>Be me, go to strip club tuesday afternoon
>Talk to only intelligent one, beautiful Ukranian blondie
>Get lap dance, get hard
>Get second lap dance, get cock wipped out without a spoken word, riding raw
>Holy fuck, gonna get AIDS
>Worth it
>Bust industrial washer size load
>6 months later, no AIDS
>2 years later doing hollywood lines with a buddy, telling stories
>Ukranian blondie is his dead friends baby mamma
>Kid is about 1
What do I do?
Be me, go to strip club tuesday afternoon
>wot du?
take this thrash to
KYS or go to
But think of muh children
>turns around
>says hey bb wanna huff some sniff?
wat do?
It's time to be a man. Your son needs you. Do your duty and be in his life. Start by talking with the mother.
jannies pls remove this filth
can you be any more degenerate
Haven't even seen her since that lapdance, and I don't know it's 100% mine (dead friend apparently thought it was his)
Dude, I'm a straight up Chad. I seriously do not give a fuck when it comes to fucking. I got fired from GNC because they appearently have hidden cameras and I was fucking this pof hoe on my managers desk. Kinky shit too, like choaked her with my belt, busted all over managers chair. Come on, bump this shit
Pretty sure 50 shades of grey and raw dogging strippers is about as politically incorrect as you can get, KYS faggot
>What do I do?
you already did.
(assuming your story is true) A stripper who raw dogs a random customer is a woman who will fuck basically anything. I'd uh stay far the fuck away.
Another thread about a Ukrainian chick
Probably the same one. You from Charleston? Lmao
Here's the thing, I'm almost 30 figured I'd have my first by 35, so not off by that much. Women here are litterally all insane. That baby is going to be beautiful AF, I'm a Chad and she's a hard 9. Worst mom state in the country. Guys go to jail for a year for missing child support payments.
Better figure out it;s yours before you cuck yourself "chad"
Paternity tests are expensive, also a consideraton beyond 18 years of legal wage cuckary
Good redirect.
If she was so quick to put out in a strip joint what the fuck makes you think it's yours and not some other guy's every other night?
Timeline, just a possibility. That pussy was tight AF, and as previously stated I'm aesthetically a Chad (with a brain) and women love smart guys
my nigga you in shape?
*blocks your path*
exactly. feels like internet subsocieties like Sup Forums are even more susceptible to agenda pushing than MSM these days..
Weigh 200, bench 4. Guys in the south don't lift either, so this stands out a lot
>What do I do?
Not post about it in the political section of a bhutanese tire reviewing forum.
Fucking lol
It's politically incorrect AF, I do what I want. WTF is with you ocd bastards, we're talking about raw dogging strippers and doing hollywood lines.
Since we are doing theoretical situations lets figure out this one:
>just leaving your apartment, youre going to be very late for work
>get on the road
>car in front of you going very slow
>try to pass, but everytime you speed up, that car speeds up too
>ride the cars ass all the way to the DNA editing lab that you work at
>the slow car in front of you pulls in to the same place
>must be another employee, youve never seen the car before but its a big facility
>you are extremely pissed off about how this car didnt let you pass
>lower your window and start yelling obscenities at the car
>the door to the car opens
>you open your door and step out ready to confront this asshole
>pic related gets out and starts walking towards you
Wat do?
Tell them France is almost as gay as Canada
>Cheap Eastern European stripper whore fucked me for free on a random Tuesday
>A year ago
>Must be mine, or buddy's, who also fucked her for sloppy seconds, cause she would never be unfaithful after such a magical night
Wow you're retarded
Nigger, said was a possibility. And Eastern Europeans>Quebecers>50 feet of shit>Canadian girls
timestamp with proof of Chad-ness or LARP
probably LARP
do you not know how to reply directly to someone's post?
>Talking to strippers
Didn't Aussies literally invent some new kind of petrol that doesn't get you high because all your local fauna was killing themselves over stolen sniff?
>I got fired from GNC because they appearently have hidden cameras and I was fucking this pof hoe on my managers desk
>Kinky shit too, like choaked her with my belt, busted all over managers chair
>That baby is going to be beautiful AF, I'm a Chad and she's a hard 9
>That pussy was tight AF, and as previously stated I'm aesthetically a Chad (with a brain)
>we're talking about raw dogging strippers and doing hollywood lines
Slightly off topic: who else has done blow with lawiers and doctors before? Your 30's are fucking weird, and teachers are all the biggest degenerates. Why did nobody tell 17 year old me this
I had a similar experience. I visited Australia for work and had a one night stand with a Norwegian girl studying in Townsville, but I met her in Brisbane. Wasnt a particularly good fuck, I was drunk af and used the pull out method and blew on her ass. She had a boyfriend back in Norway but I didn't know that until later. Anyways I found her on Facebook later and she had given birth to a baby with dark hair and looked sort of like me (her boyfriend was blonde like her). I panicked thinking it was mine but I did the maths and the she got impregnated about 6 months after we had sex so obviously some other guy she was fucking while in Australia. Her boyfriend in Norway stuck with her anyway now raising someone elses baby. Her kid looks about 4 or 5 now, pale skin dark hair and a little Asiatic eyes but not east Asian. not sure what race her father must have been.
Yeah, it's called opal fuel, but it's only in high above areas
you did nothing wrong
i sold pain pills to my teacher when i was in 10th grade. long story short i was at a house and my buddy who was 22 told me a friend of his wanted some pills and i said i could hook em up so i went and got em, he texted his friend, lo and behold my english teacher walks in lol. i didnt do shit in that class the whole year. i also banged a fat lady math teacher i had at a different school. so yea theyre degenerate af
>take a picture of the back of your head and post it online
I hate women.
>Muhammad raped Aisha
Not this meme again.
School teachers and nurses are notoriously slutty
jesus, is this the picture of the day or something??
it's in every goddamn thread
>sorry commentary: it's usually appropriate
...you raped that chick, didn't you Taliban?
Kill them
Hey Haqqini Network, how do I snag some paki pussy? I've basically had everything else but brown
yep. i had an adult stacy as teacher as a freshman that i wanted to bang soooo bad. she would flirt with me with every other chad and actually banged the chad of the chads. on a side not i wouldnt say the one i banged was fat but a little chunky with some tig ol bitties. just wanted to clarify. my brother also sold weed to my gym teacher
I got a hand job from my 3rd year PoliSci prof in her office. Still counts
Because of this a little while back a bunch of them decided to go for siphoning aviation fuel out of planes at remote airports. The difference being that said fuel is way more lethal.
>things that never happened...kys.
Nice. When I was 23 I had this 32 year old teacher who looked more like 45 but had big tits trying to get in my pants. Constantly flirting and slapping my ass when we were with a bunch of mutual friends. I declined because back then I had higher standards and she fucked some other dude in the group already. I'm way more depraved now I'd definitely tap it. Most young school teachers I've met have been real loose but this one really wanted it.
>implying they can even die in the first place
Probably the most epic was when I drove up for my buddys graduation at Ottawa U in Canada, ended up banging the Demi Moore of 52 year olds I picked up from this cougar bar (litterally had a 6 pack, skinny fit, yoga instructor, tighter cunt than most 19 year olds I've fucked, recently divorced from a tiny dick husband and I'm like the 3rd guy shes ever fucked) come to find out the next morning in the lobby it was one of his friends moms. He also got this cougar (not one of his friends moms although) so in the lobby we overheard the bell hops go "Dude, are those their moms? No bro, I think they nailed those cougars!"
>What do I do?
Get better bait.
No Romanian whore took your dick out and fucked you for free, uncovered, in a strip joint.
> intelligent one, beautiful Ukranian blondie
Does not compute. Bad data.
A stripper who fucks anyone for free in the club is about as unicorn as you can get.
Post about it on your blog you're wasting other people's time you inconsiderate faggot
>what would happen if a jew and an aussie had a kid
Even if this story is true, do you realize how many potential dads there probably are? Still worth finding out.
What I never learned until my mid 20's is that intelligence gets womens cunts faster than anything, especially when you look like a meathead but when you open your mouth they do not expect what you say
Yea I've had some pussy offered I didn't fuck a few ties and later regretted not hittin it. But not many times thankfully because of a little sayin my pops told me when I was young: "never turn puss boy its like money one day you'll wish you'd took it or god forbid need it" lol. Good advice overall.
Yeah but some pussy could burn a cd, *knock on wood* its a miracle I've never caught anything after 92 confirmed kills
Hellyea bro. I love milfs to this day. I'll never forget the first milf I ever had. I was the ripe age of 15, it was 8 day before my 16th birthday. A friend of my brothers who is 8 yrs older than me came over to my house and brought 2 girls with him one for him one for my brother. The one for my brother was 24 and the one for him was 36. My brother took the one to his room while his friend and his girl were making out on the couch. His friend got a call and had to leave but his woman wanted to stay cause we had booze and weed. Fast forward about 2.5 hours and me and her are doin shots. Right after we decide to smoke a joint. I know how to make a move on a chick when smokin weed. Shotgun with her so your lips can get close then kiss hr. I make my move and start makin out. Within 2 minutes were in my and shes blowin me. I had only had sex twice both times sober. This time i fucked her for 2 hours and she rode my dick like a champ. Was one of the top 3 fucks I've ever had maybe even number one. Get you some milf pussy Sup Forumstards. Shits easy and they know how to fuck.
>6 months later
>2 years later
>kid is about 1
are you mentally deficient?
I can always count on an Aussie to make me chuckle.
nailed the chick about 2 years ago, kid is about 1 looking. I don't have exact dates and times dude, but time line is definately within the "oh shit" zone
Fucking whores and sluts does not make you a Chad. Post facial aesthetics and body.
You dick must be seriously deformed if she tells that story enough for some random friend of her boyfriend to know about it like that.
Well shitposted sir.
M8 you fucked a pozzieProzzie from the UTIkraine bareback. That entire narrative is the shit zone.
Look it probably isn't yours these types of sluts usually slide your cock up their shitter if you can;t see it as after 8 kids their poopchute is usually tighter
Caggles my dude, I've fucked women with cunts tighter than a nuns asshole who have had multipl children. Kinda makes you wonder: if there is an exercise women can do to litterally tighten the fuck after basically a bowling ball stretches everything to hell, how the fuck many dicks are some of these 22 year olds taking that my double 0 7 and a half feels like throwing a hotdog down a hallway?
doesn't matter, you do have AIDS.
>how the fuck many dicks are some of these 22 year olds taking
All of them, I know a 21 year old coke who can PROUDLY, she fucking brags about it, put a 2 litre coke bottle up her vag!!!
Granted she is from frankston but still.
Also get tested for Chlamydia you can carry that shit with no signs, and the infection will scar your prostate and fuck you up later in life
Not sure if I'm disgusted, or kinda really want to go visit Australia now. That's donkey show tier shit
this post is beaut for such a shitty thread
Hang yourself, degenerate.
of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.
Jealous that the only people getting laid in your country are niggers? You moorish rape baby
ITT: Basement dweller fantasies.
Rance? Is that you?
kek'd audibly
And while I'm here, let's take a peak at
wasn't the only difference
normal sniff lets you see dreamtime, jet plane sniff lets you be dreamtime
Theres more chance of Bob Marley and a gang of gay Rastafarian rump ranglers storming Obamas home and giving him one up the shitter.