Which do you hate more, SJWs or Islam?

Which do you hate more, SJWs or Islam?

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The solution to Islam is just not letting Muslims in. That's it.
There is no solution to leftism because you can't kill thoughts. So I guess I hate the left more.


I don't feel hate, such negative emotions are for the weak minded liberals


They want Muslims to come into europe.

SJWs enable Islam and let the rot into white countries. SJWs are just a symptom of kike infestation in politics, culture, and education, so I hate them the most. Hang kikes and shoot the muslims already in your countries, problem solved.

Islam actually kills people. SJWs write blogs and stand around chanting slogans while holding gay little signs and wearing pussy hats. I'm pretty sure I could fight off at least 5 swole left SJW guys simultaneously, they would just hurt their hands when they tried to punch me, but a hard-ass jihadist true believer from a 3rd world country is probably more likely to be an actual tough guy. Hardship breeds toughness, and SJW can hardly deal with the wifi not working at starbucks. I live in a hipster neighborhood surrounded by coffee shop revolutionaries and they are more amusing than anything. If they were all replaced with towelheads I would be genuinely concerned.

this makes sense.
I hate muslims but if white lefties want to let them come here then fuck the lefties


pic related




Just say women faggot

>If they were all replaced with towelheads I would be genuinely concerned

i live in a suburb in between hipster suburbs and mudslime ones. best of both worlds.



Thats just gay

Leftism is the reason we need to worry about Islam in the first place.

Islam is the barbarians at the gate, leftism is the hysterical noblewoman demanding that gates be opened for these poor savages so they can share in the blessings of civilization.

Politically speaking SJWs because they vote to bring in Islam. Ideologically speaking Islam because it's the death of our civilization

i hate google more

SJWs are the reason Islam is such a prevalent problem right now. It's too late to nip it in the bud but we can still attack the roots and stem

He is pretty hot desu, wouldn't mine being on my knees for him. Even though his dick is photoshopped.

If leftists didnt exist Muslims wouldn't be an issue since they wouldnt be allowed into our countries.

Two sides of the same shekel

islam is a belief system contained within a person's thoughts

nice bait if bait,if not bait you have to go back low iq faggot redditor
btw,jews are worst,much words,at least muslims and sjw are open about being an enemy that you can directly fight.

I would say that there is a solution to the leftist problem. I'm not a genetic determinist, but certain genes do predispose certain behaviors and political beliefs. There is some evidence to indicate that political beliefs can indeed be inherited. If these genes can be removed somehow, (genetic editing, the fat fucks not reproducing, idfk) that should at least reduce the number of potential SJWs. That is why subjects such as genopolitics are, in my opinion, interesting.

Random sauce:

Int'l Jews, i pity idiots: which are SJWs and muslims aren't scary.

I hate SJWs and I actually like Islam but i don't want Islam to be in Europe if that makes sense

What if someone hates feminism because they value women in a traditional sense?

>when you still don't realize cucksitianity and feminism are the same

SJWs no doubt, islam is something that can be fixed by new holy war. Islam can be fought as an equal force. SJWs on the other hand are bunch of crybabies and its immoral to destroy kids so much more civil actions are required

SJWs of course.
There isn't anything explicitly bad about Islam if it stay in their sandy containment.

Traitorous left bring this shits in our countries and be liquidated at once.
Kill a traitor first before the enemy... remember that.

Just to add to my last post, I would say that beyond genes, we need to educate the public that being a cuck isn't productive for shit and that Islam is cancer.

That's about all.

This tbqh.

Islam is fine when it's outside my borders and killing other Muslims.
SJW let Muslims in.
So I guess they're too blame more.

>when you dont realise that because its fucking ridiculous

SJWs are the traitors who let them in.

Why not both?

The big difference is that the hipster faggot tranny-loving feminists VOTE. That is more dangerous than a handfull of hard sand niggers.


Islam is by far the worst ideology being pushed by (((them)))

Cultural Marxism/SJW's are more insidious, as they are the enemy within. They erode the freedoms at home while we fight the enemies abroad.

At least with Muslims, we can simply blow them up.

SJW's are free to corrupt us from the inside like a disease.

Maybe in the long term, but I would rather have a liberal in the mayor's office than a machete in my neck or a dick in my young daughter's twat.

It isn't really pushed by them, and even if it was the case, it would be the best

SJW because Islam is at least consistent to a code. SJW only follow the random popular group think of the day. It's a mental disorder



This is the only acceptable answer. Pic related
Liberals are the only true enemy and the destroyers of Western Civilization. What could Muslims really do if they were not assisted by traitorous leftist? Being able to freely infiltrate western countries to subvert them from within is litterally the only advantage they have.

forgot to add pic

Sjw. Let's face it the reason Islam hates the West is because of these liberties faggots

They are both the same. Both want the west to die and whites genocided.

SJWs and such are the symptom of the rottenness of western world. Its like having aids or something while Islam or whatelse is a nasty cold.
I think different people in their different countries could and even should have their own ways of life lines of thought etc. If they want to convince others then let us debate. If they can't and still want to force us - then let us fight and meet at the borders with arms.
But currently in western world it is accepted that people do not need to won battle of wits or battle of arms against us but they can just come to our lands and establish their way of living and even force it to us (by democracy+ demographics).
I a perverse way they are right - if we as a society have become so stupid as to hold such views then we need to replace our current society - id just prefer it was replaced by taking the ideas from our forefathers not taking the ideas of endless immigrants.

Two sides of the same Shekel!

basically this

Without SJWs, there would be no Islam in white countries.

Islam exist in western countries since the began even if arabs and berber go to thier homeland islam will continue it existence in the western world have you ever heared about Europeans/whites Muslims

Islamic SJWs

Is there a video attached to this pic?

Nice slide cunt.



I'm willing to tolerate Islam if they implement Shariah and murder all the gays, atheists and Jews.





Islamic invasion


creation of


it's a stuid kike question


You can always deport leftists.

I hate the Left. Without the Left SJWs wouldn't exist and Muslims would be containable.

- Sinestra delenda est

sinestra delenda est


= jews

I feel like SJWs have more of a choice. With Muslims, if you're born into the religion, you either go along with their violent bullshit or you join their victims. SJWs are basically hipsters who complain about perceived injustice because it's trendy.

Islam is the worst religion. It's fucking cancer. As much as I think SJW's are dangerous, at least they don't cause death.