Sup Forums wants to destroy the last stronghold against Jews left in the world, and a true ethnostate

>Sup Forums wants to destroy the last stronghold against Jews left in the world, and a true ethnostate.

What the fuck?

I wouldn't want to destroy them, but if they provoked it, they should face nothing less than utter destruction. It's only basic survival instinct.

t. Ender Wiggin

Ya we should just let them nuke us haha. Take that jews haha.


who cares about gooks?


>being anti-Jew automatically makes a country great and livable

The most Sup Forums endgame to this whole situation is the Norks nuking Cali. At best they're an ally of convenience, never forget that first and foremost they're commies.

>He doesn't want to nuke Cali

In case you haven't noticed we are a r/The_Donald colony now
If the god emprah is told by the jews to kill norks the reddit transplants will gladly die to preserve jewmocracy or whatever they think they are fighting for

Kek mfw Sup Forumsacks and the leftists finally agree.

Getting played by (((the chosen ones))) to fight another battle to collapse and fold a country into the global agenda

>really gets those almonds jogging

nationalism = faggotry.

NK has a couple white people living in it OP.

I think they should be left completely alone to rattle their sabers impotently for all eternity

You don't get to call yourself a world superpower and also claim that north korea is a legitimate threat to your survival

You guys are mouth-breathing retarded if you think NK is the belligerent.

You retards are going to fall for the US false flag (again) and volunteer to die for Jews.

These two digits confirm the truth.

Hey Sup Forums, ever noticed this trend?
Jews=powerful, developed nation
No Jews=Third world shithole

>if you think NK is the belligerent.

Yeah they don't even test long range missiles. A country of peace Duuurrrrrr

>a shekkel for a good goy

It's almost like a parasite that only grows in hospitable climates hmmmmmm?

Were there jews in atlantis?

I just want war, god dammit.


Hey Sup Forums, ever noticed this trend?
>Whites build powerful, developed nation
>Jews immigrate to their nations

If we turn North Korea into a glass desert, they win.

>le BASED commie country with starving children will stop the jews!

Fuck off retard

>threatens to nuke someone

>arms testing decades behind the world curve is now war-inciting belligerence

kill yourself you stupid fucking nigger

because (1) fuck koreans, who cares and (2) we are hoping the war escalates into nuclear exchanges which will topple the globalist cuck zionist occupied government in favor of a white ethnic military dictatorship


>You guys are mouth-breathing retarded if you think NK is the belligerent.
>You retards are going to fall for the US false flag (again) and volunteer to die for Jews.
Preach it. The only Jew I'm dying for got killed by Jews for calling them out on their shit - and he's going to resurrect me.

Kim Jong-un makes threats because we make threats and have refused to recognize their sovereignty and have a bajillion nukes and bombs and planes and troops on their border.

He wuz just gonna nuke gooam to get money fo school n sheeit.

/leftypol/ wants to defend Communist State.

>we want millions upon millions of virile and productive whites to die, which will topple the globalist cuck zionist occupied government

holy lol

Is it my ethnostate? No.
Besides that puggy little fuck promised nuclear hellfire and got us all excited about the possibility of burnt out San Francisco. The faggot needs to deliver. NAO!

Pol just wants to see the world burn, haven't you learned that by now?

Why hasn't Kim gone monarchist and declared himself king of best Korea? That's what I would do were I in his shoes

Kim isn't against Jews

He says while sitting on his shitbucket in the most aggressive modern imperialist country the world has known>when you find yourself on the same side as CNN, liberals and the rest of the degenerate filth.
>trying to justify it using muh communism

Just accept you are being played

Yeah it's not like a sovereign nation wants to protect itself from American aggression or anything


Kim is a based fascist leader not a monarch

His position is pretty much hereditary though, also monarchy > fascism

"Anti-Fa just wants to see the world burn, haven't you learned that by now?"

Fixed it for you shill stick.

If they gave up nukes, they should be left alone.

More nukes = more chance of a terrorist getting one

If they're left unchecked, everyone is going to arm up. That means more nukes around that can fall into the hands of terrorists.

"Anti-Fa just wants to see the world burn, haven't you learned that by now?

Fixed it for you faggot.

Yeah inbred hapsburgs are so much better than Mussolini


gotta break some eggs

The US practices bombing runs every year against the gooks.
The Chinese for three years have offered resolutions to the NK nuclear program which the US has denied. To end the practice runs (provocation from the US) and in exchange the DPRK would halt its nuclear testing.

The attack on Guam is a bluff to secure their sovereignty. They have to appear irrational and dangerous or they risk invasion.

They have been pulling this bluff for a decade. The fact that the media is concerned about it *now* suggests that the US is getting ready to stage another false flag against its own people.
This isn't a conspiracy theory. This has historical precedent.

Why do the North Koreans have no right to safeguard their sovereignty?
But the US, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and fucking Israel do?

Are the North Koreans less trustworthy than these countries?

It's telling that you always cherrypick the same monarch, especially since monarchy has been around for thousands of years

>But inb4 liberals put a spin on us destroying NK to make Trump/America look bad.

These are the same people who would draft dodge and stand outside wall street all day. Cuz "not muh cis-gendered cuntry".

Sup Forums just agrees with whatever Trump says. Trying to find some kind of consistent ideology here is a waste.

We have everything from fascists to anarchists here, summerfag. Sup Forums just happens to have a president now most of us are okay with.

monarchy is the most stable form of government. when you have a competent monarch it is very good, when you have an incompetent monarch it is bad unless a strong group of nobles can rule behind the scenes, but then they never want to give up power and form an oligarchy, then when the oligarchs slip they have to expand the base and form a republic, and as we know from our own experience, a republic is an unstable form of government which slides into democracy which always ends up with a despotism and the foundation of a new monarchy.

We're suckers for explosions

Is NK the ethnostate you want to model after?

Liberals want this though...

>most of us are okay with
Thats nu-pol

>Are the North Koreans less trustworthy than these countries?

NK sunk a SK corvette not long ago. They clearly aren't rational.

We also don't want to increase the amount of nukes among the world. Do you want all Muslim countries to start building them up? Because that's what will happen.

This is'nt "Luck of the Draw." it's "Art of the Deal." Sit back, and get comfefe. Day of the rope bitches. Run, have a heart attack, fein brain cancer, go wild and murder those who will turn states evidence against you. Either route you take, you're going down. buh bye

>muh dik

Kek hi leddit

The United States, China, and Russia are all the ones in charge. They get to make the rules. When North Korea becomes the new world power then it can also inflict rules upon the lesser nations. Except that will never happen. The U.S. is the big dog in this situation and will do whatever it wants without interference from anybody else. This is what it means to be powerful.

If you are not for Trump, there is about a 75% chance you are a gay faggot

stop being a faggot

it was sunk by a torpedo not of nk origin, literally false flag