U.S Will Be 100 TRILLION in debt by end of Trumps Term

Lets look at the Facts

>4% unemployment rate
>96% of the population is working
>96% of 323.1 million is 310 million.
>310 million Americans have jobs
>Average salary in America is 51K/year
>310 million x 51K is 15 801 000 000 000 aka 15 TRILLION DOLLARS

It will cost 15 trillion to hire every single working American for one year. How is the U.S government going to pay 15 trillion every year when it only collects what like 2 trillion in taxes every year?

Debt will increase by 13 trillion every year under Trump. Thanks Drumpfers

Trump is cutting the fat. He said so Tweeting from yet another golf trip payed with tax payer dollars.

Links or those are merely opinions.

Fuck the goverment

I realize this is a shill thread, but that awful math, and those bad assumptions are fucking with my head

Dont be a false flag asshole like the 25% russia 33% approval ignorance "democrat". It is projected to add 25 trillion more but everybody knows fiat money doesn't work like how you describe. If you have a private job interest is still owed on that. All money is debt. So dont go making people who think the right wing like Bush and derivatives and zionists don't know how to spend money, are all retards

Typical democrat. You are fucking retarded. This is why everything you morons touch financially is destroyed. Practically everything you wrote is wrong. Just fucking kill yourself moron

>4% unemployment
>96% must be working then

OP confirmed for retard who knows nothing about economics.
Seriously the definition for what the labor force is is in any intro econ course

>96% of the population is working

62.9% of the population is working. Not accounting for welfare recipients, tax evaders and 6+ months of unemployment and not looking.

GROBBURRD WRUNFFFT will put the US 999 octillion dollars in debt!!!

Honestly what you wrote is fucking embarrassing. Trump was right "they're not sending their best"

You are so fucking retarded! Fuck! Everything literally everything you wrote is wrong. Not just the numbers but your understanding of how shit works. This explains why you democrats are fucking morons. God damn!

Gay and Fake.
Also, wrong.

US actually cut their debt under Trump. It was obama that inflated it by propping up the size of government spendings and creating fake jobs amongst other things.

All those 'jobs' Obama created, mostly useless jobs within the government, was literally paid for with non-existing money that the Fed printed. Who do you think will have to pay for his garbage ideas? Such a great president.

That's why Trump imposed a block on all new hires and put in motion the wheels to lower the amount of said jobs. Which is part of the reason why the debt is lowered.

This is sad.
Not 100% of the employed are paid by the government. Also the amount of money in the US well exceeds the amount the government makes.


>It will cost 15 trillion to hire every single working American for one year. How is the U.S government going to pay 15 trillion every year when it only collects what like 2 trillion in taxes every year?
Because not everyone works for the Government?
What the fuck? What kind of stupid question is this?
Government income =/= money in circulation.

Did you actually think of this? Are you actually retarded?
This must be a joke

Shit I forgot about all the child labour camps in the US

>US debt
One day all that debt will have to be forgiven.
The alternative is an all out war, but I believe in the power of friendship and forgiveness!

You do realize a large portion of the 320m living in the US are under 18 and can't work.

>Every single American works for the government

While I realize that's probably your wet dream you statist cuck, that simply isn't the case.



That's not how any of this works you triple nigger

I call bullshit on that!