Full image with women replies: m.imgur.com
Ultimate red pill
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Thats the first and last redpill.
All male individual struggle starts with the desire for sucess with women, and society planning ends with adapting women to it, to give it some comfort.
All women are worthless whores. Supermarket charts style. Lying cunts. Demonic morals.
That profile is hilarious. Women love being treated like sluts.
Do you have any screencaps that don't have vaseline smeared on them?
How do we fix women?
cool, you posted it again
Yes, the link. Expanding the image on my phone doesn't work for some reason. It does on a desktop
>Women love being treated like sluts
They love being sexually objectified, they literally consider themselves nothing but holes
Tfw you swipe left on hot girls just for basic degeneracy and liberal feminism meanwhile they don't give a fuck about child rape if hot.
See you all at r9k. This generation didn't work out. Maybe next one.
if you need a "redpill" to realize that the top 10% of the dating pool can get away with anything on the dating market, you're either 12 or a Christcuck
put up a pic of fedoraed beta with the same text and see how much they will "love" it
Jeremy Meeks was the precursor.
Women are actually MORE visual than men SEXUALLY. And it makes complete sense evolutionarily speaking. Women have higher standards for facial attractiveness, and are much pickier for short term-relationships/flings as a result. Most men have very low standards for short term relationships, which also makes sense biologically.
This means very attractive men get sex extremely easy(women tend to do the work even, anyone who has a handsome friend can attest to this), whilst average looking men have to work a lot harder, for much lesser results.
Most women are competing for a very small pool of attractive guys. Since these guys are in such high demand, it means most women get "pumped and dumped" - and this leads to a scenario where a woman eventually "settles" into a long term relationship with a physically inferior male. A male she might not find very sexually appealing, but good enough for other aspects of a relationship.
>and this leads to a scenario where a woman eventually "settles" into a long term relationship with a physically inferior male. A male she might not find very sexually appealing, but good enough for other aspects of a relationship.
And in steps the dude she bangs on the side while hubby is out at work making the dough
Man these are fucking brutal
They want your aryan seed
>if you need a "redpill" to realize that the top 10% of the dating pool can get away with anything on the dating market, you're either 12 or a Christcuck
I knew they could get away with much but i didn't think you could admit to being an actual convicted and unrepentant serial child rapist and still get matches.
Every one knows that there are lots of women that go after criminals but i didn't think child rape was ok.
Go back to /r9k/
a lot of these replies are from latinas. that's common to the point of acceptable in spic culture
What's wrong with women wanti only the best genes for their children? Should women date short, balding ugly men like the ones you find on Sup Forums? Wouldn't that go against Sup Forums general stance on eugenics?
MGTOWs has the right idea by deliberately removing themselves from the gene pool.
>Sup Forums will defend this
I'm currently fucking a milf on the side. At first our sex was fun. Basic stuff. Then I introduced a 10inch dildo. Everytime we have sex now, she has to have it. She screams louder fucking her dildo than me. She even loves yelling she loves big cock at the top of her lungs. Deep down all women are size queens
The black pill hurts, wish I never took it but it's too late now
white women are disgusting whores. whats new
>This means very attractive men get sex extremely easy
Yeah, the desperation is offputting as hell. As a social experiment, I went into the most mainstream club I could find dressed like a math professor/homeless person, unshaven and hadn't showered in a month because of an extremely painful skin condition everywhere but my face... and I still had chicks grinding up on me.
No way that's real.
Women don't take responsibility for their actions like that. She wouldn't write that out in such an "I'm the bad guy" way.
One of their strongest defenses maintains the illusion that they are a good person.
The rate is 1-2% in the West. It's not common and easily avoidable by not wifing a slut.
>plz be in London
What does the rest of his pics look like? Great troll tho.
Btw, any 2/10 guy with a lighting like this and this type of "photo" would get swiped 100x more.
I mean, I imagine if you were a hot girl who was a complete degenerate, you'd get this same shit too.
Fuck off faggotinho, if you're too useless to find a decent slut to nut in, resort to endless masturbating.
You either realize the whole bunch are like this, or you stay cucked forever. Women are not for loving, all of our ancestrals knew this in the days of old.
What the hell, I'm 22 and still look like a little kid. Is there any hope for me?
girls love getting cucked by underage girls its really weird, like "omg shes so much tinier than me" and then they feel inadequate and it gets them off.
The problem is that I fucked too much, and saw the truth. Yes all women, yes they are all like this, yes the whole 100% of them are whores, no exceptions never.
The point is those aren't the 'best' genes you fucking moron. Alpha douche idiots are actually badly adapted for modern society. How are this many people so stupid to not understand this?
Not true.
Giant cocks hurt.
Baby dick sucks too.
6 and above/under 9, is usually just right.
I know because your mom told me.
Further proof that only men can truly love. I'm married, but by God if I don't sometimes think I'd be better off a fag, at least then I'd be able to form a genuine bond with someone.
No where as creepy as when male shitskins and autists get behind direct messages. Both genders have their scum
It's a good thing though bro, means one can spread good genes easier
Whatever you need to tell yourself, but white women are tinder turbosluts
Absolutely true!
>She literally loves yelling she loves big dick
>She actually squirted when I told her to let loose on her dildo
>Women are size queens some just don't know it yet
that is why you have to fuck lolis to them your cock is the biggest
These are not mutually exclusive.
>hurr ultimate red pill
Around 2% of all men look that good, and even then, those youthful looks are gone by 30. Men need two things to get women:
1. Abs
2. Money
You know faggots like you are part of the fucking problem
See here's what you fucking losers do, you say
"it's not all women it's only 99% of them, there's better girls in asia/eastern europe/church/dildo convention" so now every fucking idiot on the planet thinks their wife/girlfriend/oneitits/whatever is the 1% whose decent. So now every guy in a relationship thinks their girl is part of the 1% of decent girls and they disconnect and think these random girls I don't know and don't care about who I see in these black pill infographs and don't love are the 99% who are shitty whores. But the girl I love and care about is the 1% whose decent and perfect and not like other girls and I lucked out with this girl. This is because your fucked up faggot brain can't connect the information you read with this meat bag whore who you've fallen in love with because you're on a fuzzy feeings emotion high.
Then shock and surprise this girl who is part of the 1% of decent girls who just so happens to magically be your wife/girlfriend/ cheats on you or fucks you over in some horrible awful way. That's of course if you're lucky because what will probably happen is she'll do this shit behind your back for the rest of your life and you'll never find out while she sucks your personality and identity from you through constant nagging, temper tantrums and emotional manipulation which you think is because of some other external reason when really she's doing it on purpose for the exact purpose of making you her relationship zombie.
See video related
Mostly why I gave up women. It's just way too easy for them to be whores today and I don't want to have to put up with it. I'd rather be alone the rest of my life tbqh.
serves him right.
Fedora guy woudlve gotten reported and Sup Forums van in a matter of hours.
I don't want to believe that's real but then again, who fucking knows anymore.
>slut apologist
You have no friends here.
>What's wrong with women wanti only the best genes for their children?
Absolutely nothing, (imo at least). The problem is what they do to achieve their goals and society bending over backwards to give them what they want.
If I want a 4 story, beach side, gold plated mansion there's nothing wrong with that, as long as I do what is necessary to afford it. If I can't then I have to settle for less. The problem is when I whine for laws to basically let me rent or live in one while I 'pay' for a crummy home, or commit dubious acts to basically 'game' the system.
Seriously women act the way they do because they can get away with it. I thought about this long and hard and you may as well take away their rights because if they get rights, they will abuse it and use it to basically subjugate men.
Women voting is a meme, IMO either women shouldn't be allowed to vote or no-one should. Democracy is a 'faith' based system imo. Voting is totally illogical but 'works' because we trust men to have their countries interest at heart. Women cannot be trusted because they are biologically incapable so women+Democracy=disaster.
Honestly, if the cat is truely out of the bag in regards to women voting(meaning now that they a taste of voteing they will NEVER give it up) then democracy has to be kill.
So in reality this perfect fucking magical unicorn girlfriend/wife/whatever you're dating is in fact just as horrible as all other women and it's 100% of women are shit even the women you love and care about, because even though you can dehumanize women you don't know and can think of them as sluts who the information in these graphs apply to you can't think of your wife/mother/sister/girlfriend as a walking hellstorm of cheating, emotional manipulation and bullshit because your faggot homo feelings won't let you, you want to believe this thing you care about is something worth loving and investing time and effort in and not just some blackhole that sucks your happiness, time and money out of you. Because to accept this is to accept your life is a lie and everything you've done that was due to your feelings or relationship was a waste.
It is 100% of women, all women are evil manipulative horrible bitches, every man whose ever been divorce raped, cheated on or killed by his wife for life insurance at one point got on his knees and presented a ring, thought his girl was the "one" she was 'special" and he loved her and he'd be with her for the rest of his life she was wife material and they're going to live happily ever fucking after like some fairy tale romance. But we know that's not the case, we know it's bullshit. All these men were wrong and so are you if you think your woman is different. Whatever woman you're with or care about is a stupid evil fucking whore like the rest of them and to think different is weak and pathetic.
All men think their woman is different, and all of them are wrong
Holy fuck, whyte women logic.
The problem is to believe the romantic facade. Nothing wrong with brutalist sorting of mates. Everything wrong with lying, creating a false persona, fucking everything and everyone, while the other person invest their money, mental energy, emotions and heart.
Thats what all women do.
That's really fucked up, but I don't think that every woman out there would react like those ones. Normal non-roastie girls aren't on tinder in the first place.
if I was Jon, she'd be dead.
Wow, you need to get laid bro, being so bitter and lonely isn't good for you
Women were a mistake.
Nice guys/white knights deserve to be cucked. Girls hate it when you're nice to them. That shit is boring as hell. They may seem like they're happy, but are dying inside.
>criminal childfucker genes are good genes
fuck off leftypol
So are traps and trannies any better?
Also looks do matter but if you're a sperg no matter how godly you look women will dump you/reject you in no time, it's the story of my life. I'm rather good looking specially for a Mexican thanks to my German ancestry and without shitting you women hit on me since fucking kinder garden but once we start talking everything goes to shit and in a few days or weeks they're no longer interested, i have social anxiety. It's better to be ugly and with a game than good looking with autism
Fags dont think highly of LTRs. Love is a foreign concept for them unless love is taking it up the ass by 3 different guys in 1 day. Maybe the older or ugly ones might want that, but 9/10 attractive guys just want hook ups. They're worse than women.
t. good looking bi who tried to love a qt boi
I think I'll go back to women. Being a faggot is unfulfilling when it's just sex.
Yeah spread your ass for me faggot
The only times I ever get laid are with other dudes girlfriends cheating. Couldn't tell you why, single girls want nothing to do with me but girls in relationships are easy, even the young hot ones.
men love hot even if they're criminal, stupid, subhuman, vapid, and scum. even when women kill their children men love to give them money and support them if they're hot.
you're just a hypocritical retard cause you're balding and fat instead of hot. the idea of the hot dumb bimbo was always true and always a goal for men
Weird, I assumed Jon was the betabitch standing next to her but that's actually Dor Rubin the dude who cucked Jon.
This is the average response you normaly get, and gets alot better at the end of the day even though alot of them will just want to 'talk'.
All women are secretly sadists who hate weak men, nothing is more hated than a woman than weakness. So anything they do that feels like them hurting a weak man is enjoyable to them. Weak creatures don't survive in nature and as the species sexual selector women have evolved to hate weakness.
>What's wrong with women wanti only the best genes for their children?
The question is. Is Chad thunder cock reproducing or just spreading diseases?
If you manage to get the kid of a god looking man and he sticks around to rear the kid, seriously kudos and my sincere respects to both mom and dad, but if all you both doing is stirring the pot then you should be aware of the consequences.
Also we ain't judging woman's desires but hypocrisy here
>Nice guys/white knights deserve to be cucked.
To be fair, western culture has been hijacked and men/boys are basically being forced to be as cucked as possible unless they rebel. That's not how a society should work, a society should push its men to greatness and accept the few 'bad apples' that slip through, not the other way around.
Now if society did everything in its power to make sure no man ends up a cuck and still there's some who end up being simpering manginas who let their gf walk all over them then yes, they deserve everything they get.
you're disgusting
I've noticed this too. Looks like hiroshim00t is sending low qual images to us phoneposters
Welp, guess I'll just take my chances with women still.
She's a JAP.
Dumbasses literally never learn.
You think that there are exceptions because you imagine in the back of your mind, all those cute and innocent girls that you know, and they can't possibly think, feel and act like those exposed whores. The real redpill is, the whole lot of them do. They all have the same buttons that are pushed with Chads, Money, Big Dicks, Powerful males, expensive cars, transgression, male unapologetic wickedness and repulse by male weakness.
The whole 100% of them. Those whores on the pics are considered innocent by some idiots that don't know better too. You just another fool.
I can attest to that I have aspergers and the only things I can talk about are anime and offensive politics. But for some reason, while most girls just think im a psychotic retard, girls in relationships are always trying to fuck me. My best friends gf tried to fuck me and I had to say no. But Ive fucked other dudes gfs, its so easy even when youre a retarded anime otaku.
You're really making it hard for me to 1488, pol.
We've got to take away their right to vote and reduce all incentives to be a single mom and make it very difficult to be one.
There are women who simply cannot handle dicks that are larger than 8" or with large girth.A huge dick to them might be like a girthy 7" dick.
turn off your pc sit down and think of what you just said
"so are traps and trannies any better"
any better for what purpose?
do you mean better for companionship?
do you mean better for sex?
think hard of why you want any of these things and if you truly want them,if you truly think they will improve your life in any way
imagine living with total freedom over your sexuality,you desire nothing and no one and you are free to pursue the life you wish to lead,dont have to care about having the best clothes to impress women,dont have to worry about having the best looks or the best social skills.right now you can accept things for what they are and free yourself from it all
imagine when you are 40,with a wife you married when she was 30 and had already fucked 300 niggers.the wife has gotten fat,you have to work 9-5 every day to support her.Maybe if you are lucky she puts out every year on your birthday because "she just doesnt do those things anymore"
now imagine instead if you took a vow of solitude and celibacy,you could be 40 with tons of disposable income,you can start planning for early retirerment,you can take a month vacation and do abosulty the fuck you want because you dont have a whore of a wife shrieking at you.you can decide you want to take up guitar so you buy a guitar with your own money and practice in your free time without your whore of a wife telling you to tune it down because she wants to watch keeping up with the kardashians
take the freedompill,you can do so much with your life if you dont give in to the soul sucking siren
literally the GOAT redpilled man, RP aware me should aspire to be him. wise beyond his time RIP
>Everything wrong with lying, creating a false persona,
That's your fault monkey friend, if you enter a relation, any relation, believing that the person you're Fucking with is that which takes a shower, puts lotion, greets you with a smile and has the best interest on you.
The one who is deceiving here is not her, is you.
MGTOW is the only way
HAH this is great