Defend Europe Thread

The identitarian movement started a campaign to raise funds for a ship, fuel and equipment to reduce the influx of refugees over the Mediterranean Sea, as you might have heard, human traffickers made a business out of the refugee crisis, and the NGO relocates refugees to Italy, instead of transporting them to the nearest safe zone.
PJW actually made a good video describing the situation:

>Defend Europe: It’s a mission to save Europe, to stop illegal immigration, and end the dying on the sea.
>We want to start an identitarian search-and-rescue (SAR) mission in Summer on the Libyan coast.
>Our goal is to document the doings of the NGOs, expose their collaboration with the human smugglers, and intervene if they do something illegal.
>We will reach out to the Libyan Coast Guard and offer them our help as a recon ship.
>Our goal is to step in where our politicians are failing and to do what is necessary to stop the deadly illegal migration into Europe.
Full text:
C-Star(Das Boot):

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop the boats & confront the NGOs:
Monitoring NGOs near Zurawah & Mellitah (Some of the NGO fleet turned their AIs off):
If you see suspicious activity, please report it on twitter, HT #DefendEurope.

>when you receive over 100k in donations, get a boat but still cant stop a single refugee


oh you stupidass frenchman
you want to defend europe, but on the same time you want to punish Poland, Hungary and rest of our bros for not accepting invaders

>The French people are a monolithic hivemind who all think the same thing
Dude come on

>implying I want France to stay in the EU

I've had it with this bullshit
>dude come on, not all french are liberals
>dude come on, not all germans are evil
>dude come on, not all austrians are evil^2
>dude come on, not all brits have bad teeth
>dude come on, not all poles are insanely religious
>dude come on, not all mexicans like burritos
>dude come on, not all russians are drunk
>dude come on, not all japanese likes waifu pillows
>dude come on, not all croats love eurobeat
>dude come on, not all turks have excessive body hair
>dude come on, not all USA citizens have weight problems

it is overall image that matters, and right now,, while it is valliant attempt of doing SOMETHING, it is lost in the sea of shitskins and liberals

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.


Why support these larping faggots ?They are no better than the soccer moms who go to africa to take photos of themselves with balloon bellied niglets, so they can feel as if they achieved something.A boat ???? Really?? What did they expect, that they can just stop other ships funded by NGOs ? They knew from the get go that this would get them nowhere.All the money they wasted ... could have campaigned and redpilled the masses by exposing that niglet "refugees" were mass imported in Europe , no instead they got a craving for seamen.
No thanks baguette

Have you seen the reaction the MSM and the NGOs had to them annoncing this mission? They lost their shit. There is something they desperately don't want to get out to the general public,
and that is the fact that the NGOs are working with the human traffickers themselves. This is organized. Defend Europe is a literal wrench in their gears, and they are rightfully afraid.
Only a globalist pawn or an extremely shortsighted person would oppose them.

And the italian police seems to react.

NEWS 2017-08-02
>C-STAR on its ways to the Lybian coast
>Sea-Eye's ship Iuventa being impounded by italian navy

NEWS 2017-08-03
>Inside the C-STAR
>ship "Iuventa" caught colluding with traffickers and arrested

NEWS 2017-08-07
>Fishermen stop anti-migrant boat from docking in Tunisian port
>Sea-Eye and now MSF are under investigation for human trafficking by the italian justice
>Lybian coast guards threatening to shoot at NGO's ships
>radio transmission between the C-STAR and an NGO ship

Klaus Vogel
NGO : SOS Mediterranée
Captain of The Aquarius


>theguardian com/world/2017/aug/02/italy-impounds-ngo-rescue-ship-sends-navy-patrol-boat-to-libya-migrant-refugee-route-europe
>theguardian com/world/2017/aug/07/fishermen-stop-anti-migrant-boat-from-docking-in-tunisian-port

Harald Hoppner
NGO : Sea Watch Foundation
Captain of the Clupea

Christian Brensing
NGO : Life Boat
Captain of the Minden

John Hamilton
Captain of the Topaze Responder


Is this all? How many ships are actually out there?
>30,000 illegals in just two months

So, yeah... Their only purpose is to do the shuttle between the Lybian coast and Scicilia, 24/7 all year...

All I can think of when I see that flag is the god damn Oreo cookie logo. Was that done on purpose?
There is a kind of irony that they are two chocolate cookies surrounding some white icing.


cannot unsee

>god damn Oreo cookie logo


>Implying this initiative is Government-backed and praised by the French political system
>Implying the Identitarians have any leverage in European policies against Hungary and Poland
>Implying they don't praise these countries for refusing aliens



>we need your support for these oreo chip captains who will fight against cookie immigrants with or without the white craeameayf fillintggnngnGAAAAHhhhhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thing about this mission is that it is only a PR stunt. Bloody awesome PR stunt, hell maybe the best nationalist stunt ever, that is sure, but still only a stunt. No real work done.

That is maybe why so many people here react badly about it.

>only a stunt
What would they have to do for it to NOT be a stunt then?

Gun down rapefugee boats with machiniguns,duh.

Literally anything done by right wingers is nagged about by polspergs.

Ity unironicLly the most feminine minded place ive ever been too.
The gossip and shottalk a(about right wingers mainly) is above stacy-tier

One immigrant returned back. That’s all it takes in my book.

Nice strawman you fucking stupid Hun.

>Defend Europe
>Defend Cucks


French are not liberals at all. The ONLY reason we have Macron is because Le Pen was a very shitty cabdidate and Fillon got fucked at yhe worst moment by a "scandal".

Macron's approval is already below 40%, he's the only president in french history whose approval rating got so low so fasr. In 5 years the tide will turn you'll see.

>immigrant returned back
That is not their job. Once they reach land, it becomes borderguards problem.
And they (indirectly) stopped a boat that brought in about a thousand migrants per week.
Think of all the migrants that will never arrive because of them standing in the way of the smugglers/NGOs.
You can't put an exact number on it, but I guarantee that it is there.

We should organise an online campaign agains those lefty ngo's that flood our continent

Jugend rettet for instance

This. Two NGOs (Jugend Rettet and MSF) are being investigated for the exact things Defend Europe accused them of. I'm not saying it is the identitarians who directly caused this, but it's a damn coincidence this is happening right now. Why did Italy finally decide to take action, after they droped the case in May?

toot toot, good luck boat of safety and strong borders

Now that I think about it, this is literally a right wing safety squad. We don't want those poor migrants to drown, do we? Better keep them in Lybia, for safety purposes of course.

MSF is reporting massive drop in donation after they announced their intention to not sign Italy's chart and accept a police officer on board.

You have two possible angle of attack
-flood their social media account as usual with accusation o human trafficking
-ask them on twitter or in any leftist filled discussion group why they don't sin and complain about your donation going to waste because they will be forced to turn away


Italian identitarian here
In these last weeks the refugee influx has decreased a lot, so something is changing

thank the government for that. not your gay club

Can you fill the exact adresses of the NGO captains listed ITT ?

Sorry, my phone flipped the image

The government shitted itself, they made 4 parliamentary question times about us.
They tried to adress us as "Fascists of the sea"
Now a lot of leftists are losing their mind on us

What is this? Defend Europe?
But Europe is fine, Israel needs your help
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elections are happening
not the best time for news articles about refugees so they need to decrease the numbers till everything is over and they can rule for 4 more years without worrying about the peasants opinion

Bad idea. That would grant them victim status. Do not go after their persons, but spread the word around instead. Do not stoop to the level of antifa.

I was thinking about taking a picture of their luxury mansion and ask them if they would let poor migrants in.

Can't wait for next week, Identitarians unite!

i donated to the ship awhile ago, thank you for being brave enough to actually go out in the world and be a part of the resistance.
Unity or Death

Oh, I see. But keep in mind that it takes just one person (affiliated or not) to go overboard and send them threats or something, and in result cast a very bad light on the whole Identitarian group in general.
Those on the Identitarian side here have to be very tactful about what they do, as the MSM would jump on them for the tiniest of things.

Yes, it's true. The ruling party did a ~180° turn to stay in power after the elections

A social media attack is easy to set up with Sup Forums and it would damage them for sure

Could you set up an action and go to Sicily and confront those German cucks?