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Line up against the wall, drumpfkins. I will make this quick
>Pinochet furry
Take your coke and shove it up your ass
t. /fit/
Trump is not a god.
Reminder that people under communist rule had to eat each other to survive
Requesting pic related with the image of a shark crying
go away, frank
there is literally nothing wrong with that
Now all jokes aside, I'd rather eat a person than one of my pets
Extremely Right-Wing Symbol of Brazil
Some call him Ed
FUCK man I'd rather enjoy © a glass of ™coca©®Cola™™™
What hath god wrought?
Damn Cokes been around for awhile
>I'd rather enjoy © a glass of ™coca©®Cola™™™
>/fat/ telling anyone to shove things up their ass
You are all homos in denial, no homo
>Haven't drank sarsparilla or root beer in over a year, since they don't sell it here
send help
Well, yeah. They operate anywhere it is humanly possible. They are like a force of nature now. They are so efficient that they figured out who to profit off of selling to third world children for pennies.
>Seventy years ago, the month of May saw the climax of a horrific artificial famine that reduced millions of people to living skeletons in some of the world's most fertile farm land, while stocks of grain and other foods rotted by the ton, often within the sight of families dying from starvation.
>Oleska Sonipul was 10 in 1933 and lived in a village in northern Ukraine. She said by the beginning of that year, famine was so widespread people had been reduced to eating grass, tree bark, roots, berries, frogs, birds, and even earthworms.
>Desperate hunger drove people to sell off all of their possessions for any food they could find. At night, an eerie silence fell over the village, where all the livestock and chickens had long since been killed for food and exhausted villagers went to bed early.
>But Communist requisition brigades looking to fulfill the impossibly high grain quotas continued to search even those villages where inhabitants were already dying from starvation. They used metal poles to probe the ground and potential hiding places where they suspected grain could be hidden.
>Some of the brigade members, fueled by Soviet hate campaigns against the peasants, acted without mercy, taking away the last crumbs of food from starving families knowing they were condemning even small children to death. Any peasant who resisted was shot. Rape and robbery also took place.
Daily reminder to read the Gulag archipelago
>not living in a real rootin' tootin' land
It gave me a (you)
Yeah almost 150 years
look at that young plump nork, how do they expect to win a nuclear war with plump norkies at the vanguard?
I wonder what norks are doing this very moment?
Can't wait for the revolution
I think you think evapolack is a communist but I can assure you that I am pretty sure he isn't.
I'll drink one for you tomorrow, bud. That's crazy they don't sell it.
wazzap snowniggers!
>According to sources familiar with eva's thinking
Ching chong ping pow herro would you rike a sip
fucking right wing furries.
I've never even tasted those
they thought I was talking about alcohol
I might just cave in and order some online. I've been playing new vegas lately, and sarsparilla is everywhere, I miss it, man, and there used to be this local brand in chicago that added in vanilla cream to make it extra sweet, too
You are genuinely missing out.
It won't be
that's what we've been saying
Your children will live in abject poverty
Oh is that eva I'm just knee jerking
Its hard to find in Japan as well because they sell medicine with a similar flavor called wintergreen or some such just like that artificial cherry flavor is horrific to Americans so often.
Its a psychological issue or it would have been imported.
Gotta love the Chinese nationalist age before 70 million people died.
>Oh is that eva
Yes, he has taken to posting leftypol memes which I have no feelings about one way or the other.
Make yourself some syrup and blast it with carbonated water it's much more simple than you might think
Every other newspaper titel or tv-segment contains the words "with fire and fury" today, after Trump's remarks regarding North Korea. I find it really interesting how much attention this few words are caputuring. I think the reasons -besides other reasons- might be that this kind of speech is very visual and very compact. It seems these words act like a magnet, especially to the media. It has the same effect to me, I never heard "with fire and fury" before, but I will probably never forget it now.
Now my question is: How many of you believe that these words came into Trump's head impulsively at the very moment and how many of you believe that Trump thought about it deliberately at least for a couple of minutes (before having the meeting) trying to achieve this magnetical effect. I am really interested in your opinions because the leftist media says he was just impulsive and Tillerson said he did it with a certain intention. What do you think?
What happened to nowadays movies...
>there was this japanese soda in a weird bottle that I never tried out
did you evertaste it? I assume it's nothing special, but I guess I will never know now
Have you had wintergreen/root flavored medicine as a child? That is how Euros and Japanese know the taste of rootbeer.
They actually have alcoholic root beer now. Haven't tried it myself, but I'm sure it tastes like the regular stuff.
Yeah we fucked them up good
Alright then
Two genders, two scoops, two terms... Deal with it.
Fucking black licorace. That shits nasty
>>there was this japanese soda in a weird bottle that I never tried out
>did you evertaste it? I assume it's nothing special, but I guess I will never know now
Pfffffffffffffff what the fuck is this
cya later Sup Forums
hopefully we won't get nuked while America sleeps. God bless you all (some of you desperately need Jesus)
something like pic relsted. most people would know it as "that soda pop from pokemon games"
Finnoscandia loves salted licorice. Its a bit of an acquired taste.
Are you talking about Ramune (pic related).
It's refreshing and even the fruit flavors like strawberry and melon don't have a shitty artifical taste that plenty of fruit flavored products seem to have.
Yeah, everyone has had ramune. I think I am getting old, that was in pokemon? That was an old european style of bottling different to the growler that became popular in Japan. I know it as from shin-chan though the sangaria brand is better.
It tastes like a hint of lemonade crossed with sprite. They have lots of flavors other than the original though.
time to cuck the commies
witness the glory of capitalism
I suppose I can try a few, when I come back to the states
Around here, we have pic related. It's very sweet and extremely cheap, I know places in the country that even sell old recipes, still in glass bottles
Sounds interesting. Pic related tastes like candy, very sweet
forgot image
What a cunt
"Far-left activists complain about not having the hegemony they want so much and want to keep censoring any idea that goes against their positional beliefs not backed by experience, science or reality.
How can we complete what Gramsci taught us, not make our revolution through opressive methods, but using subversion of the Institutions, onward, Comrades!"
>drumpfkins need their safe space
I can't fucking believe the leftist bitches are blaming this North Korea shit on the U.S. I'm an atheist but it truly does feel like Trump's miracle win was divine intervention or something similar.
Thanks for the pics lad, really loving them.
Coke Acid™
remember to report folks
they'll be banned eventually
Anyone notice how the deathtoll of bolsheviks is subtly lowered time to time?
Recently I read an article that said Stalin killed half a million people! Can you believe that?
>in germany, the cou t of dead jews increases over time
>in russia, the number of dead christians and europeans decreases over time
soviet russia joke goes here
wtf i hate republics now
just don't make em like they used to
i saw guardians vol 2 and wonder woman recently
fucking trash, not even good kids movies
Why did this happen?
No surprise this Trotskyite faggot is defending his fellow communists.
>watching cape shit
I used to be a marvel fan, but even I stopped after civil war because I saw joss' tantrums, and the direction of the films with mexican spiderman involved
They apply it backwards in regards to nazis, you see them adding up from time to time.
I`ve also seen some dishonest people talkig about "Capitalism" and mixing the numbers from "Mercantilism" along with it.
Leftists killed more than any plague, natural disaster and plague combined since the recorded History.
And that shit exist for less than a century.
Yes brother. Freedom is slavery
Embrace the meat
Gas yourself, you worthless kike
wtf I love needless death and gulags now
wft I love shortages of supplies
wtf I love starvation
It's all about that $$$$$$$$$$$$ and not the art. And the few artsy movies usually have bullshit liberal politics in them,
If you will notice, they all are communist republics.
any war*
Also forgot to mention, they killed people unarmed, by starvation, by genocide.
Hitler was a boy scout compared to Stalin.
>Gotta love the Chinese nationalist age before 70 million people died.
You mean the very same one where the chinks were ruled by steppe barbarians for 300 years before a revolution ousted them and replaced them with some vicious tyrannical warlord or another?
Suffering is necessary for the greatnest of the nation at times.
Enjoy the sacrifice of meat
I made a "demographic value" map
I took the number of white births and multiplied it by the percentage of total births in the state that are white (divided by 100 just to make it readable)
I excluded the states where less than 50% of babies being born are white
it seems like Trump's economic plan to revive the rust belt is tailor-made to increase America's white population
giving attention to those states and improving their conditions, even though they are "purple" and don't reliably vote Republican will disproportionately affect white people
like if you explicitly said "I want to increase the white population the most for the least amount of effort" you would target the states Trump has targeted
of course there are a few states where new births are just a little under 50% white, and an improving economy might change that too
No I'm serious, I want to understand how Communism made this happen, economically.
Wonder what was
What are you on about, faggot? The nationalists ruled China when the steppe warlords, backwards Confucians, and communists were ousted. The invasion of the Japanese meant warlords got a larger share of power but the coup de grace was soviet and dumbass Chinese worker support of the communists. Nationalists were seen as sympathetic to the pan-Asian nationalist cause of the imperial Japanese so they got a popularity hit.
>Suffering is necessary for the greatnest of the nation at times.
>Enjoy the sacrifice of meat
Communist central planning achieves no ends, that is why Deng Xiaoping did away with it. Without communist central planning and with economic liberalization the killing and shortages stopped.
>tfw McMaster has exposed the Jewish agenda trying to overthrow Trump