It's amazing how often this moron's words come back to bite him.

Try harder

What's the matter trumpcuck? Can't handle daddy getting cucked by his own words?

Cry more

you still don't understand politics?!
it's just a fool's game.

Legit senpai using the word "cuck" twice in one reply makes it glaringly obvious how little creative thought you put into this kind of thing


Obama is a piece of shit kike lazy nigger who did jack shit for this country. I piss on his "legacy", thanks for ruining everything you good for nothing monkey. Trump has unironically done more in 6 months than Obama did in 8 years.


It must be frustrating for you hicks that no matter how many memes you come up with, he will still be admired and respected much more than your orange cunt faced daddy can ever hope to achieve.
He saved us from the worst economic crisis in a century. Nothing you say or do will ever erase that legacy :)

I'm just speaking to my audience, cucked bitch.

It is a great honor for me to be here with all of my friends.
So amazing + will NEVER FORGET !


>hating kikes
>loving trump


Trump has done nothing but cry on twitter like the little bitch that he is. The strong economy, the record high markets, the additional jobs, everything is due to Obama's policy given that Trump hasn't released a single economic policy bill yet.
>inb4 b-b-but corporations are investing billions because Trump is giving them good FEELS about the future of the market!
Sorry hicks, the market doesn't work on feelings.

You gotta try harder to fit in newfag



>the market doesn't work on feelings.

Holy shit.



You can sage me all you want cuck. Doesn't really change history.

kek this picture
You can just feel the vibe from Netanyahu and his wife being mad jealous of Melania

Melania truly is amazing

Back to sucking donny's fat orange cunt. Oh wait, he's on vacation You're gonna have to wait a couple of weeks.

try harder

king nigger is married to man

She's more plastic than human.

who cares what king nigger did, trump sucks badly.

Orange turd is married to plastic.

Lol trumpcucks turning out to be worse than SJWs

>bombs an inconsequential runway for a massive increase in political capital
>ends CIA program arming anti-Assad terrorists
try. harder. shill.

& saged

Hey Reddit

In the same breath you'll say Obama couldn't do anything because Republicans were stonewalling him and everything was the Republican's fault. So if the Republican congress were responsible for all the policy wouldn't they be responsible for all the great economic policies?

you really have a great understanding of politics, i admire you.

the overall crime rate and prison population nose dived while he was president
chicago is an outlier

If you don't like the content of the tweet, take it up with Trumpstein.

>not letting usurious banks go under
Fuck off Schlomo

All the republicunts could do was obstruct President Obama. The great policies were Obama's doing despite the historic obstruction.

& cucked

Shhh, this is a fact free zone please. Don't spook the conservitards.

The only policy of note was Obamacare. It's unsustainable. Political pea brain.

>he think his fake meme reply is going to change any minds
To your credit though, they work great on your fellow trumphicks.

Yeah and the whole saving the economy from the brink of collapse.
>b-b-but the recovery was slow! Never mind that we almost stabbed america to death under republican rule with useless wars and a financial crisis the likes of which hadn't been seen in 100 years, b-b-but the recovery was slow!

>facts I don't like are fake

Take that flag off if you're going to suck nigger dick

By bailing out private banks who were handing out bad loans, tripling the debt. But commies don't care about debt or government spending, they don't pay taxes.

>when your strawman is more wordy than your comment
smells desperate

Hmm sounds awfully familiar.

>By bailing out private banks who were handing out bad loans, tripling the debt.
That was all Bush. He did it right before leaving and it took effect when Obama came in.

What happened June 5th, 2014???

do you have any reading comprehension.
or, what dumbass shill tactic is this?
ya new?

It's easy to criticize in hindsight but did you have a better solution back then? You don't think he knew how bad bailing out the banks would look, especially for a democrat?
If you know even a little bit about the what caused the financial collapse, you'll know that the bailout was the absolute last measure.
Besides the bailout money was paid back with interest. My only regret is that not a single banker went to jail.

Nov 5th, 2013

When was Saleel Sawarim 4 released???

Do American leftists (like the ones in this thread) think they sound good? By which I mean, do they think the way they talk online - the words they use, how they address others with differing viewpoints and their general demeanour - does anything to help them?

It's interesting, because I'm seeing more and more that the "obnoxious" right is actually the reasonable side in tbe argument. A vast, vast amount of kids are gonna grow up and see that too. Which is nice

>nu libs, keep on nu libbing

honestly though, why are facts fake if it doesnt appeal to your views on something.
thats not how they work.

and just think, he still won.
And obama's legacy is dying day by day.
I wonder if barry still gets hard as good as he used to.
Black Trash

Ironically, because he started deporting spics

>leftists now insulting the President for standing up to a dictator that literally threatened to nuke a US territory

>massive gun grabber
>destroyed race relations
>massive war monger, destablized libya and syria giving rise to the rapefugee crisis seen today
>shitty healthcare bill that jacked up premiums grealy for millions of people leading them broke
>raised debt greatly
>millions of illegals given amnesty
>sucked islamic dick daily

The only crime Trump did was not lynching that nigger day one. Only Canashits like him
The same retards who voted for DUDE WEED.

Most obvious shill threads ever for 500

>destroyed race relations

Get the fuck out of here fucking right wing retard. No one is buying your shit.

Most cucked faggot for $1000

Amazing reply shill, such wit

20 posts in your own thread so far, remember to keep bumping it

yeah obamas a poof


Why do you come here just to be a faggot? It's one thing to get paid pennies for it by Shareblue, it's another to do it for free.

You're a fucking retarded cunt.


The nigger destroted race relations for good, defended blm, and attacked cops that did their jobs. Kill yourself dumb calispic leftist cunt. Race relations went to complete shit under your pet nigger. Piss off back to plebbit.


is he....dare i say it?..../our guy/?

The fuck is happening to his nose in this pic?

>this moron

>literally beat the "smartest people in the room" and became President.

You need to pick one faggot.

So i take it we are being raided?

The worst part is this is such bad trolling.

Trolling implies deception. An elaborate ruse to make people emotional. A trick, a cleverly disguised provocation.

But read your own thread. The responses you are getting are people BTFOing you in a matter-of-fact tone, followed by *your* increasingly emotive responses.

Your playing yourself


Please do not use misogynistic language

>can't make a good bait thread
>might genuinely be a libshit
>the verdict is in:

Opinion: Discarded.

He's completely right

>crime rate nosedived
>blacks were literally setting their whole cities on fire and rioting across the US
leftists are delusional

Will do! Thanks for stopping by to defend your daddy's "honor" like the cucked little faggot that you were born to be.

>nigger lover sucking obamas dick after he ruined america and put it on the brink of race war
>"b-but muh drumpfy u cuck"

It must be hard for you to imagine that some presidents earn their respect and admiration for free. I get your confusion though user, it's not something your cult has ever experienced.

>being this unabashed about deepthroating another man with the stains of his own shit smeared across his cock

wtf I love obama now

Try harder

holy shit you're bad at reading posts huh

Try harder

The only reason race relations went down is because your kind couldn't handle seeing an intelligent, well-educated, respectable black man do better as President than all the cumskins you worship.
It went against everything you've been taught. It destroyed your entire perception of reality.
You went through the same cognitive dissonance and paradigm shift under Obama that the liberals are now going through under Trump. Although for completely opposite reasons.
One was because of a smart, admirable man while the other is because of a borderline retarded, pompous turd.

It's /leftypoo/ shills. What they dont realize is that inane shitposting to people who pick out spooks is bad praxis. No doubt they'll slip up and we will get into their discords, dox them, and quite possibly swat them.

One trick pony.
Only five people have become president despite losing the people's vote. That includes Trump.

Leftypol is a sad group of some of the most pathetic retards on the internet. It's literally a group of furfag tier mental invalids who spend all day talking about us. Their obsession will likely never change until they kill themselves.

Sue me

How many people have become president when their opponent outspent them 3 to 1 while he was being slandered in the media every day?

I learn from the best :)

cuck softer


Makes sense considering leftist drones all aspire to be exactly the same. Faggotry is a virtue amongst you cock suckers, grooming children and the like to become as big of degenerates as you and such.

>oy vey, stop attacking the media we dindu nuffin. We wuz just reportin fax numbers sheeit

Lay off the donny cock for a day mate. Seems to have dented your brain. Take daddy's 17 day vacation as an opportunity to talk to people outside of Sup Forums before he calls on you for his nightly service.

Let it collapse. All he did was postpone the inevitable burst until after his presidency for 'muh legacy'.

Your post and statement make no sense, can you explain your nonsense for those of us not suffering from mental disorders?

>29 posts by this ID
>I find people who will teach me to be better at sucking dicks
>has mentioned Trump's dick at least 3 times in each post
Sweetie, talking about penis won't make yours bigger.

>talks about how deep he can stretch his throat with the cocks of other men
>"what a faggot"

This is what happens when they pay them by the post.