What'd I do wrong?

I didnt even know you could get banned from plebbit..

I'm actually surprised it's a suspension and not an outright ban.

only three days?

I was a PM to someone asking "Why are is there so much murder in Baltimore?" Mods locked the thread before I could respond. I was probably a little too harsh.

Overton window moving?


I wasn't even talking about black people... sheesh

If they didn't want to know they shouldn't have asked.

you can. I once called out one of the reddit founders for being a kike. Instabanned my account to eternity :)


You have to go back


>I didnt even know you could get banned from plebbit..
ceo came back to 'fix' the 'cess pool' of leddit


Why the fuck is there so much openly sharing of Reddit on here? All of you need to get banned and go the fuck back.

muh safespace

Got banned for this


It's the blacks. I swear to fucking god nogs took over that site. /r/blackpeopletwitter and /r/whitepeoplegifs hit the front page way too often.

it's almost like they want me to spend my life psychologically scarring their black children.


They really have no humor

It's because you said ((They)). It's code for the Jews.

r/niggers and r/coontown were the best. It was the only place worth going on there and they shut it down because of "muh feelings."