Live near the Naval Weapons station. Got pulled over for going 81 in a 60. 8 cops show up and search my car. I'm white, no criminal record, military tags but a vet not active anymore. F16 circling highway. Have noticed similar amount of cops showing up for what appeared to be similar circumstance moving violations. Black unmarked Humvees driving up and down I26, same as seen during Election 2016. Ask me anything.
Happening: Goose Creek, SC
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Do you live near any weapons stations? How many cops searched your car? How much were you breaking the speed limit by? Please answer asap I am really interested.
>letting them search your car
21 miles over technically, although most hwys here are 70 so 10 over usually is alright. Basically that part of the highway is intentionally lowered to 60 for revenue. Naval Weapons Station in Goose Creek is a black site: where they took Saddam and Bin Ladens corps.
What do you think is going on?
Specifically articulated that I did not consent. They did anyways, even trunk. Found nothing.
With the recent North Korea escalation you expect us to be surprised that there is a heightened sense of tension?
If Mad Dog says North Korea needs to fuck off, it's serious (Mattis)
Wonder if there are weapons missing
>Post proofs larpmeister
Rumor is NWS has undeclared nukes. They use private contractors just for the gate.
>Naval Weapons Station in Goose Creek is a black site: where they took Saddam and Bin Ladens corps.
Elaborate user. Kingsbay Georgiafag here.
what did you have for dinner?
You just have a shiesty look about you... so they weren't taking any chances.
One of their SPAWAR guys who lost his clearance for alchohalism was un ironically drunk at a club I was doing security at. 90% certain he is legit.
Is this whole NK thing a COG distraction or a all in provocation to lure China and Russia into war over their switching to gold based currency?
Goose Creek is where all the Nukes go for training. I think they also were talking about housing some former Gitmo people there as well.
Have been seeing this all over, white black poor yuppies doesn't matter same drill swarms of cops. This is not usual.
Yes, I'd like you to go back right now and ask the cop if he wouldn't mind beating you with his penis until you jizz in the cup from the 90's board game "Mouse TrapĀ®". I'll wait.
God I hate those POG boots
Did you see any ayy lmao?
Did the give you a cavity search?
That's really more of a Navy thing, I'm a Marine
I can confirm that rumor. I never did find out if true.
when the yellow trains move; you don't
Were they hunky?
Going to need proofs
NYC fag here. I commute by mass transit but my sister drives daily and according to her, this morning several highways had a massive increased police presence - like police cars on the side evenly spaced out. She called me to ask if anything was going on in the news because it's something she's never seen before. Seems like they're looking for something entering Manhattan.
Also I woke up to the acrid smell of burning plastic hanging in the air all day - on the news they claimed it was a scrapyard fire in PA and that smoke allegedly blew 60 miles north to blanket the NYC area. I'm not even talking about a faint odor, it was a serious heavy smell that I've only encountered when a building two blocks away caught on fire. And this odor has lingered ALL DAY... in fact it's still noticeable now despite claims that the fire was put out around 4am this morning.
RIP senpai. Please take California with you.
hence; you see increased activity on both coasts from ASW groups
I've also noticed an odd plastic odor around Seattle today, course the forest fires have the skies full of smoke
You need to click the post number of who you are replying too. Unless you are talking to yourself
OP assumes since he's white, being treated like a black must mean something fucking get insane in afoot.
And you people deny privledge
Subtract 60 from 81 retard.
Did they do an anal cavity search?
No shit shirlock, same police department that gave Slagger "excessive force" for shooting a vet grandpa running away 8 times on camera "excessive force". He's still out on bail btw...
I know I have been seeing military jets flying low and fast around Southeast Georgia over the past few days. They must be doing bombing practice at the bombing range near Townsend.
Army at short notice is making an analysis for a new 7.62 battle rifle. Also announced a space corp out of the blue. Norks are an excuse to escalate and invest. Were going to war with aliens and they take NATO 7.62 to kill.
GTFO this fourm nuke tech, I already said that's your navy shit. I swear to god the only navy guys that aren't complete fagots are Corpsmen.
More than 100 stealth egg attacks baffle one Euclid homeowner and police (photos and video) EUCLID, Ohio -- An 85-year-old Euclid man's home has become the target of mysterious egging attacks that began in March 2014 and haven't stopped. The continuous onslaught of eggs has baffled police, neighbors and local government officials who have tried and failed to identify the source of the attacks that have ruined the man's home and kept his family on edge. "The accuracy is phenomenal," Albert Clemens, Sr. said. "Because almost every time when it's nice weather and they launch five or six of these at a time, they almost invariably hit the front door." Clemens green two-story house sits on the corner of Wilmore Avenue and East 210th Street. He and his wife bought the home as newlyweds about 60 years ago. Though his wife has since passed away, Clemens still lives there with his 49-year-old daughter and 51-year-old son. The house has been pelted with eggs several times a week -- sometimes more than once a day -- for the past year. The attacks always happen after dark and last around 10 minutes each. The family has been awoken as late as 2 a.m. by what sounds like the crack of a gunshot against the aluminum siding or front door. Clemens and police believe the eggs are being launched from a block or two away. The siding on the front of Clemens' home is destroyed, splattered with dried egg residue that stripped off the paint. Other than a few rogue eggs that hit nearby homes, no other neighbors have been targeted. "Somebody is deeply, deeply angry at somebody in that household for some reason," Euclid Lt. Mitch Houser said. Winter offered a short respite for the family, as the egging became less frequent during the cold weather. But both Clemens and police anticipate the attacks picking back up as the snow and ice thaw. An unsolved mystery Euclid police have not taken the investigation lightly.
We need to Wolvarines if shit goes loud with worst Korea, south will rise again
yeah, sure... when black people get pulled over there are 8 cops and a fucking F16 flying overhead. i have a sneaking suspicion if that was actually the case, less niggers would try their luck and get shot.
I'm white as fuck dude, and they shoot more white people down here than niggers. The main ones shooting niggers are other niggers.
Lol. Prove to me blacks don't commit more crime, then.
Fuck off Leaf, this doesn't concern you adults are talking. Ottawa and Toronto girls are the biggest sluts on the plannet after Quebec, not really a mystery either there are no men in your country
Who's ready for the Nork/CIA false flag!?
I'll take any excuse to kill some zipperheads
>Also I woke up to the acrid smell of burning plastic hanging in the air all day - on the news they claimed it was a scrapyard fire in PA and that smoke allegedly blew 60 miles north to blanket the NYC area. I'm not even talking about a faint odor, it was a serious heavy smell that I've only encountered when a building two blocks away caught on fire. And this odor has lingered ALL DAY... in fact it's still noticeable now despite claims that the fire was put out around 4am this morning.
when i lived in boston a few years ago i remember something similar, except that was blamed on forest fires in fucking canada which was like 500 miles away
TFW North Korea can only reach the west coast but you have seen the trash that lives there and think we need to cull the herd a bit...
You don't say? Gooood good
Seattle here, smoke for a week from forest fires
Can the west half of Washington KYS and the rest go help Oregon form an alliance to drive California into the ocean?
OP you seem cool as fuck. What do you think is goin on there in SC ?
lol what a stupid nigger... enjoy your AIDS
Best case scenario pre emptive drills, worst case scenario war starts August 23rd
>Got pulled over for going 81 in a 60
No shit Sherlock.
What kind of car do you drive?
Im guessing a niggermobile or sandnigger caddy. You deserve to be roughed up for being white and driving a hooptie.
>when you OD on bogpills 8 cops. Bit over kill there, hard charger. Also 4th amendment much bro?
Nice try FBI. Car is straight, tags and plates are good, I never ride dirty
They were there, look at the gis property maps you can see blast radius reflected in adjacent property. Worked on a project to remove about 15 years ago. The nuke sub school is about only thing there, besides brig and spawar
Sounds like you ended up on the wrong list, sorry bro. Also posting here doesn't help, especially when you post as if you just used some sort of stimulant.
Sounds like you are a typical military "follow orders" faggot who does not know how to say no assertively.
Did you get an attorney to sue them under 42 USC 1983? Of course you didn't, you jizz gargling faggot.
Can you confirm UBL and Sadam were at NWS 2004/2011?
"I want to clearly articulate, for the record officers, that I do not consent to you searching my vehicle or my person" KYS faggot. Yankee faggot detected
>F16 circling highway
Silly larper, a Viper can't be of any use in that area in support of ground police action, and there are plenty of helicopters available in SC.
Of course Vipers out of Shaw and McEntire fly all over the area but they train at Poinsett range which is "attacked" from many different flight paths.
NWS Goose Creek isn't a black site. If you spend time on /k/ some Sailors discuss jobs and being stationed there. It's a nuke power training school.
Only useful post, thanks
...among other things it's a nuke school. It's a large fuckin base dude, have you ever seen how SOI East/ Parris Island are?
why do they have gas masks on?
>Did the give you a cavity search?
Specifically articulated that I did not consent. They did anyways, even prostate. Found nothing.
Pi.. ? Just mosquitoes
Maybe air station
Makes me want to set that pain in the ass up right now and see if it'll all work
Did any of them look like a pence?
Stock photo, not me
Westchester County commuter here.
That smell was from pa. I've been commuting for close to 10 years and have heard/smelled situations like this before.
No idea about the police presence on the road, but I do take the subway. Nothing crazy there either.
Wtf happened to that nip
this thread is hard to follow thanks to OPs refusal to reference post numbers
Thought I do that by clicking box
>F16 circling overhead.
There's a military airbase near there idiot. I see fighter jets all the time
Circling i26 retard, learn how to read or kys
Quit being a faggot. Ten over on the interstate and five over on surface streets in the unofficial law in SC. You broke it and got pulled. They searched your car because they were Summerville police and they are incompetent jackasses with nothing better to do. The Navy nuclear power school is in Goose Creek and they don't have live nuclear weapons or they'd have Marines securing it and not private contractors, there is an Air Force base and Boeing plant in Charleston, and the Army has a logistical base in the port and Fort Jackson is two hours up the interstate. You're a mongoloid.
>F16 circling highway.
Yes.., It was a Police F16 burning fuel to watch you get a ticket for speeding.. Up next: Hubble telescope re positioned to watch me masturbate.
How is that Schizophrenia treating you?
And that's not even counting Parris Island, Shaw, or the fucking one near Myrtle Beach. Stop being a cunt.
North chuck PD, and 8 cops for speeding? No priors military tags and I'm not a nigger. Come on user, thats weird even for these reactionary faggots
Wtf were you doing going 81 in a 60? Seriously, 5 over is reasonable, 10 is pushing it
South NJ fag here. Noticed the smell of burnt plastic today too and increased police presence.
this is a small piece of the happening that the NK narrative is distracting media from
Like litterally every hwy in this state is 70, they deliberately have that one section at 60 to give tickets. Still does not explain the goon squad that showed up. Fuck some of you are autistic
>F16 circling my traffic stop, because they might have had to air to ground missile me and the eighty five cops
>I can see it because I can see miles in the dark
Another faggot LARP thread
>missing the point this bad
You really ought to just kill yourself
What a fucking waste.
Ten over is fine on the interstate in SC. Won't ever get pulled for that.
Stop wasting gets you faggot nigger.
>takes public transportation
I drive 80-90mph on a daily basis faggot. When I get on the bike it's 90-100mph. Did your head just explode?
I've been seeing that at every stop, main red flag. And as previously stated, many looked like old money not your usuals.
That cup has a hole in the bottom