Are single women taking birth control motivated to seek sex...

Are single women taking birth control motivated to seek sex? I can't imagine taking sex pills for months without having sex, but I also don't anticipate getting laid on a whim either.

Well obviously, why would you take birth control without having sex?

whos that

They seek sex because it's a tool they use to get other things they want.

regulate hormones. fat chicks do it and don't get sex

I never thought about it like one way it makes their body think they are pregnant and in another they may feel like they need to get their money's worth

birth control is a massive red flag

Who is the semen demon?

Birth control can make periods milder.

I don't care how much less good it feels. As a guy, talk with your girl and agree to use condoms only, for their health.

Gonna need a sauce on that one

>trying this hard to look asian

I don't blame them though.


Or even nullify them.
Some women takes birth control because it period is painful as fuck.

Doctors prescribe it for bad acne.

Periods are a mess

birth control makes them frigid and bitchy and emotional.

>chicks are like that already,

it makes it worse.

Birth control was a mistake.

It's easier to say that when you are virgin.

Moreover, some women (like mine) want to be filled up. They feel the heat from the penis and semen, and they love it.

>muh periods

More lies. If someone told you that the pain in your nuts would drop from 100% to 99% by fucking up your hormones you'd probably believe it too

They have other benefits not related directly to getting pregnant. For example, women can use them to have regular periods.

BC makes women crazy as fuck. Messes with their body chemistry. Have had GFs that were not on it and started taking it. Noticable difference in them. They get really bitchy and moody like a constant period. Tend to put on a few poiunds and their skin looks like shit for a while. Does level out for a while but this lefel of interference with nature cannot be good.

does it ever feel good busting a nut inside too. Woudl not recommend for tinder sluts but a decent gf go for it.

Oh yeah can confirm. Told my wife to get on birth control and she's become a fucking demon. Insecure about every single thing. Where have you been? Have you been fucking that bitch? Why does your dick smell like pussy? I don't know bitch

Isn't there some valid statistics behind the pill fucking with their hormones? To the extent that it changes who and what women are attracted to?

Like when they hit menopause and get off of it, they no longer feel attracted to their partner

Sauce on image?

not a virgin

you can control yourself

also I have a secret agenda to get you people to make more babies

Birth control fucks with your hormones, some newer ones dont completely fuck with your cycle, but regardless shit is fucked up. I take them because I have fertility issues and my fiancé and I dont want to conceive and lose another baby.

Many single women take them as a just in case for rape and the like though, so not all who take them are out to get fucked.

>I don't care how much less good it feels. As a guy, talk with your girl and agree to use condoms only, for their health.
??? For their health? You mean so they don't get pregnant right?

Cause if your kid is having sex out of marriage you have already failed as a father.

It supresses your natural cycle, hormones along with it. Generally sex drive is evened out somewhere in the middle, but it also causes random fluctuations. While on birth control, you can feel kinda flustered alk the time for no reason.

Lola Foxx

>tfw fat now :(

Lola Foxx

Every gf I've had go on the pill immediately became less attractive.

Actually birth control kills libido. Source: took it then stopped taking it.

Many take it because it reduces acne. I had major breakouts for a few months after I stopped, but now my skin is mostly clear again.

its true they put on weight and skin gets pale and sweaty. Have noticed this a few times.

>doesn't like thic white asses
What are you, gay?

my last gf was so annoying,, she refused to take me serious. I was like don't take it, I will lose interest and stop fucking you. DO NOT. And she still did. Women are idiots honestly.

Birth control isn't for men dumbass. What was your doctor thinking?

Haha white women

The fact that people are having sex but not for the purpose of procreation disgusts me.

birth controls implies sexual activity

I still put out I really don't wanna chance it. Plus my bitch got the big ol titties and likes the taste so eh.

So it improves their sense of smell? Good to know. All the easier to clear out the bedroom when I want to sleep alone.

This so much. The few months my wife went off birth control when we were trying to conceive our first child it was night and day. She was in a good mood all the time and wanted sex, while on birth control she's angry all the time and it's like pulling teeth to even get a hug.

>does it ever feel good busting a nut inside too

Thats the only way I prefer it. I was a degenerate in my youth though and almost never wore a condom. I do not suggest this now when STIs running so rampant.

>hey big boy got anything to eat

Hedonism reigns with it's cool iron grip. Dark days lay ahead.

>the only use for birth control is to prevent pregnancy

Wow you're fucking stupid. Did you even try researching before you posted this?

Reading English must be hard. He's implying that the other reasons for BC are bullshit.

They just looking to get tyrones hot load in that white pucci

Okay Hans. I'll be quick since you probably have to go let your newly assigned refugee into your home for dinner.

I know that's what he's implying. Tell me one of those bullshit reasons that birth control is used for. Actually, can you tell me how women taking birth control to make periods less painful bullshit?

Turns them into a cunt for a month or so too its ridiculous.

yeah reformed degenerate here too. Honestly I'm lucky i never got stuck with a baby mama or anything ive fucked quite a few unprotected and came inside.

Why? Sex with a loving committed partner is great.
I have been engaged to the same person for nearly two years now, I lost our baby when I was 19 and discovered I have serious fertility issues. Since then we have postponed our marriage until we can afford to do it right and are waiting until we both graduate college to have kids.
We still have sex all the time and I am on the pill.

They all have frontal lobe damage like what Anon5 talks about.

So fucked the west is.

It's bullshit because there's no real cure for endometriosis (aka muh cramps) besides taking the ovaries out, which will make you infertile, which is what you're doing with birth control pills anyway

>but what if they want to have kids still?

If their periods are that fucked already they're more than likely infertile already

And there are plenty of other problems with men and women that don't have cures either but we still take medication to ease the symptoms they bring.

You can take something as simple as naproxen or Aleve for a sprained wrist but it won't cure it, it'll only make the pain more bearable.

Even further, Chemotherapy is the same thing as doctors rarely say it will cure cancer. The intent is to cure it but it generally used to control the tumor.

I'm confused as to why you think just because something doesn't cure a problem, why take it?

If eating once doesn't keep us full for the rest of our lives, why keep eating?

Fat chicks do get sex though

Surgery > drugs
every time

Fat chikcs get tons of sex. If youre a 6/10 tall guy like myself they will fuck you on the first date. I usually stuff fatties when i dont feel like putting effort in or im low on petty cash and just want to nut.

Actually, I take that back:

Surgery > drugs
for long-term health problems.

wtf would you take birth control? Are you gay?

>not replying with TITS OR GTFO
I'm so proud of you faggots.

I was about to question that post you made about every time. Sill though, you're looking very narrowly at this problem.

And in some cases yes, surgery is better than medication. But we're talking about birth control, the medication that can temporarily prevent pregnancy of females that also helps with symptoms of a woman's menstrual cycle.

If you found a 10 out of 10 female that you planned on reproducing fine children with in the future but they wanted to take medication (birth control) for let's say acne, painful cramps or excessive bleeding then is that worth leaving them or cutting ovaries out and preventing your offspring from being born? Sure, let's say we wait for them to have children then discuss cutting ovaries out. I just want to go back to the original problem I saw with what you said. You implied that any other reason other than birth control is bullshit. Which is false and I can see you're easing off that idea.

When I started my job as a pharmacy tech at Walgreens, I thought the same thing. But then I learned it's for more than just birth control. And I've become more open to women who can maintain their looks and be on the pill.

Birth control can affect your mood and thus indirectly your motivation to have sex. I took birth control pills when I was younger, at first because I had really bad cramps and it helped against that, but I always felt like shit in other ways. This shit isn't right. Mood swings, depression, feeling bloated... it's all a recipe for disaster for the sex drive.

I will never ever take birth control again, it fucked with me in many ways and just made me feel terrible physically and mentally. I even tried different kinds and it was always the same. My sister have tried countless different sorts and she also felt like utter shit, same with my mother.

DO NOT encourage your girlfriends to take birth control pills. Yes, nutting inside them feels good, but if you plan on having a future with her - cut that shit out. It's not good for you. It's unnatural. Use a condom or get her to track her cycle and only have unprotected sex on safe days. I've been using the latter method for a long time and its perfectly safe if you do it the right way.

And if you have daughters, for the love of god, I don't care what you do, scare the shit out of them, beat them, but DON'T give them birth control pills. IT FUCKS WITH YOU.

Ofc not everyone reacts the same way to birth control, but it's not natural to fuck with your hormones like that. It wouldn't surprise me if there's research a few decades from now proving that birth control lowers your fertility or something.

depending on the type of birth control this actually can have a significant effect. i had an ex fuck buddy who used to get some sort of bc injection and it made the the horniest, sluttiest girl i'd ever met. regular daily pills have some sort of personality impact too, but i think it varies heavily from person to person.

>get her to track her cycle and only have unprotected sex on safe days
There's a name for people who do this: Parents.
That being said, it's the only approved catholic method. If you want to learn how to do it right they teach classes on it (which are required if you get married to a catholic girl).
I agree with you on all other points though. And I want to add this: birth control used for things other than avoiding pregnancy is like prescribing Vicodin for a broken leg. It might ease discomfort but it's not going to fix the underlying problem, and in most cases it will make it worse. BC fucks with your hormones, deliberately. That is its intended purpose. And it can do long-term lasting damage to your reproductive system. I know three women who are in this situation. This shit is kept under wraps by big pharma and the docs just aren't informed enough. The funded studies are enough for them.

>Impossible to attain portrait of womanhood

If you are a housewife you could "easily" be reaching this pinnacle of womanhood. It's a shame the work ethic of modern generations is so piss poor that an hour of sweeping and dusting and 12 hours of eating chips and sitting on the couch is regarded as good housekeeping.

Women are dumb OP, what can ya do?


it also implies shes not ashamed of being a liberal whore

Except they don't pay for it

Might just be that they started taking them with a boyfriend and when they broke up she didn't want to go through the hassle of droping them, then getting a boyfriend, then waiting till they get their period, then maybe another month (cycle) just to be sure.

Me and my gf gave each other our first times and we chose to get her on the pill so we could lose our virginities without a condom (I creampied her), so I wouldn't blame her if she chose to continue being in the pill if we were to break up.

>Birth control fakes pregnancy
>When pregnant women are drawn to men who smell like their family
>When not pregnant women are drawn to the smell of men not similar to them genetically
>Most women will be turned off by their partner if they come off of birth control to have kids with them

And now you faggots know why everything is such a mess. Women are taking incest pills

There's a dozen other ways of dealing with the problems most people use birth control for that don't involve fucking with hormones. All I was trying to say is that people are too ready to take birth control rather than go for these other options that totally work

How am I supposed to fuck my wife's pussy with my bare naked cock and reliably not get her preggo?

How seriously do you take it?
Are you accademic? or just another shitposter with a dream.

my ex started taking them and went absolutely insane
current gf offered to take them and I her told her nah I'm good

I hate this world, I want kids badly yet habe fertility issues yet others who dont have zero kids.

Protip: the pill isn't 100% effective.
t. a guy who dodged a bullet or two

> only have unprotected sex on safe days

But what about the other days?

I've never fucked a women that prefers use of a condom. You are sad!

Rhythm method is as effective as condoms. There's even apps that track it for you.
Spermicidal lube (make sure it doesn't irritate her)
Vasagel should be coming Soon^tm
Copper cross assuming she can handle the sides that come with it

There's always more than one way to skin a cat user

None of that sounds like fun.

It basically simulates pregnancy, so chances are woman wont get horny much. When my gf started with the pill, negative effects appeared almost immediatelly. Always a

You still get a period on birth control you idiot

I feel like they have to justify taking them, especially on the end of a relationship where any willing man is fair game

This is the truest. Femanon here with a lot of experience being on and off birth control. To be honest, it made me fucking insane. Its been 6 years since I stopped taking that shit and Im so grateful. It was definitely a mistake.


Not all of them.nice trips tho

Have you taken birth control? Most pill packs give you three weeks of hormones and then one week of placebo. Any hormones that stop the period for months on end are usually injected birth control and can destroy a woman physically and emotionally. Anyway, "the pill" almost always entails having a monthly period.

Avoiding an unwanted pregnancy never is, famalam

>trying that hard to hide your envy, but still failing

My gf takes the pill because it makes her periods lighter. She used to pass out at that time of the month

>don't want to chance misscarrying another baby
tie tubes
>fucking up your hormones, ever

most women just lie about taking it, or forget for a while then deny it. or throw them out and try and get knocked up. Be carefu lanon

>(((birth control pills)))
Have fun having your women being unable to feel anything for you.


does anyone notice that women who use birth control have deeper, raspier, and scratchier voices sometimes? I can tell it's birth control because their skin is all fucked up and oily and they dress in a slutty manner

condoms or abstinenceduring the fertile window, duh. This works well unless you sleepfuck your partner, in which case you end up preggers anyway.