Sup Forums drinking thread

You can only come in here if you'd like to discuss our bullshit world with lovely politics while drinking a REAL drink. Like whiskey n' such.
Surely you all can agree with all the bullshit going on it'd be nice to grab somethin to take the edge off, I've been real stressed about politics lately and I'm so sick of Sup Forums being flooded with negativity towards good societies. By the way, who the fuck really even makes the nigger loving threads? Do SJWs come here and fuck up the place, or is it literally JIDFs trying to slide shit?

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vodka neat here. what's up.

I like my sortilege. Maple flavored whiskey.

just bought this shtuff right here. It's pretty strong. Lot better then crown royal or buffalo trace.

that's the good stuff. Makes what I call pancake breath!

stoner reporting in.

>just looked at the flag
>maple syrup

Just came from a trip from Colorado...those fucking dispensaries are hilarious

Cheap vodka from Russia and tampico as a chaser. What are discussing?

what topic have we not run into the ground?

Nm i just looked at the label it's cheap American vodka they just called it borski and made the label look Russian

How about the McGregor fight, does whitey win?

hah, oh well. It's alcohol
just don't drink this shit. It's horrible

Please archive those

Edradour 10.

I've had it but not the honey shit. Flavor whiskey makes me wanna gag.

>McGregor fight
the nigger should die by one punch

why lad?

I hope so, i think Conor is going to break the spirit of 10 million niggers.

sorry I'm tipsy. We are archiving to not give the jews views right?

Bulleit rye on the rocks checking in.

McGregor would absolutely win if this wasn't boxing. The nigger will win by a technical, just like always. If this was a real right, Mayweather would die.

I drink sailor jerrys and colt 45 malt liquor.
I miss bourbon.
Shills thats who mother fuckers.

Conor already broke Mayweather by calling out the fact the nigger can't read. He's psyoping him hard. Plus the tax thing, fucking kek.

>Sailor jerry

are you a fucking mad man? How do you swallow that shit?

I agree that boxing sucls and it's the only reason Mayweather has a chance. You could probably throw amamda nunes into the octagon with floyd and she would have a chance.

I work in the distro business. Rep. I drink on average around 5 beers during work with different people. More after I'm done to wind down. The whole business is depressing in the wine/beer world. I can't escape it though, pays well when you start getting up in admin/regional management. Sorry guys.

I only drink booze if it hurts going down and kills coming up.
That and canada...booze is mad money man.
It is also the only thing thats not 5 percent beer or 40 percent sugar booze.
Also the girls on the back of the bottle remind me of old school chevys and when people wore suits to dinner and women didnt speak out of turn.

Drinking some cheap blended scotch. Cheers.

MD 20/20 is the road to hatred give it a try


down goes the whiskey. Funny, when I was younger, I was so full of zeal when drinking whiskey. I'd gut it down with no fear. As I grow older, I look at the bottle with such terror sometimes. Whiskey and I use to get along so well, but the hangovers get worse as time goes by if I don't have a chaser. I usually drink straight from the bottle with nothing else.

there's also the added benefit that if the page is retracted/changed, there was the archive of the evidence

Cheers bruh.

hey guys, is it okay if I just drink a diet ginger ale? I leave it out for a few hours because the bubbles burn my tongue.

Anyways I was thinking we should all consider ways to fight racism in the age of drumpf, I think if we send the united negro college fund some more money it could really help the community, the father of my wife's son used it to get education in afro american studies. I would send them some but I sent a lot of my savings to the Ossoff campaign earlier this year.

Scotch tastes like licking the side of a dirty barrel. Why do you fucks like it?

Kill yourself kike loving nigger

It makes me feel something.

God I took that glass like a man. Full of fucking whiskey!
fucking hell I hate captchas when drunk.

You know what's good about everything of Sup Forums? That aside from the SJW and the niggers, this is our home. Everything I learned, from the jews to the reason why I should have a gun, it's all thanks to Sup Forums.

Cheers yah' tormented fucks. It's always an honor to drink with you.

I usually prefer Woodford Reserve in an old fashioned, but I've recently discovered the whiskey smash which I'm trying to fine tune to my taste.

Will do my friend.
>I'd gut it down with no fear. As I grow older, I look at the bottle with such terror sometimes.
Oh boy oh boy I understand this feeling.
I start cold clocking a bottle of Jack and all of a sudden on on a train track or passed out some where.
I tone the booze hounding down thanks to my old lady giving me ice stare the while I drink.
Ruined my friendships and relationships and now I drink alone.
Terrible feels thread if it is one.

I hold it in my mouth for a while, then slowly bring in some air and swallow. Allows me to taste things I wouldn't normal taste if I just shoot it back. Even shitty scotch/whisky can be pleasing if you really take the time to taste it. Also it doesn't burn until you introduce the air.

Double up, i second that. Cheers.

Do you use a glass at least?

alcoholnewb here
what's a good cheap whiskey, my go to so far has been Old Crow and I feel like there have to be better one's out there
p.s. I also need to find a beer that's ok, so far I've enjoyed Guinness a lot more than the yellower stuff.
p.p.s. pls no bully

to you too

So wait, beer is not allowed?
Is Sup Forumsdrunks for snobs only?
Have fun then *insert nigga-lover slur*.

If you like Guinness try a good ipa. Ballast point sculpin ipa is the best ive ever had. Old crow is shit, try some makers mark or knob creek.

haha, good to not be alone.

You know it's funny. When I lost my virginity a bit ago, I had complete whiskey dick. I was nervous in starting sex, but I knew when I had whiskey in me, I was always with zero fear.

So I drink a fuck ton of it and sitting on some couch in a hotel room, and I tell the girl to come over. She was laying on the bed and told me "no, you come over here".
By the time I got my dick in, only the first few seconds I felt something. Then, the whiskey took over and I was just a fucking idiot. It was the only time in my life I wasn't happy with the side effects of whiskey.
Now I know better, but damn does whiskey dick take the fun away. Ol' crown royal failed me haha


yes sir. Clean too. No ice. Well...I'm using one tonight.
When I started drinking some time ago, I was always drinking from the bottle and trying to be manly haha

Old Crow is one of the best bottom shelf whiskeys. Old Grandad is a good one, too. And, sticking with the "Old" theme, Old Overholt is a really good cheap rye.

Can't believe that a Macallan 18 is over $250 now. Fucking jewbags. Had to switch to a Glenfarclas 25.

Johhny Walker Double Black for cheap sipper that's really nice smoked flavor. Random Laphraig for $60 or more or Highland Park 12 for a strong scotch.
I drink few times a year. Alcohol makes you weak, especially regular beer alcohol consumption. Whisky is just hard on the body.

>slide shit
Sliding shit was an election thing, now JIDF and unaffiliated kikes just like to shit up the board.

As for drinking I drink only the cheapest beer money can buy.

As far as cheap, on whiskey, lowest id go is evan Williams or jim beam.

good whiskey can be cheap! damn do I feel warm right now, and this thread is fucking comfy.
Please drink whatever you like, as long as it has booze! I started the thread with only hard liquore in mind, but any will do...

get some buffalo trace in you. It's good and decently price. What is your price range?

black powder is pretty good on the cheap. if it's anyone other than me, drinking alone, i'll break out a bottle of angels envy, that's my personal favorite

pic related

Drinking some of these. Bretty gud.

if you can go to costco and buy their stuff, best bang for your buck. They also have other brands at a good price too. You dont need a costco membership to buy alcohol in a few states, check if yours is one of them.
as for good whiskey that doesnt burn a hole in your pocket:
buffalo trace
evan williams

For beers you should test out your palette more and see what you actually like since guinness will always taste better than generic pisswater but that doesnt mean youre really a dark beers kind of guy. Drink some good local stuff

user has good taste. Been a fan of thr HP18, but prices have been crazy recently

>If you like Guinness try a good ipa.
That's like saying if you like pussy, try dick.

why cheap, if you don't mind me asking.

Don't you like hard booze?

I didn't say it burns. I said it tastes fucking nasty, especially when you aerate it. Like sawdust and dirt.

Not trying to insult yeah son but maybe you might be gay?
I mean I dont eat pussy all the time but I can still get erections when drunk.
Please go lift some weights do some cardio and eat some meat...Dont ever get whiskey dick.
By the way speaking of whiskey a good one is JB and Glendronach 18...I used to be such a snob about it.
Are you homeless bro?

Luls, i get ya. I figured he likes a strong beer...

how often / how much do i have to drink to get liver failure?
Ive been drinking every day for almost a year

>should test out your palette more and see what you actually like
find a beer bar around and get a flight or sampler. uness you're in the sticks theyres probably one nearby.

20 more years or so. Unless you have lousy genes, then your liver could go any time. But you are probably fine. Take a day off every week and you'll last for 40 years.

Grabbed myself one of these last time I was up north. Tastes like home.
My favorite starter was Monkey Shoulder. Runs for about $30, but it's a smooth scotch.

who here feeling /warm/?

Remember the years where you would drink too much booze and make yourself sick? I love finding where your body is numb but your mind can still function and you just feel warm.
Shit, I use to just try to drink as much as I can...those mornings waking up were pure torture.
Anyone else get the munchies when drunk?

keep it up for about 20 more years

need to take a month off though, you're probably an alkie and nobody likes alkies

Reporting in with Troy and Son's Nectarine and Honey whiskey.

>Ive been drinking every day for almost a year

Daily drinking isn't a big deal as long as it's not daily binge drinking. Or at least that's what I like to tell myself.

you drunk, lad? I can eat pussy all day.
let me tell you somethin. I jacked off way too much before losing my virginity. My dick is senseless. It's something I struggle with even today.
Fuck, even on an anonymous thing, I still feel ashamed to say my dick isn't as sensitive as it sohuld be haha

Been throwing up all day. Hung over as hell. Drank a lot of absinthe last night- and power level was exposed.

Blacked out rambling woke girlfriend, apparent I called her a whore, walked to kitchen, took the trash can out from under sink, proceeded to pee in it, she followed me to kitchen so she called me out. Put the trash can of piss back under sink. Called her a nigger, told her that I was going to do anything I want and there is nothing she could do about it, then told her if she did she'd regret it. Went to bed on couch. She's not home tonight, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Probably should stay sober but ....

I remember waking up not knowing where the fuck i was. Somehow ended up at some punk rock chicks house in Compton.

Hard liquors alright but if you can get the same amount of alcohol/dollar from beer/liquor I think it's an easy choice.

Anons, I think I have a drinking problem but I'm not sure. I can go weeks without drinking and it's not a really a problem, but once I start I find it so hard to stop. I bought a bottle of scotch last night planning to have a drink before I went to bed and instead I drank the whole lot by myself in a few hours. I don't know what to do, because the vast majority of the time its not a problem, but when I have booze I drink it every time

does anyone else get offended by people who don't drink alcohol? I wish I had alcoholic friends. I always drink alone.

Cleaning up piss off of your kitchen floor and throwing up everything you put in your body is shitty, definitely damaged my insides

Wish I could enjoy drinking, but the hangovers are just so brutal, to the point of not being worth it. Damn.

I fucking hate that shit...but that's beside the point. You need to sort yourself out.

Bless your heart, that made me laugh. Good luck when she gets home.

monday was my first day off in about a month
not sure if im an alkie, but i dont spend a lot of time around people so im not bothering anyone

Switched to beer. Any fellow Texasfags in here?

don't mind it, you're like me. I respect heavy drinkers. We're tough as fuckin nails and we can't stop once we start. Don't fear it. Embrace it.

there is drinking, and then there is.being a raging alcoholic. if you're blacking out and pissing yourself, time to cut back.

>those mornings waking up were pure torture.
He still gets hung over.
>I jacked off
Thats you problem man...Wack off before the date but if your getting some DO NOT.
Stop jerking off and jelq some.
This guy has it right WAKA WAKA.

Sounds like you are what I call a binary drinker, like me. I can drink or not, but if I start, I am drinking until I pass out.

Yeah, Inheat you, once I'm sober I can stay sober no problem but yeah, binge drink when I do. Have 11,000 dollar hospital bill from some months ago. No recollection of anything

I drink dragon's milk. Can I play too?

I'll give it a go, I had an IPA once and I don't think I liked it but I'm not against trying more
Thanks for all these suggestions! I'd like to give them all a go as soon as I can get around to them. I don't really have a specific price point, just would like to see what the cheapest is I can drink and enjoy. Honestly like the taste/experience of drinking a little of it a lot now, getting completely hammered would only be fun with friends I'd think (no offense alcoholicbros!)

I fucking wish dude...I want my glock back.

Yeah, understatement

>i dont spend a lot of time around people so im not bothering anyone
i hear ya there. still good to take a break sometimes.

Same deal here in Aus there are only 3 Russian vodkas - beluga, stolnicha and Russian standard
The rest are French and British vodkas with names like " red square vodka , Kremlin , Smirnoff "
Whenever I visit Russia I bring back good Russian vodkas like putinka , dedushka , Jewish standard etc etc
Pic related Sup Forums vodka

Califag but moving to texas soon. Don't worry im not bringing anything liberal with me, just my rifles and my ammo cans and my pistols. And one more republican vote for your state.

then learn your intake like I did.
I use to start drinking the whole fucking bottle. Now I know my limits. It's not fun to drink the whole fucking bottle and then drift off to pass out and feeling like death the next day.
Drink to the part where you feel floaty and forgetful. Look at me. I'm drunk as fuck right now, but I know my limits. I can still type, talk, have conversations, hell...I know my limits. I just want to feel warm and silly and forget about jews and niggers.
Just learn your limits, lad. You won't puke once you figure out yourself.

>Do SJWs come here and fuck up the place, or is it literally JIDFs trying to slide shit?
Sup Forums has always had a wide diversity of opinion. The 2016 election phenomenon of supporting a meme candidate made it seem this wasn't the case for a while, but it always has been. Libertarians and authoritarians have almost nothing in common. Also, Sup Forums has basically returned to its roots as a containment board for special cases, as intended by lord mootles.

Drinking a negroni just now.

>I am drinking until I pass out.
Thats the danger zone...Wow buddy
.Yeah man Sup Forums (and yes you too Sup Forums) gives some good recommends on books, whiskey and guns...We used to even make threads about over throwing the government, growing food and conspiracy stuff....Good times.

pedialyte + multivitamin works for me

that's the thing. when I lost my virginity, I didn't know I was ganna have sex that night.
I wouldn't of fapped if I knew I was ganna lose my v card
the ffuck is dragons milk?