Boomers: 1st generation to embrace no fault divorce, generous benefits to single moms...

Boomers: 1st generation to embrace no fault divorce, generous benefits to single moms, punishing rules for single father's, the first to also embrace nursing homes for their own parents, and the first to embrace both parents working creating the latchkey kids of gen x.
Gen x responded by helicoptering their kids, millennials, to the point they are just useless babies till age 30.
Thanks boomers, you destructive demons ruined everything.

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Inb4 brappost

also first to embrace tax funded psyops and propaganda against themselves

boomers were the first generation raised completely by jews

is there a vid to this

Proud and happy to arrange your life for yah neckbeard.

t. Born in 1961 and loving life!

Even if your boomers parents did not divorce, both worked full time, leaving gen x kids with mostly unsupervised time. That's being a latchkey kid. That free time must've felt like emotional neglect so gen x parents baby millennials way way way way way way way way more than gen x ever got babied. The results are faggotry far and wide, and baby people that can't do anything remotely adult or self starting and only at sloth speeds. Tis very sad to see how incapable our kids are after we cared so much we never let them get dirty or nothing. Disappointing failures.

Some of your problems might be your own fault stop blaming everyone else like a Jew


It's mostly the boys that have regressed into squishy embarrassing wrecks that...what is wrong with their hands? Boy-men have these weird long skinny soft hands, or they are bloated digits as smooth as a baby's ass. Wtf? Girls, we always assume, are just idiots until they spread their legs, but, while they are niggerfying themselves into racial exile, and they fuck whatever dark skinned freak that smiles at them, they are still essentially women. It's the boys that have become wishy washy dorks that can't do shit.


You can't blame everything on boomers. I know it's tempting but at a certain point you just have to take responsibility for your own life.

Sage for off topic


You bet.

Ban is a nasty word that no one likes.

However, I don't believe we can allow pornography to continue to dictate what is ethically free in the west.
Have we grown incapable of protecting the women of our western societies by allowing them to be put in harms way, in terms of abusing their bodies for capital gain?

Ask yourselves, "How many women will sexually exploit themselves in 2017 for money?"

Rather the sexual exploitation is occurring in person or online, the effects are being seen in the actions of others.
Countless billions of viewers are in the process of being so desensitized to reality that it's horrifying - and we're likely only beginning to see these effects in the younger generations.

Overall, we know that pornography has negative effects on the brain.
When will we take the first step in repairing society by banning 3D pornography and promoting 2D pornography?


Boomers mostly have millenial kids tho. Usually an early Boomer father with a late Boomer mother. X-ers have mostly spawned Z.

Boomers themselves are kids of the Greatest Generation, who experienced war and depression vividly and thus worked hard to spoil their Boomer kids, who were also being ruined by the Silent Generation who were too young to really suffer from the war or the great depression and became floaty Guru types towards the Boomers (like the Beatles, all silents).

Dont forget the normalization of degenerate sex, drug use, prositution, and expansive social programs.

ever noticed how every time you post a bill that encroaches on freedom and move the government towards fascism, the left responds with an analysis on how its a good thing, written by a jew?
I sure have


Sauce me in the pic my dude.

Whena gurl can bend like that with her feet flat on the ground


You're promoting nofap and yourbrainonporn while posting a picture of an anime girl with her pussy and asshole halfway hanging out. I'm really starting to hate this place. I wish I could leave and stay leave.

Many such cases. Sad. Gen X was fairly pissed by the time they reached adulthood and decided to do things better than their parents. Unfortunately, they didn't produce functional, emotionally mature adults.

>gen x
>parents to millenials

im a millenial born in 91 and my parents as well as most of my friends had boomer parents

Kill yourself

>Even if your boomers parents did not divorce, both worked full time
And even if they did NOT you might as well have been, with large populations being shuttled into education centers with no sense of community or room for parent/teacher interaction, to the point where a majority of a child's life is being raised by mostly nameless/faceless public employees.

If it isn't that, the environment simply surrounds them with by peers their own age. 30+ childrne : 1 adult, it's no wonder they never grow up. They literally have no opportunity to observe adults interacting as adults, or be treated as adults, by adults. Their entire world view is centered around a single authority dealing with a horde of children.