The B61-12 is a small nuclear bomb that can be dropped from a fighter jet such as the F-22 raptor, or F-35. It is highly accurate, almost undetectable . 4 variable settings with a max yield of 340 Kilotons tnt equivalent. Sup Forums do you think NK can really compete?
The B61-12 is a small nuclear bomb that can be dropped from a fighter jet such as the F-22 raptor, or F-35...
No. They know it. We know it. Nothing is going to happen.
One Ohio-class can take out every major city on earth.
OMG guys we USA are SO STRONG! We could literally nuke them off the face off the earth!!!!!!!!
>What are hundreds of km's of bunkers and tunnels that are protected by ~500m of solid.fucking.rock.
actually the nork regime is in some serious trouble with more and more people over there learning that the dprk ways are a sham and generals over there acting like warlords, what with cutting up the country with their own spheres of influences instead of obeying kim, them sending one last "fuck you" to the world before they completely break up is a real possibility
although it would still be hilarious
bunkers dont really matter when half your population is dead and your capitol is now a crater
>definine "major"
>define "take out"
I want to sit on a nuclear bomb and have it detonate. It would be the most painless death...
They've had almost 70 years to fortify and the population is considered expendable by the leadership. You can turn the country into a dinner plate but Kim will be in the family bunker under a mountain with all the staff he needs to make life miserable for all parties involved.
It's not about us annihilating the Kim regime as much as it is them making it painful enough for us to not want to do it.
>can best Korea even compete
One of the few times smaller is better
>take out
burn to the fucking ground
>one last "fuck you" to the world
With what? Their shitty half dozend R-17 Scud coppies?
if its all they can do its better than nothing
that fat fuck is dead as shit as it is with half of his generals wanting to kill him and take his place
norkland is becoming less stable by the day, if we wait long enough its all going to come crashing down harder than nukes ever could
To be more precise, think of the major capitals and economic centers. Current stockpile of warheads is over 10 times more powerful than what we dropped on Japan.
Where did you acquire your profound and deep knowlege of nuclear geostrategy and warfare?
Why not a rod of god?
They have 24 missiles. So that's how many cities each sub could destroy. Each missile has multiple warheads so they would hit hard.
>half your population
yeah the children and women, men fit for military will be in said bunkers ready to fight
oh, you mean the starving farmers who already hate kim to begin with? yeah thats a great plan
the guys fucked
brainwashed starving farmers, they will gladly lay down their life for Kim and their nation.
He's been pretty effective at killing his potential replacements, and when he killed his half brother he proved he wasn't afraid of pissing off the Chinese to secure his power. I wouldn't be surprised if that put the fear of god into some of the generals that doubted he had what it took to fuck them up despite their connections in Beijing.
>So that's how many cities each sub could destroy.
Slightly wrong.
Trident IIs have MIRVs, and each MIRV can be targeted by the bus independently. Depending on the launch profile (information on this is obviously classified), independent cities can be targeted, depending on how close they are together and where they are positioned in relation to the warhead's flight path.
For the case of a Trident use against NK, I doubt this would factor in much. Each warhead could probably maneuver to targets less than 30 km from each other in a typical Depressed Trajectory scenario.
I honestly wouldn't be too upset about Washington dc. The eye r s, some key members of our crooked congress would be wiped out.
the problem with his generals is that they all want him dead
they all act like fucking warlords, each controlling a different section of the military who holds more loyalty to their COs instead of kim
at the moment he least expects it (like a war) his generals will get his ass faster than you can say "공산주의 도스틴 일"
Yeah but the policy would be to fire two RVs at every target incase one is a dud, probably something silly like 20 RVs at a high value target like Moscow to get past their nuclear tipped missile defense rings around the outskirts
And you would have to transit the sub very slowly across the ocean to get in launch radius which gives a window for sub hunting assets to locate and take it out
Then why dont they just fucking kill him? They're next to him all the time, It would be so easy. If they all want him dead who would they fear of reprocussion?
>drop a nuke in NK
>Radiation goes to China they think that US is attacking them
>say hello to 400 Chinese ICBMs across all major american cities
the other generals would make their move too.
it would be like a game of assassination dominoes