republicans will never win game of thrones. suck it, retards.
Republicans will never win game of thrones. suck it, retards
>brings in a bunch of foreigners to completely obliterate standing kingdom
actually that does kind of sound like hllary
sage, I would rather win in reality than win in some fat neckbeard's fantasy world.
Except TV show has been not-so-subtly cucking the book to jerk off Daenerys for the entire run. In the book Dany is nakedly incompetent and gets everything she has based off 'birthright' and her beauty. She has a literal *army* of white knights doing everything for her. Based Stannis is the only character who is even slightly well-informed, smart, heroic and unselfish. The whole fucking story is a drawn out version of pic related and Stannis is "the warrior" who brings the rest back.
I have never watched it and I never will you cant make me
>game of thrones
>Murderous vindictive cunt that fucks up everything she touches
>A symbol of modern feminism
Seems about right. At this point Gregor Clegain is a more sympathetic character, he never roasted thousands to death with Dragons.
her dragons are big bullseye targets, one already almost died and [goiler] one is gonna get turned into an ice draggon by the ice zombie king.
what patriarchy?
literally a bunch of queens and jon snow are the only ones left
>ased Stannis is the only character who is even slightly well-informed
Wrong. Heil Tywin!
>the only place the left can win is in the realm of fantasy
Checks out
Aww, look, OP still believes in the two-party system
>need fantasy to make our dreams reality
History proves more and Game of Thrones is some old fat nerds rendering of history and he has an obsession with underaged Girls. Also
Danny literally shits herself #winning
of course the enemy is white men from the far north. typical anti-german anti-russian propaganda.
Danny is nothing like Hillary Rodham Clinton.
At least shes hot.
More like his advisor, I forgot his name, is real warrior. That dude is better than both Stannis and Snow.
Stannis burned his daugther and fucked with a hundreds year old witch to give birth to a half-demon. He is a degenerate cuckboi.
Tywin is dead yo
They really had no pretense that they wanted her to rule America not be a elected leader for a temporary time
Liberals are so fucked
She destroyed the Muslim patriarchy in Essos. The Westeros patriarchy sort of destroyed itself.
Also, her dragons are male... at least her toughest one, and he's winning the war for her.
Robert Baratheon was a drunk, whoring cuck.
Ned died for finding out he was a cuck.
Tyrion killed his father for cucking him.
Roose Bolton got cucked by his own son.
Lord Tyrell was a beta male cuck.
Aryn of the Vale was a cuck and his son is a cuck.
Westeros went to shit because of cucks and the zombieniggers from the North are about to cuck the live bois.
As is Stannis. None of the people who are still alive would be good leaders.
Shes fightin another queen for dominance.....
What i see is a bunch of innocent men being gassed to death by some entitled cunt.
That is from the retarded show, not the book
I always fucking hated that statement; Dany is a fucking Targaryen with magical blood, and she's been handfed 2 entire fucking armies and 3 dragons. A competent ruler would've crushed Westeros by now in her shoes.
Confusing fantasy with reality. Typical and disturbing.
You realize you pick one right?