Will we see Black Hitler and Black Uprising in our lifetime? Is it time for the Black man to take His country from the white oppressor?
Will we see Black Hitler and Black Uprising in our lifetime...
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Try it nigger you're only 13% of the population.
doesnt stop us from killing you pathetic ass white boys
That will end two ways.
1. Segregation back
2. Mass negro deportation
Either way the white race is winning in America again. White majority births are back.
Blasian Eddie Murphy?
nigger, please
Yet we murder 5% of whites in every city, at least according to Fox News.
>Baltimore was just Nigginsraum
Wtf I love Hitler now.
black hitler for the rights to access KFC chicken
>takes pride in assaulting a defenseless woman
gee go figure
Someone post more of those race switches. Is it a new option in Faceapp?
It was. Progressives got the feature shitcanned in something like 6 hours. If you post about it here, Sup Forums mods will delete the thread.
yeah when the white civilized man isnt expecting it.
Jews are 2%, and look what they did to you cumskins
KYS nigger.
Jews have like 40 avg IQ points on you though.
Already happened m9. Spoiler alert: it was shit.
Cyborg-Qaddafi will form the African Empire. Rastafarianism will be made the official religion, and Islam will be eradicated.
Oy vey
Tyronolf DeHitler
they're both Filipinos. change the file name or fuck off back to Sup Forums
this one did it
Its time for a Palestinian Hitler