How many nazis here are atheist?
Adolf Hitler is Christian
so im curious to see atheist nazis
How many nazis here are atheist?
Adolf Hitler is Christian
so im curious to see atheist nazis
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Hitler wasn't Christian but he wasn't an atheist neither.
Noone knows what exactly he was. Maybe just agnostic.
Are there any atheist nazis here?
lip service doesn't change the fact that he followed teh nihlist, atheist, God murdering, justice-bare tradition of those who reject God
Thats so fucking disgusting
Are you pure atheist or agnostic? Agnostic I can accept, atheist diserve the tree
What about christian nazi?
It's not disgusting.
This is disgusting.
oh shit...fucking kill me.
>Hitler wasn't Christian
He put Volk in-front of Christ. This is THE reason why he/we lost.
Amazing Atheist ain't so bad now huh cuck?
Now you're an atheist.
How important is the Church for Nat Soc? I would supposed not that important since the nation comes first
The Church and Circumcision come first in Nat Soc.
Nope both are pretty gross.
>been an atheist for past 5 years
>idea of God starts to make sense to me
>don't follow a particular religion yet, but generally agree with christian morals
Am I alone in this?
Honestly, this will set you straight.
Yes there are many Pro White atheists here and Adolf Hitler was not a Christ-cuck.
>using Hitler election quotes where he wanted to get more votes to prove that he is christian.
Look at some of his quote about religion post-1934...
Look... Hitler wasnt christian but he also wasn't pagan or atheist.
Hitler believed christianity is a dying religion(which unfortunately is true) and was weakening the volk with its meekness and mercy. Especially knowing how much Popes during fascist times were extreme anti-fascists faggots.
Atheist in his opinion was ultimate nihilist outlook which only serves as waypoint to bolshevism.
Paganism was a dead religion and most of their revivalists never truly believe in what they are saying or are most fanatical occultist degenerates around.
He took inspirations from people like Hegel and Schopenhauer who had very different outlook on faith.
Third Reich was very secular state in which most religions were treated equally and somewhat respected.
Hitler believed in universe as his God and had faith in destiny of his own volk, but we will never be sure exactly what he believed.
watch this to understand why modern christianity is dying
Yes, basically. I'm an atheist and I would consider myself a National Socialist.
Im a Atheist Nazi too
A Non-Marxist Atheist that is.
>be edgy dumbs
>larp natsoc
>post on Sup Forums
>think you're being cool
Stay classy, Sup Forums.
I am the founder of a new National Socialist party here in Canada.
I am not a Christian, but I am deeply spiritual. I don't have any answers for faith, I am faithful, that is all. I do not worship Christ although sometimes I wish I could.
I believe in the harmony of Nature, and the order of National laws, and I believe in many "Pagan" things but I don't hail the "Old Gods" either.
I put unwavering faith in a force within the universe that exists and shapes the way we are, and the times we live in, and that there is no such thing as happenstance.
I believe we're all born to fulfill a task, and we all have our own tasks.
However we can choose to ignore our fate or we can choose to follow the course of destiny.
That is what I believe.
I love how Sup Forums despises SJWs for labeling everyone but can't interact with anyone without obviously be obsessed with whatever political afflictions you are.
I know this is brainlet tier bait, but still.
If you don't like it, don't fucking repost.
No body cares about liberal eu flag post's in this day N' age.
Go be a nigger somewhere else like or
a fucking leaf
Christcucks are a dying breed of weak faggots letting their nations be over run with foreigners because muh jeebus was a refugee. Christians are the ones giving so much aid to the third world. Any white ethnostate would be better without cuckstianity. Christcucks are the ones who love immigrants and want to uplift the third world off our back
Christ just kys already you cringey faggot