israel. His mother and father die. He fears that he is heading towards suicide, and takes refuge at a monastery situated in the town of Martel, Lot. The monastery is an important symbol of Charles Martel's victory over Islamic forces in 732; it is also where his literary hero, Huysmans, became a lay member.
>Ben-Abbes wins the election, and becomes President of France. He pacifies the country and enacts sweeping changes to French laws, privatizing the Sorbonne, thereby making François redundant with full pension as only Muslims are now allowed to teach there. He also ends gender equality, allowing polygamy. Several of François' intellectually inferior colleagues, having converted to Islam, get good jobs and make arranged marriages with attractive young wives. The new president campaigns to enlarge the European Union to include North Africa, with the aim of making it a new Roman Empire, with France at its lead. In this new, different society, with the support of the powerful politician Robert Rediger, the novel ends with François poised to convert to Islam and the prospect of a second, better life, with a prestigious job, and wives chosen for him.
>The novel mixes fiction with real people: beside Le Pen, François Hollande, François Bayrou and Jean-François Copé, among others, fleetingly appear as characters in the book.
Yeah, and I'm sure the Jews have completely forgotten about this and aren't setting the stage for the Arab holocaust (which will be completely justified of course).
I've done this before.
We would smash with ANY strong-willed ideology that would give us the moral excuse to use violence, (as Poland had to learn with German Nazism.) It doesn't have to be specifically Islam. Islam is actually a bad choice, because it's an supremacist ethno-religion FOR ARABS, e.g. claims that Arabic is the most beautiful language and other stuff.
BTW, Arabs are furious that Turks and Persians claim the leadership of the religion. It's not how it's supposed to be according to their Arab supremacist beliefs.
why do the lower class change tense mid-sentence?
"you are probably a kuffar (isn't it)"
They is time travelers.
Interesting. Just imagine white jihad. Just take that verse about "every people has it's place" and start jihading brownies out of europe
Is that you Krzystof?
they have strayed from the path hence why they are such losers nowadays
>The virgin kuffar
>The Chad Sunni
What does the shia reply in the end?
Cause they feel by joining the pedophilac death cult they'll automatically have friends and be cool.
"you can talk all you want" blablabla.
they are piss scared of the white dude.
>volunteering to be ruled by inbred shitskins
The problem is:
-Islam is probably NOT the true religion
-It promotes inbreeding, race-mixing and pedophilia
-retarded food rules
-Islam is against art and music which goes directly against European culture
-Also the oldest globalist scheme (one worldwide caliphate)
Don't be fooled by the Taqqiya faggots, you don't fight degeneracy with another kind of degeneracy. Europeans were masculine as fuck during the ancient times far BEFORE Islam even existed.
>We would smash with ANY strong-willed ideology that would give us the moral excuse to use violence, (as Poland had to learn with German Nazism.)
Lad, you would have gotten battered by Germany if it weren't for Britain, France, America and Russia. Don't fool yourself thinking you are invincible just because Germany couldn't maintain their presence.
I wish they won to be honest. Stupid fucking slav shits acting a henchmen for kike powers.
It does not promote race mixing whatsoever
It's only going to be a few decades until the main political battle is conservative islam vs communist sjw scum
I know who I'll be fighting with.
what an incoherent rant
false dilemma fallacy
In the real world people simply fight for their own ingroup/nation. The exception are deluded sjw commies, who are too few to create a sizeable force that matters. The thing that stopped communism AGAIN AND AGAIN, was nationalism.
Nah it was liberalism
The people in Poland didn't fight for nationalism
The Montagsdemos in Germany had no nationalist demands
You GOT battered by Germany, and the french saved your rag crew of soldiers in Dunkirk by throwing themselves at the Germans facing sure death.
I'm talking about 1920 in Poland vs Bolsheviks and also your own 1919 Communist Revolutions (lead by Jews) that were squashed by Social Democrats, who chose own nation over internationalist (Judeo)-Communism.
The Left, like ISIS, is able to mobilize international fighters, but those fighters are a tiny percentage of their home nations. 99% of people choose their own ingroup.
>supremacist ethno-religion FOR ARABS
The amount of sandnigger mudshits on Sup Forums is disturbing. Wtf happened? This is a place for white males to talk about radical right wing politics and national socialism go away shitskins
>You GOT battered by Germany
Rightfully so, but "battered" isn't the right word once you look at kill counts.
The Germans were underrated warriors, sure, but Britain certainly handled their own.
This. There are many good elements, but it's overall not suitable.
No need for islamophobia though, racism is useless
>This is what shartia looks like
Awesome, getting the book now. I bet this happens.
>Caring about some kuffar manlet
Who the fuck cares, Mohammed? The only thing brother did wrong was not initiating Jihad at the spot (he probably did off camera though)
>tfw close eyes
>tfw Paki in video sounds whiter than whitey
I've read it.
Great book
Islam is the best religion against feminists.
i convert for her.
Wtf is the problem with that?
This "ethno bomb" would literally be the most clean solution for the problem.
Munifiqoon (people who pretend to be Muslim) will get the worst possible hell for eternity.
i swear on me prophet m8
Jihad mode engaged. Kuffar locked in. Starting Snackbar.exe.
>white aryan man
>shitskin woman
>genes go into the bin because of racemixing
daily reminder never to race mix and to never fall for jewish propaganda
you ain't no muslim bruv
but it will be worth it for the giggles, innit bruv
This. Islam was made for the white man.