Trumps scandals and follows are so openly and obviously crazy and stupid that they male Bushs scandals look like james...

Trumps scandals and follows are so openly and obviously crazy and stupid that they male Bushs scandals look like james Bond plots in comparison..

I know 10 year olds who feel like they can see through him. Dan Quale looked better than this. Every comedian i used to find
Annoying has free reign to take him down as much as possible

Other urls found in this thread:

this post is bad and you should feel bad

Alt right are sexless virgins. Pol are basement neckbearded cucks

None of them are actual scandals. Just made up or overblown garbage phrased in sensational ways to manipulate retarded cum-gargling leftshits, like yourself.

You know, if he never gets around to killing anyone, he may not go down as a worse president than James Buchanan, but stay tuned.

You are very gullible my friend... Why else would every news outlet report this stuff?

Not an argument

Everyone is out to get him. He became too successful without the jewinfluence.
Trump is passed about 911 inside job because he lost a lot of friends. He's going to take down the deep state, break the corruption and likely take himself out with it. He's surrounded himself in God fearing Patriots and when the judgement day comes, the luciferians and satanists will all fall

.02 and so forth

Is OP a slave wage shill, furiously posting the crap his globalist masters command him to, or an AI bot programmed to post garbage and "argue" with people? The world may never know...

Please provide the names of five reliable, alternative news sources.

If you name Return of Kings you're retarded.

being investigated in business is very different than being investigated in politics kiddo

I wonder which person's actions before the election led to the destabilization of the middle east

>10 yos see through him
>follows male james
who the FUCK is this hillary person everyone keeps posting lately


Oh? How is it different then?


niggers gonna nig

Ooh how fucking edgy. Did you go back to elementry school yet?

its gonna be sad when you all get to heaven and your buddy Donald won't be with you.
What with passing a camel through the eye of a needle and all that...

>Thinking Trump's companies = Trump
>Thinking petty,routine business disputes is worse than Hillary committing treason, destroying evidence and committing perjury


Who is Seth Rich?

Seth Rich was a man shot in the back for exposing the fraud the Clintons and her Russian mob ties Podesta the child molesta had surrounding Pay for Play schemes.

Specifically for selling out US interests when running for President on the DNC ticket.

>Samefags with a Nazi flag
Massive faggot

I never used a nazi flag you brainless sexless virgin loser. Go get laid and stop fantasizing about blacks and jews

>this delusion

you're a dumb cunt. shut up burger. anyone that believes the half of news outlets that say Trump is guilty are lying. Burger cuck.

Nice sources Cletus

and yet, here you are.

>deposits $.02
That's funny. thanks for the laugh shill.

It's kissless, not sexless. David Brock is going to fire you, and you will no longer have the hopes of running your slender fingers through his crunchified styled hair.

Oh so you favor black cocks. I get it


That bold and crunchy pompadour has slipped through your delicate fingers.

You mean 75$ a week