What is the best way to deal with a leftist/crazy member of your extended family that you might only see three or four...

What is the best way to deal with a leftist/crazy member of your extended family that you might only see three or four times a year? Try to engage in reasoned debate with them, ignore their existence, or scream at them and make their life hell until they stop being a communist?

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>What is the best way to deal with a leftist

take them for a helicopter ride

Screech about Kekistan like a fucking sperg

I just exchange pleasantries and talk to the people I actually like talking to. You only see them a few times a year so why not just keep the peace and not make a scene?

Socratic method.

Expose their bullshit with questions, and then shrug when they get angry.

Keep them at arms length. These are the same people that will gladly turn you in during SHTF. They've already abandoned logic and reason.

Seriously, don't even engage in political discussion with them. You're not going to change their mind, so why bother making a family get-together awkward? Stick to normie-tier subjects, eat some turkey and relax

Who is this semen demon?

Bumping out of interest.
Whenever I try to tell people Hitler wasn't the bad guy the jews make him out to be they seem to lose their minds.

>they say some bullshit to shut down the conversation and then change the subject
Checkmate, Socrates.

Don't talk about politics with your family. Politics is important, but it shouldn't intrude into every aspect of your life.

>they start a political discussion with everybody else at the dinner table, despite you not initiating it
What's your next move?

Who else is going to do it?

ive got a brainwashed, leftist, sister-in-law. ive found it best to simply not engage in any sort of discussion with her anymore. they dont use logic, so it's pretty futile. i tried once and pissed a lot of her family off. on a positive note, im slowly redpilling my her sister (my wife) out of her influence

Complete honesty about my beliefs, no cucking out, even if it offends them.

Who is this semen demon?

Fuck em till their dead.


>they dismiss you as a joker and don't talk to you for the rest of the day
Needless to say, you won't be changing their minds.

also: Saoli Sabatini

Be the alpha and remind everyone that discussing politics is how arguments get started and you won't allow that kind of behavior at a family gathering.

Who is this weenie genie?

don't fucking bring up politics and if they do leave? this shit isn't hard unless you're a literal child who can't just bail on whatever family event it is because you don't have your own transport

>that filename

Make sure to always bring up politics at family dinners.

My cousin is one of those crazy leftist types who brings up politics all the time. I know it's not really nice, but when he starts getting all crazy and the room gets silent and shit I just tell him to shut the fuck up. He's 5'8" around 120 lbs he can't do shit.

Doesn't matter to me. I didn't go back on my own stances for social appeasement.
>And that's how my hairdresser found out I support white nationalism

Who is this fluid druid?

Fuck the crazy out of her. If she resists just rape her. She will never talk to you again garunteed. You can thank me later.

Just focus on the media they consume. It's less of an emotional target and once digested every subsequent argument is easier to handle.

Who, my aunt?

You are just too focused on them to adopt your opinion.
If somebody is irrationally repeating his point of view then I will either try to break down my opinion, so even children would understand the logic and make him question his beliefs or try to find the emotional reason that caused his irrational behavior

It's usually them who bring it up.

kill yourself Le'monjello

What an unbearable person you must be to not be able to contain your spaghetti for your family a few times a year

Heated political discussion is in poor taste during family gatherings. Libtards still love spewing their opinions on politics at any given moment. Ignoring them and/or changing the subject is the best tactic. Your libtard relative will end up creating instances of awkward silence, make an ass of themselves, and they'll be visibly angry.
This works well with my family, a handful of them are really aggressive about politics during gatherings. They have their little circlejerks, then come off as assholes when they start shouting at the dinner table.
If you have an entire family of libtards your best bet is to smile and nod, and keep your mouth shut. Don't bother debating regardless of the situation, you're just going to sour the mood and accomplish nothing. You aren't going to "redpill" someone out of their stupidity, if you think you are, you're just as obnoxious as your libtard family members. Argue with them on social media or something afterwards if you HAVE to be a sperg.

Why is she so pale? She looks like a zombie.


IQ over 100.

Why do you have to be afraid to express your opinion? Who else is going to disabuse your family members of their craziness? If you love them, shouldn't you help rehabilitate them?

every year they move more to the right

Saoli Sabatin is the girl. You're welcome faggots!

I have queer SJW relatives and I agree with this.

You realize they are inferior so much to the extent you are accepting of the idea they are misled into self-destruction by the Jew. You mostly ignore their abstract, idiotic opinions and sometimes even find yourself humoring how ridiculous they are while keeping mostly to yourself. I encouraged some of their friends to become tran even, why not?

It's not like they are worth the air they breath. They could be trans just as much as they could be dead to me, and literally are. lol

The best decision is to realize they are the equivalent of trash blowing across the ground in human form. Can't recycle it all, let alone stop it from being there.

You might want to ease your way into that particular pill, there, Cap'n Crunch.

Choose when and to whom you reaveal your power level.

Just keep asking questions, allow them to defeat themselves

The only way you beat a leftist (aka a psychopath) is to ignore it

They are parasites by nature, so if you don't give them anything to feed off, they wither

You dont have to engage in that conversation with them. You have a problem with them bringing it up but not with talking about it yourself. I think you just want to argue with them

Why the fuck did I even ask you children?

>If you love them, shouldn't you help rehabilitate them?

Leftists are not people. They should not be rehabilitated anymore than you would rehabilitate a mosquito or a wasp.

In one case they freaked out just from me saying I wanted to pick up a copy of mein kampf


It's not a matter of fear, it's basic fucking manners. You're spending time with your family for a special occasion, you aren't there to win an election. Fuckwad boomers with the hippie mentality were the pioneers of attempting to strongarm their brand of politics during family gatherings. It should never have been considered as acceptable behavior during family gatherings. There is a time and a place for everything.

Instead of seeking to beat them in argument: find ways to project strength, success and happiness at your family gatherings.
These are like garlic, silver and sunlight to the leftist and family gatherings, in my experience, always have that pissing-content element to them anyway.

I wouldn't bother engaging in the discussion, as it would be literally pointless trying to debate a crazy leftist. If it was a family member I saw on a regular basis that might be a different matter, but one that I only see rarely isn't worth the drama

Who is this cum concubine?

Oh sorry, here's some good advice. Pound a bottle of liquor and start telling your family about nigger crime statistics and Jews running the media. Bonus points if you bring a series of charts with Zyklon Ben cartoons mixed in, you know, for the kids.

it never fails

Also, you want a guaranteed win for family gatherings? To absolutely destroy lefties every time?
Have so many kids you have to bring the little cunts there in a van.
The leftists will hate you for having so many white children because they think it is sinful but simultaneously their natural instincts leave them miserable and unhappy for not having had any.
Every normal person at the gathering will be impressed with your family and fawn over your spawn.

Sometimes what I do is make them do mental gymnastics to make them seem like I am on their side so there is no argument. Perfect example- my sister is a huge radical left wing feminist. Obviously she is for people having abortions. If one day people are having a discussion on abortion and she jumps in, I'll jump in too and say "ya know, sister user is somewhat right, abortion should be allowed! However, only think blacks should have abortions as they have been held back in society financially and in order for them to catch up to whites, they should be allowed to abort the baby. Whites on the other hand shouldn't be allowed to abort and must deal with the extra kid and pay for it, that way it holds them back in society so blacks can catch up!" On one hand, my sister will see this as a pretty good idea. However, she is not realizing that I am sugar coating the idea by actually implying that this will help get rid of niggers and also help expand the white race.



Who is this jizz Jezebel?

Terrorists aren't subject to due process. Nguyen Ngoc Loan did nothing wrong.

Look at the Google memo-writer. He went out of his way to present a logical, inoffensive argument and got fucked over anyway.
There are times when our beliefs do need to be expressed (and passionately defended). Doesn't seem worth doing so at a family gathering though

I don't talk about politics with my family. If my family starts mouthing off Trump and Brexit I just stay quiet and ignore. They won't listen, they just live in an echo chamber.

excellent. very excellent. women. rofl.

Well....if the split tail in the pic is the family member of which you speak...as soon as she starts talking grab her by the hair, slap her hard, push her to her knees and ram a dick down her throat. After the 3rd or 4th time she chokes push her face first into the ground and grudge fuck that pail poopshoot like you were trying for a shortcut to China. Yep, that'll do it.

Quite devlish user, quite devlish indeed.

I am more direct with my rabid feminist sister. Abortions are good news for Conservatives (because the only people getting abortions are liberals). States decide, I say let the inner cities get their free abortions, less democrats in the gene pool.

>dad believed in multiculturalism
>dad believed islam is a religion of peace
>dad believed we need to take refugees to "enrich our inbred gene pool"
>dad compared Trump to Hitler
>dad insisted trannies are not delusional, and that it's perfectly normal for man to mutilate himself and *be* a woman
>tfw dad died two months ago
>tfw I miss him more than anything

He was a race traitor leftist cuck, but he was MY race traitor leftist cuck dad.

That guy should start murdering his SJW bosses and when he gets caught or killed and people wonder why he did it they will find out about the memo and get redpilled fast.

You really think that's your REAL dad user? thats cute

This or complete and unapologetic honesty, state your opinions confidently. Who cares if you change their mind or not. Also don't add too much of your own. Don't randomly bring up that the holocaust is fake or something, but if she starts on a subject, refute it as best you can or tell her to stop talking politics when you're trying to eat.

Dog bless

I didn't name that file and i thought it said something about executing a murderer.

I know you're memeing, but he really was my dad. He was also very religious and I have like 7 siblings. We all look alike. Also, his family is Karelian descent, which is part of the reason why I got interested in Sup Forums related topics in the first place.

Dig up his grave and get his skull and thigh bone.

Remember who you were.

Leftists cannot be reasoned with.
The few that turn away from the Left do so by seeing the harmfulness of its ideologies with their own eyes, by realizing its hypocrisy, by some miracle. But never by holding a debate with someone who disagrees with them.

If they're only crazy about politics, simply refuse to discuss politics with them.
If they're crazy in general, because of politics, then don't associate with them at all. Ignoring them outright might harm family cohesion, but you should afford them no more discussion than you would a stranger you pass by in public.

>Ignoring them and/or changing the subject is the best tactic.
No, you need to fucking attack them. You don't need to start spouting your beliefs but you have to shut down their ASAP.

Libtards needs to learn that their bullshit politics are as welcome and appropriate at family gathering as going full MAGA. They might think that every one shares their opinions just because that's how it is on TV but in reality over half the country disagrees with them and its just as rude to bring up their political views as it is to bring up any other political views.

>deal with a leftist
>reasoned debate
HAHAHAH good one, son! Leftists are incapable of accepting facts, they rely purely on emotion.They only have identity politics to stay in power.
>ban guns they kill kids!!
>abortion is ok!
Silly hypocrites.Guns actually save more lives in self defense every year so you'd be killing more people by banning them!
>race is just a social construct
>you are stealing the black soul you white devil!! black lives matter!!
>we need a safe space for black people!
Silly children..
>we need a more powerful central government
Hypocrites again!
>fuck the rich!
>dem leadership 100% millionaires
>blm funded by billionaire Soros- including deray- now a millionaire
>pro black and pro illegals
>illegals steal black jobs
It's almost like they dont give a shit!
>pro gay and pro millions of Muslim refugees coming here
>muslims hate faggots + hang them from cranes
I digress.Leftists are full of shit.Simple as that!! Ask this person why every city with over 50% blacks is a shithole.. If they scream racism ask how a majority black city is racist or why qqwannaa shooting Deshawn in the face for $5 is any way connected to race.

Ask her why every major city run by leftists is a corrupt hellhole.

My popop would just slam his knife down and say the discussion is over, and switch it to something not retarded.

>tfw family flew apart since he passed
I miss him.

I've seen this pic a couple times now. Does anybody know the context? Obscure softcore porn?

Ignore it.

>Donald Trump is so dumb he went bankrupt many times
>That's just the nature of business, he's set up lots of successful ones and his successes overshadow his failures
>Wow user, just wow

It's pointless.

Isn't it funny how ((they)) always have the evil Nazis in movies to this day but ignore
the millions of Christians (many times more than jews) killed by Bolsheviks/Commies/Maoists in the,generally, same time period?

isn't it funny how the bad guy in every movie now is a white male? Name the last movie you saw where the bad guy was a black or woman or mexican?
They evil admitted that the newer Star Wars was a "multicultural team" fighting against "white supremacy" and the blackie that starred in it is coming out saying Game of Thrones and LotR are "too white".
We are in deep, deep, deep doggie shit.

Your father sounds like he loved unconditionally.
My condolences on your loss.

Quit larping. That's an artists rendering of the mythical giant homeland of Hyperborea!

>scream at them and make their life hell
troll harder fgt pls

So you're a beta who can't fill his fathers role and tame your wiminz folk? Damn.

>ignore their existence
This sort of. Just treat their political views like a joke that is not worth taking seriously.

>Heated political discussion is in poor taste during family gatherings.
...therefore perfect for the conservitard troll.

No, it's definitely Karelia, the land of wizards and warriors.

>Why do you have to be afraid to scream your baseless echo-chamber opinion?
Fear is not the same as shame.

...because troll can't stop himself from trolling?

are you lutheran?

Stop being a complete fucking pussy, if a hurr durr leftie can cause you to ask for advice in this virgin hole of a board on how to deal with them then maybe reevaluate your life.

What a pussy, kek.

who is this white genocide?

Stay calm and point out why they are wrong in front of your family at all times. The more emotional they get, the crazier they look. You can't give these commies your family.


Wait, what? Is that AIDS Skrillex?


Do you want Communism to spread? Because that's how Communism spreads.

some of my family are lutheran from karelia. sorry to hear about your father