Is North Korea the last Fascist state?

Is North Korea the last Fascist state?

>be fascist
>literally praise Marx and Lenin
Choose one

No, you retard.

>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Fascism doesn't mean Right Wing / Nazi.

They aren't Marxist, those times have long been over. They have their own shitty fake ideology called Juche. They also have very strict policies on race, not even Chinese-Korean mixed kids are accepted.

Explain why?

Didn't know that.But why do they praise Lenin to this day.You can see on their military parade a few years back they hung a massive photo of Lenin.

The definition is also more complex than that. It's notorious for being hard to define. But no, Singapore could also fall in that category

He's right though. North Korea practices Juche, which is basically left-wing fascism (ie. nationalistic, expansionist, vertically integrated mixed economy with the goal of autarky, extreme social conservatism, extreme authoritarianism). Contrast that with Singapore, which is basically right-wing fascism in its lightest possible form (no vanguard party, nominally democratic one-party state, etc).

>Chinese-Korean mixed
>Implying those aren't the same

M8 do you even Juche?

I was just trying to be racist, but Jesus Kim that's intense.

No, Koreans and Chinese are different racially.

In the same way Mexicans are different from Guatemalans amiright

There is a book that describes this in more detail. I've roughly read through a while ago, it describes how North Korea is actually some kind of proto-fascist totalitarian state, nothing really Marxist or Leninist about it. The author also points out that Juche is just a scam ideology, to pretend they have some kind of scientific basis for their policies.

>He actually would keep chink mixed shitblood mongrels
52% (((white))) "country"

No there are lots of Asian, African, and European fascist regimes that meet the definition of fascism.

I read that book. Good read.

They're the same RACE, retard.

Yeah like coca cola and pepsi at most. Both are the same looking people. All chinks are same

>They're the same RACE, retard.

We are all the same race, the human race.

Didn't Singapore do a copy/paste of everything Moseley said though? Fuck they even jacked the guy's aesthetic.

No, not really and they are very conscious about it, especially the Koreans. Also, it's difficult with the Chinese, since they are spread out over a geographic area that's the size of Europe, so their genetic admixture is more diverse, if you travel around you will see that people look very different in Sichuan, North China, Yunnan, Guangdong, and not just because they have some minorities, but the Han themselves.

>The author also points out that Juche is just a scam ideology, to pretend they have some kind of scientific basis for their policies.
>Politically, Myers is a supporter of the Green Party of the United States, veganism, and animal rights.

Yeah, I will pass the analysis part

Here you go lad, heed my advice

no, its USA

>Koreans smiling
>only spottable difference
>le they are different

Fucking Chink subhumans. they are all the same shit.

Retard, fucking not. By your measure, Turks would be the same race as Irish. China itself is too diverse to be the same.


>. Also, it's difficult with the Chinese, since they are spread out over a geographic area that's the size of Europe, so their genetic admixture is more diverse, if you travel around you will see that people look very different in Sichuan, North China, Yunnan, Guangdong, and not just because they have some minorities, but the Han themselves.

t. burger with no brain

Like you are the same as Armenians, Kurds and Arabs.

Who cares what he supports, he has more knowledge about Korea than the average poltard from Burgerville.

We are not look alikes. You can easily spot the Kurd, Armo or Arab in a place with Turks or vice versa but all chinks look the same you bozgorshit.

you can easily taste the difference between coke and pepsi.

>he has more knowledge about Korea than the average poltard from Burgerville.
He has presented that knowledge through his own ideological lenses (bias).

I'm sorry, but if you're part of the Green Party, that says a lot about how emotional, sensitive and self-righteous a person it and thus I can not take them for serious.

To understand North Korea, you must read its laws first.

t. literal roach

Like I care about your opinion. You have never read the book and don't know shit about it.

no. fascist is anticommunist.
hence the third way.


I've read the North Korean translated english constutition and its Criminal Law, along many others.

Its very alike with South Korea regarding their own morality laws, those being the basis of their authoritarianism.
You see, it might seem like most of those laws might be against the Constutition, but koreans have written their laws in a different spirit so you can't interpret them from an european continental law perspective or anglo-saxon common law perspective.

And just like that, Myers wrote his book in the spirit of his political activism to grab attention.
Again, if you want to understand North Korea, you must read its Law first and know how to interpret it, when its opportune to be applied and its reason.

No, they are totalitarian communists, maybe a bit National Bolševik, but not fascist. Even the Soviet Union supported them and if nothing else, they are the last remainants of the USSR

Fascism isn't just authoritarianism and patriotism, both of those were present of the Soviet Union. In almost all fascist regimes and movements, persecution of communists was present. Pinochet, Mussolini, Franco, even fucking Hitler persecuted communists and socialists, despite his flavor of fascism being called "national socialism". If Norks were fascist there would be no stars on their flags or an emphasis on the worker, or the obvious Lenin parades

>Roach in charge of saying who's subhuman and who's not
There's clear differences, retard

Last remnants of the USSR in regards to being communists but in everything else, they're the last remnants of the Japanese empire.

what are you even talking about?

you people believe all the garbage you hear about NK and nobody even pushes the lie that they worship dead russians.