Mozilla openly advocating the doxing of trolls in a sneaky way

Wow... it really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw just jumped to Brave.

> he doesn't already use the new Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge)

>Be a complete asshole to someone online
>Get brownie-cake for it

Leftists really are very, very stupid aren't they?

Shit, I'm currently using Mozilla Android, what should I switch to?

quick rundown?

Same. Noticed an uptick for Brave on google trends.

enjoy ur botnet


>not vivaldi

Are women so petty and vindictive that they'd waste time baking a brownie about mean comments?

I want to use brave but I really need extensions.

You guys realize the thing with Brave is it will allow people to shift from the ad driven internet to a more patreon-esque way of doing things.

>women and lefties in general are fat
>they hate being fat
>logic means that making a cake for someone is a progressive act of violence
lern 2 leftlogic


Again, who?

The reason the rise in anti free speech in tech is because women have usurped positions of power due to Jew interest holders and board members in companies promoting them when they're unqualified.

>we should troll back
>when we troll, it's for Good
>let me show you some examples of trolling for good
>"white anglosaxon protestants are pests, angry, asexual"

Endorsed by Mike "Pikachu" Pence.

I was always wondering what Leftists do when we trigger them.

Turns out they go bicker with middle-aged Republican normies, thinking they are very smartly getting back at us.


redpill me on brave and why i should use it

Yes blame the jooos and don't hold state government responsible, fucking faggot.
Of course a brit doesn't understand how 2 dissent, get cucked by bradford police faggot.

>don't blame state government
who the fuck do you think owns state government you fucking kike shill?

> Hahahaha, Christianity is STOOPID, and you sound like a Nazi! Upset much?

>No ma'am. Jesus was a kike and Hitler did nothing wrong. Now if you can PLEASE just stop arguing and get in can get this show on the road

Oh and by the way, where do they mention sneakily doxing trolls ?

I just see stronk womyn whining about muh harassment.

Gib proofs maybe?
Your so cute user Desu Fampie.

You really don't think we can smell you sayanim cunts a mile away?

a great suffering is coming to your people

>virtually bankrupt
>only product that they didn't abandon is a total failure

>no proofs
>ad hominem instead
user I can't beleive people consider everything under the sun kike shilling but not this.
I mean I've heard idiots will drag you down and beat you with experience but the level of 'hur dur the kikes!' stupidity is so extreme it must come from legit co-opt shilling 'yeah user it's the jooos' sad thing is it's 100% organic from the satire, retards latching onto it and thinking it's real.
I bet you think 9/11 was a inside job right?

Like I said post proofs nigger.

>?a full investigative journalist documentary involving literally people talking about the sources isn't proof
okay sayanim cunt
that's the thing about you jews
alwayws lying but so bad at it

>lobbies exist
>lobbies shift politics
Wew lad, I have news for you.

>posts it
Sayanim. We know you. We know all about you.

Oh go counter lobby you flaming faggot.
>Jewish interest holders
Are what? Making bosses around the world hire women?
Literally no boss anywhere has a reason to hire women or promote them below the age of 30-35.
How is that the Jews? You don't think it's just the politically extreme left and years upon years of womens liberation and social/government pressures?
Your such a fucking nut I want to cum on you.

I mean most women do get hired and they get kept rightfully so in low ass positions because they are a net loss diversity investment.

This. You will never break even because of the amount of distraction, infighting , and competition for attention that they bring to a work place. Not to mention dealing with their kids needs and time off or their chronic health issues.

>using Firefox after the 90s


How accurate is this?
Apparently the last few can be returned without storing. Anything else?

>literally women mentality

Some muslim blows some shit up?
Lets invite more of them, ill suck them off too

>trolling is everything I don't like online

So.....they're going to get "Gas All Kikes" baked onto a cake?

>other countries have free speech in their constitution too
>except hate speech which is very illegal :)))
Ebin just fucking ebin

Gas all drumpflets btfo rrrrrruffruff grrr!
You made me think of drumpf!
How dare? Apologize?

Mozilla - full of SJWs
Chrome - ad data collector, full of SJWs
Edge - ad data collector, full of SJWs
Opera - owned by Chinese, Norway cucks

Pick your poison.

it replaces ads on sites you visit with their own ads

Your trying is showing

She is literally retarded, no wonder these people are losing and want to shut us down...

Are there any browsers that will work with the new extensions system and still keep the current firefox one at the same time?

Brave blocks Sup Forums on mobile and doesnt allow webm on any platform

>“Looks like a baby. Awful.” Yeah, well I’ve often gotten made fun of or I’ve felt insecure about looking like a baby, because I do like 15 and I’m 21 so it does make me feel bad. Sometimes I think, “Whoa, I can’t believe someone feels so upset about the world that they’re angry at someone they don’t know.” Maybe I do understand that, but I can’t believe they’re actually writing it to me. I mean, there’s plenty of people I didn’t like just by looking at their profile, but I didn’t write them.

How are women able to walk 2 paces without breaking down and sobbing?

>Lauren Duca: I’ll be like, “Oh, I got Photoshopped into a gas chamber today,” and Tucker Carlson is actually pushing the button.


You idiot, troubleshoot for once in your life, get those cognitive IQ gears running.
Turn off HTTPS everywhere in brave iOS and it will work.
Webm is annoying but just download vlc and copy paste the urls

Brave - started by the guy who was forced to resign from mozilla because of SJWs, DESPITE being the founder and creator of javascript which is more than the worthless SJWs have done

it just needs extensions before I can switch

>not going to listen to some dumb bitch for 20 minutes, lets read the transcript instead
>"something something cakes something something troll cakes hehe"
What the fuck?

Brave is cancer. Use Vivaldi.

Jews are over represented in business, as well as in media, finance, and politics. Jews are matriarchal. Jews are heavily responsible for the feminist movement. This is a reoccurring pattern.

is my statement here true?

>This is a reoccurring pattern.
>This is a reoccurring pattern.
>This is a reoccurring pattern.

What in the fuck did they mean by this?
This may actually be the dumbest thing I've read all year.

ddg is a marketing jewops which was known from the beginning

judging by you're lack of denial that I am in fact correct

How the fuck is brave cancer?

This could be illegal depending on how they do the tracing / detective work.

I just installed fucking firefox to stop using Chrome...what the fuck.

Same. All the other browsers are shit or Chinese botnets.