If du.bs
nuke goes today
If du.bs
Sorry cuck! Fresh outta luck!
Now check these digits, Kek ends these idgets!
If dig its nukes never happen
Digits and USA responds to a NK aggression in 3 months
Digits confirm nothing happens
Kek wills not nuclear war, but a cold ar.
Pyongyang gets tungsten rods from space within the next 2 weeks
So something does happen, but not within 3 months? Digits if it's happening this year.
you guys are homos
So long gaybois
NK glassed within the month.
nothing happens if this post ends in anything other 9
Check em
Nothing burger war
rollin for navy seal cell taking kim out with poision apples. chekem
third is the charm
Kek is not with this post
fuck it, kek is out
Rolling for US military action against the Norks, BTFO of gooks once and for all
absolutely nothing happens in the next 3 weeks
Checked. Navy Seal takedown with Poison Apples Confirmed. The Snow White plan
Trying to force kek's will is heresy. It must come naturally.
He's bluffing. Fuck your false profit Kek.
The area code corresponding to the last three digits of my post is getting glassed
checked. praise and bow before kek
This. Ya'll are niggers.
This Saturday.
your lack of faith is disturbing, and your digits say otherwise
Kimmie will go for LA instead of Guam
Praise Kek! USA will stand undefeated!
I am to go stuff pizza in my facehole. Checkum
i lov kek
devoid of dopels, allow me to correct this oversight.
fuck lemmy try again
If repeating #'s in my post then nukes go off in 25 minutes
Just a test. I dont have any pizza just catfood. Gonna go eat cat foos bc i am a nigger. Checkem
if i get tripww3 now
and now
all you'll cowards don't post his name in vain
which i will do in my next post, in the next month or so
its really not hapingng
my du.bs say its not happening
sorry Sup Forums
You guys are all idiots. This is all fake and doesn't mean anything.
Digits dont lie
prove it
Not happening.
A new age is upon us.
jhesus fuck that photo
Kek is planning something bigger and this is all just a shitshow.
rolling for Nork Extinction.
if get nukes dont real
The fire rises
Is it actually possible we've contacted some Cthullu level God who speaks through randomized digits?
Kek as we know seems to want chaos and the election of Trump has been one of the most chaotic things
I wouldn't be suprised if he wished for some war to bring the chaos to another level
tomorrow morning faggot
Shit is going down in exactly 3 hours
drop that nuke, shove that nuke in there and blow it all right to kingdom fucking come, kek i call upon thee
nukes in commiefornia pls
You're all doing it wrong
Kek is deaf he can not hear our prayers nor he can hear our questions
He can only give us answers
North Korea will be obliterated.
The power that be will it.
Kek hungers.
kimchi exports will come to a shocking halt
>kimchi exports will come to a shocking halt
never thought about it this way...
indeed, if the kimchi market doesn't stabilize, we are facing cabbage induced global financial collapse
It will happen on Sunday.
It's going to happen during the eclipse on the 21st
This is a board of peace. No digits for war.
The nuke will be dropped tomorrow.