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Big if true!

This guy looks like a giant cuck desu senpai

why would anyone care what the monkey in front of the music box says


Sup Forums buttblasted beyond belief

You can always tell a shill because they never link the article or archive it. Also 1 post by this id.

Three posts by my ID

You can always tell a redditor by his inability to have a sense of humor

This is Josh Malina.

His nose reminds me of that Airbender cartoon but I've never watched it

I can only assume he is a tribe member

They're censoring cucks now? Fuck these kikes


>His parents, Fran and Robert Malina, were founding members ofYoung Israel of ScarsdaleinNew Rochelle, where he grew up

He's literally as Jewish as it gets without being shoved in a German ash tray, see

Malina more like (((Malkin)))

Leftists really can't meme. We make cuck a Mainstream insult against leftists, and they try to use it against us thinking we'll be offended.

This, they should wordfilter it into kek tbqh

He is saying that word but I don't think he knows what it means

I love how normies call us cucks with all this intensity thinking they're really turning the tables and jabbing us good. Actually no, I feel like Trump is out representing me somewhat well for a president, and I never even considered voting for him. The reason I didn't vote for him is because I thought him a Bill O'Reilly/Paul Ryan/John McCain republican but with no political experience. I'll tell you though, it sure is nice to have a president of a white country doing things at least symbolically for the white people who built and paid (and continue to pay) for that country.

It's not like he has actually done anything to screw over minorities either. I mean illegals are getting deported but they don't belong here in the first place and America has no obligation to provide a home for them. Pretty much the only people getting hurt by is presidency are people who felt entitled to a home and all the benefits of the United States without offering anything of value to the United States. Kind of seems like we are getting uncucked.

Interesting, don't jews like Trump after all? Trump is the best president for them

Agreed. Hes just not toeing the globalist commie nigger loving line like Obama and Merkel. Obama roused terrorist groups like BLM and that was just fine. Trump gives a speech to little Boy Scouts and it's "uncomfortable" and Hitler-like. Jesus christ, go fuck yourselves.

Isn't the word cock, not cuck?

>With an argument this good how can we not write a story about it.

Everyone! Remember stories like this when they tell you they're urban intellectuals and call us rural retards.