When you type "happy american couple" into google images


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i think this is a result of them tweaking the image search algorithm to show more inclusive results (more niggers). nice one google.



Jesus I saw 0 white couples lol

>all those black males

Yeah, right.



wtf with the first image?

Is google getting redpilled?

Google is turning 14/88. There's probably an insurgency in the engineers department, changing all the algorithms knowing the trannies and sjw couldn't do anything to fixes it.

Screw that, look at the first result.

>first and second results
>european people art
top kek



they are getting infiltrated lmao

Look at the sites the pics are from. It's all literally people doing this kind of search. Google algorithms simply comply with the search requirements.

It's the same reason why the Ai have been becoming racist because everyone around them is racist.

>african american
This is why
Americans white don't call themselves "American couples"
Blacks would call themselves an African American couple.

You guys are retards.

african AMERICAN
white ameri... oh no that's right.

Because racism is just a concept to demonize biological inclination towards stereotyping out groups.

Yes, they think they can change reality by trying to shame it.

Let's archive it

T-tay? Is that you??

Wtf google?

Even if you type happy white American couple all you get is more niggers.


This literally proves they are intentionally putting more minorities in search algorithms. It thought the monkey was a nigger.

I never searched for that shit. Just typed in "happy american couple", and the gorilla pic was the very first image Google spit out.

Face it, Joe: Ever since president chimp took office you've been a nation of apes. Happy ook-ook eek-eek to you.

He never implied the search results came up like this because of the historic of pages you viewed. It's the algorithm "fucking up" by letting unviewed top viewed image for a search result.
The cartoon by Wyatt is hosted on Twitter btw.

Related images.

Im glad finally google got their algorithm right niggers are truly ape

googling happy couple comes up with almost all white people

Look up for Happy mexican couple and they are whiter than the american search.....Kek

Damn it Sup Forums you corrupt whatever you touch.

This. Do retards on here just willfully ignore the fact that they're basically seeing the results for "[African] American couple" and "European [black] people history"? By throwing in extra words you wouldn't say in normal speech you're throwing off the algorithm - into narrowing its search based on terms as people actually normally use them.

Are you sure it's not just our shitposting getting out of control and breaking google's search bots? We did shift our attention to them when the threads arose so maybe people here typing things like "gorilla' "niggers" and "google" at the same time did this?
>tfw Sup Forums is reprogramming google by shitposting into code

I'm not sure there's ANYTHING blacker than the american one.

Yes, it tracks your browsing and uses the collective data of all of our browsing to try to front-load what people generally seem to want to see when they search the term. With an intentionally awkward phrasing like "happy American couple," it becomes easy to influence the results, because not many people are searching it other than kids on here going "wtf, really? I hate algorithms now" and then opening these results to show Sup Forums.

funny shit!

Looks like the results for "future single mothers"

Images of black people get tagged with african AMERICAN.


Although if you scroll down a bit you get this.