Why don't you have a wife, and why isn't she pregnant yet, Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a wife, and why isn't she pregnant yet, Sup Forums?

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1. I'm 19. Barely over 5k in savings
2. I'm literally retarded. I mean I just posted on an autismo gathering web-site.

i have erect. dysf.

White women don't like me, pajeets love me but I wont race mix.

I had one but she was a hol hol though, so it didn't work out, though we did have a half anglo half hol hol daugther.

I live in a basement apartment and barely make enough to get by. I wouldn't want to put a kid through a poor nigger childhood.

Because I have no money to provide for them with.

Because your desperate attempt to make me bull for you is obnoxious.

I'm a manchild 20 years old no job still live with my mum.

Women are lecherous scum fucks

Can't think of any good baby names 2bh

Waiting for robots to replace them, then perhaps I'll consider it.

There is something wrong with my brain
Also I'm fat
And I work for minimum wage

I am really lonely but also really dislike the idea of going on dates (even though I cannot get one). My current plan is to finish my degree, move to Iowa and get /comfy/

>autismo gathering web-site.
No no no, you're supposed to call Sup Forums something that it is not.

What you did was just ridiculous.

First off, I'm 20 and have 25k in the bank. That's nothing for children. I have a plan to have about 10 with my wonderful wife, and I want each to have every possible resource, including my wife's and my full, personal attention. They deserve the best, just like my wife deserves the best. Give me time, and I'll have a family to rival the best of them.

But I have, feels good man

Why don't you have an original thread, and why isn't this it?

She thought virginity doesn't matter

Lots of reasons. Married women asking me to fuck them and becoming jaded. The only thing that gives me a boner is seeing a large penis fucking a girl, and my average one is too boring to make myself erect, so erectile dysfunction. Seeing a top-tier genetic turbo Chad fucking a girl is just hotter than imagining myself doing it.

Incurable social awkwardness and inability to pick up on social cues. I have no idea what makes people want to be around other people. It's not worth the effort, time, or money as these women can and will get fucked, jizzed in and impregnated by turbo Chad as a last resort thanks to social media and its endless buffet of sperm donor cocks.

And just general weirdness.

because years of shitposting turned me into bitter husk of a man who does not care anymore, but keeps going in desperate attempt to see eternal oblivion descending upon a world in nuclear hellfire, seeing both friends, allies and enemies being killed mercilessly by hell that broke loose through window of human souls

Actual german here - children are not worth it and I wouldn't want to put it through the coming race war.
I will still be able to impregnate gold diggers when I'm 40

Because I swallowed the /polgbt/pill, the final red pill.
Females are trash.

What do you do for a living? Just curious.

Stop posting these irritating threads. This has nothing to do with politics.

>I have a plan to have about 10 with my wonderful wife
just make sure they're not all girls.


I'm a 24 year old virgin who has never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl. I'm also still in school after meandering about and not taking things seriously in my life. Despite this, I find that girls are attracted to me enough to where I'm not undesirable, and I feel no ounce of bitterness or depression. I must be somewhat attractive to girls if some of them like me. In fact, of the only two girls I've liked in my life (post high shcool) both of them were attracted to me too. I'd in theory have been able to marry them. But the problem is I'm autistic and cannot talk to a girl I'm attracted to randomly out of the blue. It's even worse now, the environment that I'm in, is very hard to meet the kind of girl that would be good for me. I haven't been attracted to a girl in almost 2 1/2 years.

It's all a matter of luck really. Unless someone revolutionizes the dating market with high tech technology like genetic compatibility tests or something. I'd be older when that happens though.

For jobs? my wife and I work at the college we go to and collect lots of money through the Pell Grant, scholarships, and subsidized student loans. We had severe expenses that I won't go into that brought our savings down from 50k, but we do our very best to save. She's in this with me, which is why we're even married to begin with. I do IT at my local college (doing sysadmin type stuff if you know what that means, I also support a LoB application at my school and help out students with super cheap computer repair. I like to play videogames in my spare time, my wife is working on a comic (no I won't link it, because I'm not dumb enough to). I chose to change to this from running a managed services practice. I used to do computer repair as a young kid (10) and eventually I learned about a lot of technical stuff. It takes up way too much time though.

I'd love to have either, as long as they're mine. I think I could raise a girl to be a decent person, just like I could raise a guy to. Of course there's plenty of niggers to worry about, but not at a private school, and hopefully by that time I'll have a good diversified portfolio of picked stocks, real estate (I want to do rental properties and collect off section 8 because my grandmother did that as a first generation immigrant and still does), and some index stuff that grows. I'm still learning so of course what I'm saying now will sound naive to someone who really knows their stuff, but that's the goal. I want to really focus on my kids, as in always be available, take them to and from school, and be able to sit down with every one and help them through whatever life throws at them. I never got that as a kid, and my family for the most part hasn't turned out well due to that kind of mentality. My kids will not be spoiled emotionally, but they will be financially. Whatever their choices are, I want them to have every choice available to make.

But I do have a wife. Pic related.
Unfortunately, she can't get pregnant because she's not real.
But I still love her!

do they not have women in greece? Or is no-lifeu cheap these days?

>Implying anyone can love me

oh yeah, what about you?

>implying that's true

you are motherfuckin pirate you scallywag
go get some ship, plunder some mediterrean refugee barges, sink some NWO ships and bask in glory of saviour of civilization
literally drown in pussy you huncwot

There isn't a specific reason
There's the fact that I'm still immature and still only a few years removed from thinking girls were icky

Then there's how my parent's relationship is working with love only going one way. I can't see how any relationship doesn't end up in misery. Especially for someone like me. My personality is closer to my mother's who is the one not reciprocating the love my father has for her. I too will most likely go down that path

And then there's the fact I'm so autistic that I haven't even talked to a girl not related to me in over a decade, excluding work related conversation about if I would some fries with that

I'm destined to live a aloof life
I pray that one day I learn to accept it

>lives in Canada which pays for making babies
>would stick around and be a proper father
>poverty and good parenting are a winning combo
So... you aren't fucking someone you love and respect then?

I'm only 22, moving to a new country to corrupt the gene pool there. Give me some time would you?

Because women are irredeemable self absorbed cunts. I'll go ahead and do the same to spite them

I dunno, user. Some days...

Not the good ones, user. They are few and far between, but they exist.
Just keep working on yourself and looking in the right places.

>Why don't you have a wife, and why isn't she pregnant yet, Sup Forums?

where are all the good women ???? there are none -___-"

Post more preggo girls

Not attracted to people.
Even if I was I'm not willing to take the huge risk in this society and am not willing to deal with people long enough to find a girl to fug babies into.
Don't want kids also.
Don't give a fuck about the white race/my country/culture surviving.
Have siblings that will probably continue the family line anyway.

The "good ones" are too few and far between for my liking. Suicide is the only woman I'll ever need

I'm in a relationship with a woman who's almost 30. She's too scared of getting married and having kids. I would look for someone else to get with, but I'm afraid no other woman would want me and that I won't find anyone and be single by the time I'm her age. I'm only 24, too. fml

>thinks awkward kiss-less virgins are rare
Find a Toastmasters club near you and get some practice actually talking to people.
You're not a freak... just experientially delayed.
Get out there and make some love!
Also... comma before "too".

And start lifting or taking maca!
Increased testosterone for the win!!

You know that your meta-cognizance of the matter won't let you be dissonant. When you finally reach high school (or college if you genuinely are socially deficient) I think you'll realize that good people, while hard to come by, are there. Go find her. And you have the time; learn to be a better person, and apply that towards getting the person you find.

Yeah, and another day will be your wedding day, and one after that will be your first kid. Have an outside source tell you this: you're gonna find love, and it's going to be fantastic, horrible, and fantastic again.

thats some high resolution savings for 19

I have 4 wives and three are pregnant. 2 are white. I'm helping the white race that way, insallah, Sup Forums?

>thats some high resolution savings for 19
Actually it is not, considering presents from grandparents and relatives and having no real cost to worry about.

Becuaese nobody listens to blood awakening music, they are niggers. The day of the rope is coming. All white traitors will die a slow death.


2 children planing on 7+

>Not aborting all female fetuses
Daughters are worthless

I want to be my own wife and my own husband at the same time. I want to be a catgirl +dick and I want to impregnate myself. This is why I am an AnCap.

>falling for the baby jew

I'm 25

because my baby would be jewish.

libertarians/ancaps are degenerate subhumans. not gonna make it

I find it amusing what other white people's descendants will have to live with, alone, before being genocided by darkies.

I'd love to start a family. Unfortunately, I'm broken with depression and anxiety. All I ever do is lift weights, games don't even interest me anymore.

I do have a wife and I will knock her up.

Do it, it's the best

because i saw horrific shit and was diagnosed with ptsd and began drinking myself into a mindless path of self destruction so therefore my gf of 8 years left me
no i was never a soldier

I have no clue how to deal with attractive women. I can talk to women I don't find attractive just fine, but if I find them attractive or cute I shut down. The only girl I can talk to who I find attractive is my ex, and she's a lesbian now. Not knowing how to drive, being friendless, and working a minimum wage job certainly doesn't help.

Oh jesus that's bad. Well still you have a workplace, and you have tinder, and grinder if you're physically lonely. Get on.

Waiting on that second fantastic right about now.

KEK, no Roman salutes for your little Fuhrer.


what is this shilling bullshit?
fuck out of here kike.

Start lifting and get your test sorted

Sounds like you guys are doing pretty alright and have goals you're working toward, which is awesome. I went to college in 2014, dropped out, worked a bunch of manufacturing jobs, and then went back to school in 2016. I hated where I was going and still hadn't figured out why I was even there, so now I'm trying to find a career that I actually want. Psychology has always interested me, more than English and History, which were my previous majors. Right now, I'm looking for a job that will give me a lot of hours and practical experience, like construction.

>Yeah man1!! Why aren't you married yet!? You're not being a real responible man!!!1!1

because I'm 170 cm tall, bald, have no friends and I masturbate to anime

>live in the capital
>no money though
>most women are toxic as fuck and ghost me all the time

it's not rocket-science.

I'm not nearly as awkward as I used to be, I don't even try to have "traditional" small talk conversations with people anymore. I just ask people probing questions about themselves, and if pressed to talk go off on some random intellectual tangent. If you've watched Jordan Peterson, imagine that. I spoke like that long before I started to watch Peterson, just noticed that it's similar. It's more that I'm just thinking aloud than talking to a person. In other words I stopped caring and stopped trying to play by the rules. I followed the retarded be yourself meme to the very end. Who knows how well it works.

This normally results in people either being repelled by me or charmed in a sense, so it works out well enough. Doesn't have anything to do with just talking to people. It's a conditioned physiological response that only triggers when speaking to a girl I'm actually attracted to. Exposure therapy talking to people that don't trigger it isn't really helpful.

Jokes on you. We already have two. Might work on number 3 soon. LDS master race here. Get on this level


I've seen this pic before...

HOT. I wanna see a big old cock between those cheeks just like they do

>raising your family in a heretic cult

Honestly, I'm a fucking mess and I only recently decided to do something about it.

I wish you the best of luck.

The reason some people of Sup Forums don't have a wife, and haven't impregnated a girl, is because jews are spreading their cancerous MGTOW and similar "women are evil, dont have children" propaganda here every day, and some people are gullible enought to buy into that shit.

But mr Sellner, that Lauren gal is crazy about you! It's quite clear.

enjoy "your" wives

Why not go to the gym get healthy and go to tafe and get a fking job?

>implying death of white race is less important than following a branch of Christianity


Yep, it sure is those damn (((jews))) spreading MGTOW causing men to reject all the wonderful wife material out there. They even are spreading lies about how the flawless legal system treats men unfairly and they also lie about how women divorce for cash & prizes.


am gen zyklon b, not yet of age

I need to afford a house and shit mang

This is why I always next someone when they say they are not a virgin.

Because I'm severely autistic and I've spent more time looking for good anime pictures this week than I have in my entire adult life talking to girls.


watch white porn stars who burn the coal. They all get the same dirty burned out look, but it's not heroin. Look at Faye Reagan, she never fucked a black but she loved heroin. Never got that gross look Gianna Michaels or Sophie Dee got!

Because kids are expensive, kinda like pets.
Gotta buy them food, school for training, clothes, (if female) watch out for chads trying to deflower my baby, (boy) worry about him goin to prison because he is a white male.


>he fell for the right woman meme
no such thing, user, they're all the same.

I don't like people.

Is this trolling or is your sarcasm detector broken?

sorry, didn't notice. kinda got pissed off by the fact that there are so many plebbitors on Sup Forums who fall for the kike memes.
they should seriously fuck off. if you're not mgtow, you're a cuck.