Redpill me on the TR-3 and TR-3B, are they next gen fighters and bombers or something else?

>inb4 Sup Forums get's shut down temporarily

Other urls found in this thread:"John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNttHAz7jVAhUDQSYKHTvMD98Q6AEIUjAG hillenkoetter&rlz=1C1ASUC_enCA743CA743&oq=USSS hi&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.4623j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8[/url]

Remember that episode of stargate when they stole a glider and it sent them to jupiter? Yeah.

Thats a rather specific name for something that supppsedly doesnt exist.

it's actually tr-8
and it's a drum machine

Can confirm.

Was watching this thread last night and read some very interesting stuff. Bump this

I am monitoring this thread

Probably lockheed martin prototypes.
There's been a few reports of mile wide ufos, I watched a documentary on a police officer who seen one.
I don't know what these could be, why would humans need such a large craft, maybe a secret space program

>why would humans need such a large craft

Star Destroyers m8
US has a space navy and nobody even knows about it

It rides on a wake of temporal resonance
it has demonstrated dimensional shifting, cross-dimensional aberration and gravito-dimensional bleeding.
I can't say any more on this

A hoax which has stuck around for years. It's the F-19 of the 90s and 2000s.

Who crews these star destroyers?

Next Gen planes produced with the help from ETs

I was in Arizona during the phoenix lights and it was way too big to be some bomber. You could have fit my neighbor on the thing.

bumping for interest
checking spoopy digits

Haven't we had these things since the 90s? Pretty sure whatever black budget aircraft we have now are way more advanced.

>formation flight of 3 aircraft
>lol its a giant triangle 2 miles wide
cmon bro.

If you didn't know formation flights of aircraft run nonstandard lights so they don't blind each other's night vision. In general only the first or last aircraft will have strobes. Formation flights are considered as single aircraft for control purposes.

the newest ones have cloaking and so there should be no "sightings" at all

Your image is from the same guy who made this patent."John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNttHAz7jVAhUDQSYKHTvMD98Q6AEIUjAG
He doesn't exactly have a firm grasp on reality.

The closest looking aircraft to this was the A-12, which never went into production since McDonnell Douglas was committing sudoku at the time. You might be thinking of the B-2 or the LSRB or the other flying wings that have been tested, but those look more like giant batman logos.

Explains why UFO sightings have been dead for awhile


Can someone post the airforce uniform patch that got leaked? It was a sword hanging above earth with a latin motto.

Everyone tried to say it was a satellite surveillance initiative but the motto was something about the sword of Damocles and it clearly had designs akin to
on it

That's what you call, "break away civilization".
A group of wealthy individuals or high ranking officials setting up a new colony.


sightings have not slowed at all bro

lots of AF patches use star trek looking chevrons, about half of them are training units. Yes it represents a spaceship, no the spaceship doesn't exist.

Luciferian Tool of deception and control for the chumps... project blue waffle mm I mean bluebeam ..

It seems like we're getting much less footage in spite of having more powerful cameras.

nice shilling, keep it up

Don't trust me ?! Ask mister T

show me 1 proof this even exists

>inb4 "you just have to believe!"


show me proof that anything exists

Members of the secret space program

God forbid I don't believe in ridiculous mercury plasma propulsion or hyperspatial torque and instead post actual aircraft shaped like giant triangles.
I'm paid, you got me.

not the TR-3B, but this is a good once recently. lol at the idiots that think flocks of starlings move that fast or keep the exact same overall shape

>when you try to sound smart but you actually sound retarded

no but you have to admit, if they do exist, and you're the CIA or whatever and you don't want people to look into it, they'd probably do exactly what you're doing. why don't you let people look into it themselves instead of declaring once and for all that they do not exist? only morons think in absolutes. there are shit loads of sightings of this thing, more evidence to suggest they're real than not real, therefore the probability of them existing is high.

>Remember that episode of stargate when they stole a glider and it sent them to jupiter? Yeah.
>1 post by this ID
God dangit, Stargate was a work of science fiction, not soft disclosure.

for clarity, there are two secret space programs. an air force and navy, with the navy being more advanced (they evolved completely separately)

most sci-fi movies are soft disclosure

Because usually "looking into it" ends up being "Post links to GLP and patents by a guy who believes in your #woke third eye while calling everybody else a shill," which will go on for multiple threads until anybody not retarded gets called a shill.

>No mention of the NRO

Reverse-engineered craft. A few countries have this shit, not just the Jew-Knighted Estates of America.

didn't Stargate have it's own joke about a soft disclosure show called Wormhole Extreme or some shit?
What more hints do you need?


a soft disclosure within a soft disclosure so to speak

>lol it's clearly top secret USAF program which I of course know everything about you guys

God damn that show was good.

>tfw no sam carter gf

sorry, not familiar with that acronym

i saw one with my own eyes

in case you hadn't realized, there are several wistleblowers talking about these things in detail at this point. perhaps you should have a listen sometime with an open mind

Go Brave/DuckDuck Gary McKinnon, see what he found.

>Non-terrestrial officers' lists
>USSS Hillenkoetter

The actual space program is at least a century ahead of the one we're fed where we supposedly struggle to get to Mars.

how would they make the lights look like they are turning on the edges of a triangle?

You're on about UFOs and secret space programs and you don't know what the NRO is?
Excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical of claims of a magic spacecraft propelled by RF.

>know all the detail on shady space warfare programs
>instead of leaking documents and evidence you blow on a whistle until your lungs give out and you die

I'm starting to think conspiriTARDS are literally retarded doubleniggers.

i saw one in montana of red river road exit in 1994 ish.

>tfw i saw three of these things flying above me about 2 months ago.
They were orange and black.

People make up shit (in detail) on internet, no proofs, other people believe them

I bet you also believed Bob Lazar worked in area 51, kek

Bob Lazar explains this shit, their anti-gravity propulsion uses an exotic fuel source that negates gravity in the direction that they point their thrusters; instead of pointing their thrusters the direction they want to thrust against, they point them in the direction they wish to go and then "slide" in that direction as the gravity is negated. Their craft are forever sliding into a gravity well of their own creation, that's why they make no sound.

>Orange and black
Sounds like a target drone.

Had stuff on supposed government tech, in session 8 but the main message is unity. The material is kinda crazy, so I don't know how real that could be, but also super fascinating.

>Bob Lazar explains this shit, their anti-gravity propulsion uses an exotic fuel source that negates gravity in the direction that they point their thrusters; instead of pointing their thrusters the direction they want to thrust against, they point them in the direction they wish to go and then "slide" in that direction as the gravity is negated. Their craft are forever sliding into a gravity well of their own creation, that's why they make no sound.

that was my idea.... dead serious. I was scoffed at for it. Someone took it and ran after I retried I see.

i'll be there in 30 minutes!

Yeah man just ignore all the high-level whistleblowers that have been suicided for speaking out about this shit.

Fucking brainlet.

Google isn't giving me any verified results. Fuck off with the LARP shit and post actual information.

Could be a B-21 prototype, but I'm pretty sure that's just a B-2 doing a slight banking turn.

(((They))) do that all the time You the chump..

>what are murmurations?

[url] hillenkoetter&rlz=1C1ASUC_enCA743CA743&oq=USSS hi&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.4623j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8[/url]

transonic aircraft make more noise from their actual movement than engine noise.

The U.S. military budget is $824.7 billion. That's the budget for Fiscal Year 2018 which covers the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018.

What the fuck are we spending this all on?!

I called it negative space, but yeah its the same idea, create a gravity well that pulls u forward and uses gravity deflections for trajectory use. I started this project in 1978. I made a flying working prototype in mid 80s. A neighbor crushed it with a tractor after it had a bad flight and crashed over a fear it was a alien. I didn't have funds to remake another one.

>high-level whistleblowers
show me 2 who demonstrably actually worked in high-level military

Parts list plz

It's smaller than a B-2, the engines are closer to the center than a B-2, and the wings are a different shape.

It depends on the aircraft.

Ok, everyone has their theories. Im just wondering if these guys are real in any sort of way....

that is not a B2. I know this, I built the nose cones on them.

hahahaha I wonder if conspiracycucks ITT also believe this guy

> exotic fuel source

Red mercury.

Sup Forums will believe anything that's posted enough without being challenged.

My Uncle flips burgers are Nintendo and he says you're full of shit.

I used to have hand drawn plans of it but they all been lost, It did use lots of mercury and it probably was pretty hazardous.

I showed my blue prints to a HR person once for a job interview hoping my designs would get me the job, instead all I got was a warehouse job I hated for a few years before I moved to San Diego. and went to work for the worlds largest military contractor ever.

If the Asgard are real, I'll cream my pants.
That said, they resemble the Greys pretty closely.

>sorry guize I built anti-gravity spacecraft but all blueprint somehow vanished lol, I guess you'll just have to believe my words, tee-hee
>mfw Sup Forums is retarded enough to believe him
>mfw no face

great resource. this is the gateway to your final red pills

In the early 90s, the belgians had thousands of sightings of triangular craft.
They even launched fighter jets to intercept and managed to record radar data that they presented on national TV

The patent is in public domain btw

>a target drone
as in a drone used for jets to shoot at as target practice? Or a drone used to target things/people?

They were flying in formation like birds but the ones on the outside would rotate to the center every few seconds. The person I was with saw them too, and said they might be cranes, but no. They were way to high, way to big, moving REALLY fast and they were leaving con trails, although the trails were very faint. (Probably because the things were so fucking high.
They were orange on the front and black in the back. shaped exactly like the pic you posted here

The gods speak through our art.

> unaware of Boeing bird of prey
> unaware of NGx47b
These are retired, displayed in museums
Sup Forums , please stop

That patent is not a fucking US Military aircraft you fucking stupid kraut. It's different.

It's a other inflatable BS

The F22 was developed in the late 80s. It's been 30 years. We probably have some crazy prototypes we're spending on just waiting to go into production.

So the Phoenix lights where basically this maybe an earlier prototype.

Happened back in 1997, 20 years ago nearly, compare your cellphone from back then too now.

Pleiadians and Cassiopaeans are b grade psyop

I saw one of those pass through the woods where i live. It had some kind of beam scanning the ground for something.

Tu-95 is subsonic. Mach1@45,000ft is 1062km/h, Tu-95 is 830km/h. 45,000ft is the listed service ceiling.

Maybe. Test flight? See how public reacts?

As in, used to test missiles. They used to be old F-4s, but the last of those was finally shot down a few years back.

The Nazis figured out antigravity in. wwii . they have bases in Antarctica and full on colonies up in space mostly out of this solar system. I know it sounds crazy but check out the secret space program whistleblowers Elena kalpulinck and tony Rodriguez.