10,000 Migrants in Spain so far this year.

Other urls found in this thread:

50,000+ mexifags out in United States so far

>Only 20% Whiter
>Africa's population is going to double by 2050, with half going to Eufrica


You know those nigs will never stop coming as long as governments let them in. If liberal Eurotrash governments thing their phony virtue will save the world, they are horribly mistaken, and if they think there will not be a violent back lash, well they are misled again.

I imagine Europe turning full Venezuela next year as the welfare money dries up.

What happened if this was tried in say, the 60s?

Also, it's "camp of the saints".

Better learn to embrace your future, Europe, have fun living what America's experienced for the past 50 years.

>Literally watching your country get invaded
There is no hope for Yuropoors

lucky for the usa these fuckers are only coming to white countries .