My gf listens to Lenny Kravitz. She really likes the music, physical discography and shit, but also says she has and always had an inmense attraction to the nigger. I also enjoyed listening to that ape ocasionally, so this brings us to the question. Am I a cuck if I listen to Lenny Kravitz given the context? Is it like she's getting BLACKED? Should I break up?

>pic not related

leave her ASAP. will not end well. also, not surprised you have a kekistan flag lol

>she has and always had an inmense attraction to the nigger
>not seeing the immense red flag
you are very cuck

>Hating Lenny


Jewish indoctrination mate. Your woman is poisoned.

She literally wants to get fucked by a Nigger jew and you're okay with that?

Fuck her hard, dominate her and tell her to listen to WHITE music.

You are just for asking. What a pathetic fagot. Would Kenny kravitz ask if hes a cuck on Kazakhstani scuba diving boards?

what the fuck is this thread

I thank God I am not in your position. I don't think your relationship will end well. Being single is so relaxing.

>Lenny Kravitz
What the fuck is going on here?

Try asking