No explanation needed. It's us against China at this point. Let us unite.
Eternal American Russiam Broship Thread
>Let us unite.
you fool!!!
russia and the usa have been allies since ww1.
the cold war was nothing more than propaganda to get both nation's populace all gung ho about giving their military a blank check.
Fuck off shill. Russia and China are competitors of the US.
Adults don't invoke brotherhood when nations have nothing in common. The Putinist marketing of Slav-ery seduces the stupid and contrarian, but if Russia weren't a degenerate oligarchy it would be much more powerful.
Chinese oligarchs make China rich. Russian oligarchs make themselves rich.
A fucking ZOG
I'm all for it. Depending how this NK thing plays out it's gonna be up to the US and the RF to impose sanctions against China in the event we can steer the narrative against them.
>nothing in common
Russia is white and experiencing a resurgence in Christianity. Fuck off.
I would very much appreciate Americans and Russians working together but after such long history of conflict its hard to see how.
powers my plums
Any one notice that there have been very, very few russian posters recently?
Are they planning something?
I would totally be down for a broship with the Russians if it meant we could cleanse the planet of filth. Should have happened long ago. Besides, if something happened to the US or Russia and either was knocked out that would mean the other would be forced to handle all this dogshit on their own so they should unite, crush them all, and then have a woman exchange program as western women would do well to learn things all over again in Russia while we get theirs.
Good trade all around. Make it happen.
>that flag
>those ideas
Death to Russia
> It's us against China
It's us against (((them)))
The union between China and Russia is so much more stable at this point than anything the United States could possibly conjure.
Putin sees that Western Civ is under assault and is seriously one generation away from succumbing to and being replaced by multiculturalism. This is bigger than political ideology and economic systems. If the engine that has produced nearly every great advance of humanity is supplanted the future of the human race is in serious doubt. The Chinese still rice farm with bronze age tools ffs.
Two years ago, we were all set to go fuck up ISIS with Russia and France and maybe China, we were going to roll in and rock asses and it was going to be fucking great. I want that back.
It actually would be pretty damn cool.The only problem is our politicians keep fucking up our relationship and you still can't fully trust russia either.Putin has only russias interest in mind, there is really no telling what his real intentions are.He could be planning to team up with china to fuck us up because of our friendly kikes who keep blaming them for everything.
Please provide proof of your claims.
I hope to God Russia resists liberalism and doesnt give in to kike attampts at regime change.
May Russia prevail.
Slava Rusi!
Soros' Open Foundation with help of Russian Kike Khodorkovskiy are literally taking young people from the street and giving them money to shove them into the Russian parliament do do their bidding. Basically what they do in other European countries but in an even more rash and unstable manner.
Reminder that the (((Soviet Union))) funded the civil rights movement.
good morning
Why aren't you on 2ch?
Lets save France, Germany, Sweden from their illegitimate, criminal governments.
Пpивeт, Я люблю Poccию.
I am trying to learn the language, it's not easy. I can read it, but understanding it is another story.
C-c-can I help?
Fuck China.
I mean we're already guaranteed allies, despite what all the media says, there's literally no way we don't side with each other in all out war. Also as much as I hate you limes, you're still our family and we need you at our side.
Russia has always been our greatest ally. The commies took over for a little to sabotage it, but the bond cannot be broken. My ancestors had to flee from Germany during the reformation. Russia gave them a chance to live. Eventually they made their way to Great Britain, and the US colonies, but it was Russia who protected them from the evil hadsburg fags and the vatican.
Build the Bering Straight Bridge.
Put a hyperloop on it.
Reduce CO2 emmissions from expensive cargo ships crossing pacsific.
China, Japan, KR, Russia, US become largest trade economy in the world. EU BTFO.
Is it time for us to bomb Germany again?
>It's us against China at this point
Oh my fellow deluded imperialist American, if only you knew how bad things actually are
But there's no one to blame other than yourself and your own aggressive policy that made them do this. I hope you enjoy the capital that such an aggressive geopolitical stance brought you in the short term, and I hope trading long-term prosperity for it was worth it for you guys
Идитe нaхyй.
soon, once sharia is in full effect
That flag. Just fuck off m8.
>trusting a burger
Nope, thank you
What do you mean you can't trust me goy?!?