Taran Singh Brar has placed this inflatable chicken to show the world how weak Trumps leadership is. Trumptards on suicide watch!
Giant Inflatable Chicken. Trumptards BTFO!
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they should fill it with hot air because trump is full of hot air!!!!!!!!
What is trump chicken about exactly? Going to war with NK? Protecting our country?
L.O.L (lots of laughing)
ok, so if chicken won, than hillary was a bug or caterpillar?
I want to take that shitty Taran tie him to a chair and slowly piece by piece remove his penis. Fucking Indian men think they can start talking shit when they are the most beta of humans due to hundreds of years of arranged marriages to shitty women that go full crypt keeper after the age of 32. But I would love to see him cry and scream as I first cut of his gland, skin the base, and then cut of what meat that is still left. I wonder who he pray to, his shitty cartoon gods, his mother, or the Loo that he refuses to us. Fuck Taran, I hope he gets his fucking just deserts.
HAHA! take that DRUMP!!!
I like the chicken. He's kinda cute. I don't see where this is an insult to Trump. Trump LOVES chicken!
i bet trump just laughs about this bullshit
its for the chinese year of the rooster, calm your tits
the left is hoping one of you fags will sabotage this so they can make you look stoopid
lol cute
is this for or against Trump?
Most definitely. He's probably kekking out, on his break from pentagon briefings. If only he had a completely anonymous army to redecorate it with something hilarious....
Someone graffiti GAS THE KIKES on the chicken
Remember, each balloon cost 2k USD.
Please present the evidence.
oh god how will he ever win 2020 now
I thought Trump was an irrational Hitlerite with his fingers on the nuclear codes? I'm confused
are jews even trying anymore? maybe jews are the ones with 65 iq in these nigger countries
Oh shit, we're finished!
big if true
Whats with liberals and wasting money on useless activism?
Trumpu is big cock?
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
>Trump threatens NK with fire and fury
Explain this to me. No seriously, someone from leftypol, explain this shit to me.
? I liek it
>chicken is the closest thing we have modern day to the T-Rex
>T-Rex was the king of dinosaurs
Trump confirmed as best leader and king of the United States.