Sup Forums BTFO

>لن يكون هناك إجبار في [قبول] الدين. وقد أصبح المسار الصحيح واضحا من الخطأ. لذلك الذي يعتقد من أي وقت مضى في تاغوت ويؤمن بالله قد حصلت على العقيدة الأكثر ثقة مع أي كسر في ذلك. والله هو السمع والمعرفة.

>There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

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Remember to sage shills


Where do you faggots even get these pictures? Reverse image searches only ever turn up Sup Forums archives


There has to be more. I need them for reasons.

stop fucking scribbling on my board you goatfucker


I approve of muslim footpussies.

It's funny to me there are Muslims unironically quoting the Qur'an when we can beyond all doubt prove the book is not what it claims to be. There needs to be only ONE error in the entire book to BTFO the entire Sunni theology forever. And these errors are easy to find. We know for a fact what the Christians in the time of Muhammad believed, and the Qur'an makes false claims about Christian beliefs.

Secondly, modern textual criticism can trace many passages in the Qur'an to other sources, sometimes Aramaic ones. I.e. whoever wrote / edited the Qur'an lifted passages from religious writings of Aramaic Christians (among others), translated them into Arabic, and put them in the Qur'an.

Only the ignorant (like born Muslims who never hear anything critical and objective about the Qur'an) and retarded LARPing converts would quote from the Qur'an as if it had any real weight.

This is one single verse that's shoehorned in at the very end of the book compared to the 113 verses that scattered throughout specifically call for dead Jews and Christians.

it's not like that's any different than the bible

We know it's you Nigel, turn your UK flag back on. Only you post huge-footed freaks.

The Quran proclaims to be the literal word of God.
The Bible is a collection of stories about God.

Except for the parts in which many items such as murder, lying, etc. are allowed during certain circumstances in Islam, or not allowing the contraction of other religious buildings, which Christianity usually does allow. The religion of Islam is more aggressive than Christianity, due to its political nature whereas the bible described a merciful God. Pedophilia is also permitted in Islam.

The Bible mentions trinitarianism whereas Islam does not. Muslims typically believe all are slaves to Allah, etc.


the guy probably resized it or something



Those are some ugly flat feet.


Care to show any mistake or any of these 'sources' for the Quran

where does the word 'firdaws' come from?

Murder (unlawful killing) is punished with death or Paying Blood Money
>And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution. But whoever gives [up his right as] charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
>(Quran 5:45)

Lying in court gets you 80 lashes
>And those who accuse chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses - lash them with eighty lashes and do not accept from them testimony ever after. And those are the defiantly disobedient,
>(Quran 24:4)

Construction of buildings of the people of the Book is permitted and these buildings are under the protection of the State as long as they pay the taxes.
>Ibn Khaldoon (may Allah have mercy on him) said: ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab entered Bayt al-Maqdis, and came to the Church of the Resurrection and sat in its courtyard. When the time for prayer came, he said to the patriarch: I want to pray. He said to him: Pray where you are. But he refused, and he prayed on the doorstep of the church, on his own. Then when he had finished praying, he said to the patriarch: If I had prayed inside the church, the Muslims after me would have taken it (as a mosque) and they would have said: ‘Umar prayed here. And he wrote for them that they were not to gather to pray on the steps and that adhaan was to be given from that location.

End quote fromTareekh Ibn Khaldoon(2/225)

>If [A Muslim] leaves his religion: kill him. -Muhammad

Not the right board Abdul

An Arabic word that roughly translates to 'Heavenly Garden', it is derived from a loan word from Avestan, pairidaeza.

What does this have to do with 'entire passages that the Quran has taken from other books'?

"...If a Jew has two noses then he shall be an honorary Aryan."
-Adolf Hitler,Mein Juden 1969

بول منتدى إسلامي و من يقول غير ذلك ستين ابن قحبة

بريز كيك

>i bet those stupid westerners dont know about how to read the quran and about abrogation hehe i are smart taquia artist heheh

Fuck off.

Quran is never abrogated
>muh taqqyia XDDDDD

>Muhammad Jihads McDerpa Durkah death to the infadel etc, we're going to kill you no matter what this 10,000 year old jibberish stipulates because we are violent sand pandas with a convert or die mentality that has claimed the lives of untold millions already so why stop now
>(Allah Snackbar 9:11)


so it's not exactly written in perfect arabic is it?

If there is no compulsion, why do sunni muslims forcefully convert people and tax them and kill and rape them if they dont convert?

Because they don't
That would be a clear violation

had a carpet fucking turkroach in the company. got him fired. feels good man.

It is. That's like saying Arabic isn't Arabic because it has the same root as Hebrew and other Semitic languages or saying that God or Heaven are not English words.

pairidaeza is an Avestan word but the word Firdous is an Arabic word. And as spoken Urdu and Hindi share many words and all Urdu speakers understand Hindi and vice versa it doesn't mean that both languages are the same.

> taqiyya

When was the last time you came out of your basement?

How could someone be so fucking lost?

shut up you lying fucking cuck

koran also says slaughter all the unbelievers

wow so peaceful

bible claims that too, retard, says it's all inspired by god and godbreathed

>HAHA what are you some taqqyia FAGGOT
>throws a picture of mohammed
>we all know quran says to kilzz beoblez because thats what wiki islam says. Checkmate shlomo

No sources yet again

kill yourselves you lying sacks of dogshit

The Bible does not claim to be perfect unlike the Quran, some Christians believe the bible is without error but even some conservative denominations don't believe that. Basically all Muslims believe the Quran is without error except for the most ultra liberal ones.

Oh wow you sure Xposed us muzzies
Time to return to the desert I'm afraid

That's retarded, you'd have to be a lukewarm cuckold nu-christian to say the bible is not perfect.

yeah you'll be sent home soon enough if you don't go willingly

She has bad acne, I feel for her, I used to be a poxface too.

Horrific shit, dude. Next time make it a little more clear, most of these nitwits don't know what you're posting

Funny because i already live in a war torn country
I dont wanna visit your liberal shitholes

they're our girlfriends.

Which country?

I don't think it does, Sven.

Why even make shit up? Islam is fucked up enough as it is.

good, please tell your brothers and sisters to go home too

Dude, I have a Quran in my desk and I can find literally all these horrible things in it.

>has a qur'an
Hahahahahahhahaha holy shit hahahahahahahahahha do they give them as free samples at your loca mosque too? Hahahahagaggagahahahahahahahahahha

quran 2:106= We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent?

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

I also have a bible, want to get a torah in the future maybe

oh oh i found the law of abrogation in the quran

The quran literally tells us :
that the sun is setting in a muddy spring.

Semen comes from between backbone and ribs.

You are created by one clot of blood.

The earth volunteered its own creation.

Shooting stars are fireballs that allah throws at demons.

But nice try, achmed.