And the decline in death rates for black adults.
The white race is dying and white women are celebrating it.
And the decline in death rates for black adults.
The white race is dying and white women are celebrating it.
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Why shouldn't they? There are zero real world consequences for them. If you don't like it, kill someone.
Honestly can you blame her? If white people stuck to their homelands and didn't fuck shit up around the world (and STILL fuck shit up around the world), no one would mind or care about white people. We'd be content to let you live in peace in your countries.
But because you have committed massive amounts of terrorism and war crimes against the colored folk of this world, you have to answer for that. The white race are born terrorists and we have to deal with you as a result.
do you bait posters get off to this shit or what
>And the decline in death rates for black adults.
Naw, they are still dying faster. Much faster.
It's not our fault your ancestors sold their own people into slavery, nig nog.
Has anyone blamed Starbucks yet, and all those roasted beans? I'll bet you a dollar that's what it turns out to be, although the acceptance of it as the cause will be delayed because (((Starbucks))).
I get off to your mom sucking my cock you faggot
Nignogs still have a massively higher death rate overall. Sorry homie.
>If white people stuck to their homelands and didn't fuck shit up around the world
They haven't in 50 years stupid nigger, if anything whites have done in the past century, that is fighting to each other and help shitskins.
Go neck yourself, the burning car tire is optional.
>hurr durr the toilet was full of poop so i started eating it and it tastes like poop
you when you go to huffington post
Maybe avocado sandwichs are to blame.
Our results [...] strengthen the evidence that prolonged high consumption of red and processed meat may increase the risk of cancer in the distal portion of the large intestine.
Consuming animal protein has been linked to rectal cancer.
Word of Wisdom, you guys...
Black people living in the west while hating and demonizing white people are the biggest pussies because they know we won't retaliate because we're too kind, If the white race were as fierce and barbaric as for example our ancestors or lets say violent jihadis, you shitskins wouldn't say a damn thing, nigger.
>the LIEBERAL media won't report on the plight of the white man!!!
>THEY'RE celebrating the plight of the white man!!!!
seriously you fags have ruined /pol like you did /b
this place is done. every old fag knows it. too many old fart unfunny faggot conservatives with little brains running amok.
That really doesn't explain a recent rise in it though, in fact if anything LESS red meat is consumed now by whites than it was 50 years ago.
Some argue that white meat is even worse for you.
Currently on mobile so can't go fetching articles.
>going to HuffPo without a word filter
It's anal sex, seriously. 20 years ago the rates of anal sex between heterosexual couples were something like 3%. Nowadays it's something like 40%.
If you would read the article you would see that it says nothing of the sort and that it tells how to eat right and how avoid getting the type of cancer.
OP might be one of her cuckboys and he probably thinks if he shows her a video of him posting this on here that she will sleep with him.
Niggers are going to be in for a rude awakening when china dominates the world
>actual article says nothing other than it's odd white young adults are dying of ass cancer at increasing rates despite it going down for 2+ decades, while black death rates are still decreasing
>nothing mentioned about how this is good, just, deserved, or otherwise presented as a positive thing
>this is somehow cheering and championing the death of the white race
i wasn't aware stating medical trends was an attack on someone.
Colorectal Cancer, you white boys need more fiber in your diets. Eat more vegetables and eat double fiber bread everyday, the cancer should be less then.
I mean with that chart there's no real way to compare it with population so you can't really say whether "per capita" consumption has risen or not.
In fact you could probably just as easily argue that the increase in sitting from lifestyles around computers has caused it as anything else.
>Most cases of anal cancer are related to infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). Anal sex alone does not cause anal cancer; the risk of anal cancer through anal sex is attributed to HPV infection, which is often contracted through unprotected anal sex.[79] Anal cancer is relatively rare, and significantly less common than cancer of the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer); the American Cancer Society states that it affects approximately 7,060 people (4,430 in women and 2,630 in men) and results in approximately 880 deaths (550 in women and 330 in men) in the United States, and that, though anal cancer has been on the rise for many years, it is mainly diagnosed in adults, "with an average age being in the early 60s" and it "affects women somewhat more often than men."[79] Though anal cancer is serious, treatment for it is "often very effective" and most anal cancer patients can be cured of the disease; the American Cancer Society adds that "receptive anal intercourse also increases the risk of anal cancer in both men and women, particularly in those younger than the age of 30. Because of this, men who have sex with men have a high risk of this cancer."
Why the fuck d'ya think you can come into this thread to shit out a sensible comment?
>They haven't in 50 years
Oh wow, 50 years? We should just forgive whites then because 50 years is enough to make up for 2000+
Go fuck yourself
>There are zero real world consequences for them
Burger education