Pol I'm starting to lose hope

God do I wish I could just be blue pilled. Niggers and Muslims are taking over and there's nothing we can do- we're too late. White people are becoming crazy, inviting in millions of people who would be nothing but a burden in our society. People don't even fucking like western values now. Even libertarians are doing it. Soros and the banks own fucking everything including the government. Trump is right up there with them, some scum billionare. People are apparently fine with abandoning traditional western values and there's nothing we can do. The future generations are completely on board with it. Gen Z is NOT the most conservative since WW2 I can tell you that. I don't know what to do...

TL;DR Shit's fucked and the world's burning

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>are taking over and there's nothing we can do

did they also take over during the monarchy times or was it the other way around then?

this order is secularism, and it's chaotic.

Sage and repeat. Daily reminder to calibrate your detectors, find shills, and slaughter them

what the fuck are you talking about I'm having a fucking breakdown cause of how fucked everything is not promoting some jew

Abandoning western values isn't the worst thing in the world, maybe they'll find something that works better? Have your own ideals, keep your head in your own space. The world's a big fucking place, you're not going to miss much if you just stick to your own life for a while. Watching the world's problems will ruin you, and people have been crazy violent assholes since our species began. Probably longer than that. You're not going to stop niggers of all varieties from being what they are so if it's too much then take a break and let the chimps throw shit at each other for a while. Getting burned out on empathy for your fellow man is a dreadful affair, you've got to step away sometimes.

How does it feel? How does it feel to know everything the white race has ever accomplished will soon be lost to history? The Forging of civilization, the taming of the natural world, even unlocking the secrets of the heavens themselves will all be lost in favor of a fake history. Your woman are losing interest and your bloodline becomes murkier by the second, Europe will soon be bowing on matts five times a day forever, and the Jews rule over the world's free market pulling everyone's strings from the shadows. Were we blacks actually "KANGZ"? Of course not, but history is indeed written by the victor my friends.

You see, hundreds of years from now when your mulatto descendants study history on their future tablets, they will read of the great kings of queens of Africa who spread knowledge and wisdom wherever they went, but then came the jealous white devils who tore down our kingdom and threw us into bondage. But through sheer force of will and using our strength and intelligence, we broke free of our chains to rule over those that enslaved us. It's all bullshit of course, but according to history it will be fact and the white race will just be "THE BAD GUYS" just like how the nazis are seen today.

So I ask you whites here, how does it feel to be the last generation of your kind? How does it feel to finally lose?

You're being a (((sheep dog))). Its not going to fucking happen. Ever. Stop trying.

We can take steps to reverse things, it's not too late.

Ban is a nasty word that no one likes.

However, I don't believe we can allow pornography to continue to dictate what is ethically free in the west.
Have we grown incapable of protecting the women of our western societies by allowing them to be put in

harms way, in terms of abusing their bodies for capital gain?

Ask yourselves, "How many women will sexually exploit themselves in 2017 for money?"

Rather the sexual exploitation is occurring in person or online, the effects are being seen in the actions of

Countless billions of viewers are in the process of being so desensitized to reality, that it's horrifying - and

we're likely only beginning to see these effects in the younger generations.

Overall, we know that pornography has negative effects on the brain.
When will we take the first step in repairing society by banning 3D pornography and promoting 2D



That's so hard for me to do though. Tbh I want what the liberals say I want to tolerate I want to have a loving society, but all this fucking degeneracy can't go along with it. Why can't people just act decently and earn what they work for?

Just kill yourself

>how does it feel

feels good knowong all those muds will be perma-serfs slaving away in ghettos while g-ds chosen rules over them with an iron fist, and they'll be too stupid and disorganised to ever save themselves

Kk. Thank you im riled up now.
I coach college football and the
>blacks are superior physically
This is a meme I am determined to expose. Most of them take fucking steroids through pills. You can buy them at any low key fitness shop in they valley. Most every nigger in California that plays sports is on a certain type of "over the counter" pro hormone.
Not taking anything away from them because they train their asses off, but whites that work just as hard and take the same shit come out better over and over and over and over and over again.

we tried so hard, didn't we? We got Trump into office by our pre shit posting collective. But now... As Google and facebook begin its genocide on our freedom of speech. Its sad. Even on a grander scale, the once proud white man will soon be forgotten. The human race is doomed. Once the only smart people left die, who will help mankind? The niggers, Jews, and SJWs have started this war.
But I won't go down without a fight. Even if it lands me in jail, or worse, killed. I don't care anymore. But we must not go down without a fight. Even the smallest ray of hope can help us stay strong.

Even when pushed to the end, we wont go down without a fight. I wont just lay on my back, letting you kill me. I will go down taking as much of you as I can. I hope this world burns under nuclear fire. Because that's what we all deserve.


Honestly idk whats wrong with me but since I really discovered pol I cant stop seeing the nogz and the faults in blue-pilled people. Going to work, class, home, its all blue and only fills me with rage.

Day after day every black person I see only makes me hate them more. I went from the "accept everyone" to the "I hate everyone especially nogs". They smell, they're duimp, their culture is just as bad as their skin, and the degenerate Woymn of gen x have fallen to the Zionists. I used to think the nazi's where crazy mad men, only now do I realize that they make a good point.

I wish I could go back

> get to making them babies and do not go into that good night.....

I keep seeing race-mixers all over my facebook wall. It's an abomination, and depressing af.

blackpill demoralization thread


stop responding, retards

focus on the good and how you can improve your own life in the here and the now instead of worrying about the future or just kys. your choice really.

I'm still on step 2 and would like to know how i can give up my lust for pussy and natural love for raising offspring to you anonymous Sup Forums oricale

These threads are always filled with self-assured retards that suffer from false bravado and delusions of grandeur. They have nothing valuable to say. The only thing I can recommend to you is that you start training for the collapse because it's now just a question of "if", not "when". If we're lucky, there will be something to rebuild from the ashes. Hopefully something better than this garbage society we live in.

I hate porn so fucking much.


Same here I know how that feels.